Zubaida Bai: A simple birth kit for mothers in the developing world
Zubaida Bai: O simplă trusă de nașteri pentru mamele din tările în curs de dezvoltare
Zubaida Bai innovates health and livelihood solutions for underserved women and girls around the world. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
în care mă veți asculta,
that you will listen to me,
în timp ce își nășteau copiii:
și corpul ei e pregătit să nască;
be prepared for birth;
instrumentelor de bază, curate,
of access to basic clean tools
mor anual în țările în dezvoltare,
die every single year
to basic cleanliness
la curățenia de bază
într-o după-masă fierbinte de vară,
femei și am ascultat nevoile lor,
and listening to their needs,
on how she delivered babies in her house.
cum aduce ea copii pe lume, în casa ei.
și interesantă cu ea,
conversation with her
calling to do what she was doing,
ca pe o chemare profundă,
to deliver the babies?
pentru a ajuta la nașteri?”
bebelușul de mamă”, mi-a spus.
the mother and the baby," she said.
țineam șocată în mână unealta agricolă.
agricultural tool in my hand in shock.
am îmbrațișat-o și am plecat.
hugged her and walked away.
ale propriei mele infecții
of my own infection
după ce am născut,
for a year past childbirth
to the best medical care,
îngrijire medicală,
with my father,
care și-a pierdut mama la naștere,
would be so different
că ar fi fost viața lui
just next to him growing up.
când a crescut.
am început procesul meu de documentare.
I started my process of research.
să aflu că era un produs
that there was a product out there
based on availability of funding.
am fost șocată din nou.
I was in shock again.
așa ceva ca să-mi nasc copiii.
to deliver my baby, I thought.
I went back to the women,
m-am întors la femei,
experimentaseră produsul.
of using this product.
the same reaction and more.
ba chiar mai mult.
deliver on a floor
cu sânge peste tot.
that smeared blood all over.
mai multe infecții.
it would cause more infection.
to bacterial infection
o autostradă de infecții bacteriene
that men used for shaving,
folosită de bărbați la bărbierit
anywhere close to them.
ca cineva să regândească acest produs
to redesign this product,
consulted in this process.
consultate în acest proces.
nevoia nu era doar în case,
was not only in homes
with high-volume births.
unde aveau loc multe nașteri.
were even more daunting.
izolate, era și mai descurajatoare.
Am făcut din asta țelul meu.
adunând păreri, dezvoltând prototipuri,
by collecting feedback,
researching global protocols.
pentru cercetarea protocoalelor globale.
cu fiecare prototip,
we went back to the women
că avem ce trebuie pentru ele.
este că aceste femei,
was that these women,
pe sănătate și starea de bine.
on their health and well-being.
a well-designed product
working with experts,
și cu femeile însele
an easy process at all,
decât produsul deja existent pe piață,
the existing product was offered for,
to deliver "janma,"
am reușit să oferim janma,
conține o pătură ce absoarbe sângele
a blood-absorbing sheet
a bar of soap, a pair of gloves
to wipe the baby clean.
in a beautiful purse
as a gift after all her hard work,
as a symbol of prosperity.
ca simbol al prosperității.
Can I keep it?"
când voi avea următorul copil?”
"Will you give me a different color
that this was the first purse
pe care a avut-o vreodată!
and its simplicity,
globally recommended medical protocol
acceptat la scară mondială,
obiceiuri încetățenite.
to follow steps one after the other.
but also in institutional settings.
cât și în instituții.
over 600,000 mothers and babies
și bebeluși din întreaga lume.
to watch these numbers grow,
să văd acest număr crescând
we reach a hundred million.
la o sută de milioane.
de sănătatea femeilor nu se termină aici.
that require low-cost interventions.
care cer intervenții minore.
that if we invest in women and girls
și le oferim sănătate și un mediu bun,
health and well-being,
mai sănătoase și prospere.
and prosperous communities.
soluțiilor demne și simple:
and dignity to women's health issues:
la distrugerea tabuurilor,
to breaking taboos,
to take control of their own lives.
în a fi stăpânele propriilor vieți.
without engaging men and women alike
femei și bărbați din toată lumea.
by Leonard Cohen:
ale lui Leonard Cohen:
Uită-ți jertfa perfectă.
Așa intră lumina.”
Dar avem nevoie de mai multă.
placed in the world of women's health
îndreptate spre sănătatea femeilor
are at the center of a sustainable world,
unei lumi sustenabile
Zubaida Bai - Women's health advocateZubaida Bai innovates health and livelihood solutions for underserved women and girls around the world.
Why you should listen
Building on her expertise as a mechanical engineer, a social worker and her public speaking skills, Zubaida Bai put her unique passion to work. In the process, she built a brand and a product line, and she set in motion a movement that addresses market failures, breaks taboos and gives voice to the oft-ignored matter that is women’s health.
Bai is the founder and CEO of ayzh (pronounced "eyes"), a social enterprise based in India that designs vital healthcare products to improve the health and happiness of women and girls across their reproductive lives. Bai launched her company with janma, a $3 clean birth kit in a purse, but her story goes further back to when she stood by her mother to face head-on the challenge of survival facing her family when she had just entered her teens.
janma was conceived after traveling to one of the poorest communities in India and confronting the reality that more than one million mothers and babies lose their lives in the developing world each year due to uncleanliness at the time of childbirth. Packaged in a pink biodegradable jute bag, a design that mothers can reuse as a purse, the kit provides both cleanliness and dignity. Since beginning sales in 2012, Bai's company has sold more than 250,000 kits to more than 300 health institutions in 20 countries, touching the lives of more than 500,000 women and newborns. Bai is now expanding her product line to include kits for newborn, postpartum and menstrual health, while scaling her proven model across India and into Africa.
Bai was selected as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum, a Maternal Health Champion by Ashoka, a TED speaker (Fellow and Resident) and the United Nations SDG Pioneer by the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC). ayzh's strategic partners from around the world who have written about Zubaida's work: TOMS shared her safe birth story; USAID blogged about how she's empowering women through a simple purse; and Grand Challenges Canada recognizes her lead role in scaling life-changing kits for mothers and newborns.
Bai believes that building a sustainable company takes a great team, stamina and a sturdy suitcase. She is fluent in eight languages and travels the world forging new partnerships and advocating for women's health. She has spoken at events for Women in the World, Pfizer Foundation and Women Deliver. She holds a master's degree in mechanical engineering specializing in development of modular products, and an MBA in social and sustainable enterprises.
Zubaida Bai | Speaker | TED.com