Martine Rothblatt: My daughter, my wife, our robot, and the quest for immortality
Martine Rothblattová: Moja dcéra, moja manželka, náš robot a hľadanie nesmrteľnosti
Whether she’s inventing satellite radio, developing life-saving drugs or digitizing the human mind, Martine Rothblatt has a knack for turning visionary ideas into commonplace technology. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
what we're going to do is
that you shared with me.
ktoré ste mi ukázali.
right here with this one.
with our oldest son Eli.
s naším najstarším synom Elim.
the Washington, D.C. bar exam.
vo Washingtone D.C.
really look like a Martine.
nevyzerá celkom ako Martine.
the way I was brought up.
tak, ako som bola vychovaná,
to female and Martin to Martine.
na ženu a z Martina na Martine.
you married a beautiful woman.
ste si vzali krásnu ženu.
What happened there?
Ako sa to stalo?
in Los Angeles,
diskotéke v Los Angeles
I saw just an aura of energy around her.
som si okolo nej všimla auru energie.
of energy around me.
okolo mňa videla auru energie.
She was a single female parent.
Ona bola slobodná matka.
our kids' pictures,
for a third of a century now.
sme šťastní manželia.
kind of this hotshot entrepreneur,
v biznise veľmi darilo,
dve úspešné spoločnosti.
addressing this problem
to revolutionize radio.
prostredníctvom satelitu.
loved space technology,
like the canoes that our ancestors
ako kanoe, ktoré naši predkovia
to be part of the navigation
byť súčasťou objavnej plavby
of satellite communication systems,
satelitných komunikačných systémov,
bigger and more powerful satellites,
stále väčšie a silnejšie satelity,
was that the receiving antennas
direct television broadcasting,
televíznym vysielaním
a more powerful satellite,
vyrobili silnejší satelit,
of a parabolic dish,
parabolickej antény,
into the roof of an automobile,
v streche auta,
nationwide satellite radio,
celoštátne satelitné rádio.
your monthly subscriptions.
all predictions at the time.
všetkým pôvodným predpovediam.
deväťdesiatych rokov,
and you became Martine.
a stala sa z vás Martine.
CA: So tell me, how did that happen?
CA: Povedzte mi, ako sa to stalo?
and our four beautiful children,
a našimi štyrmi krásnymi deťmi,
and as a woman,
že moja duša bola vždy ženská,
laugh at me if I expressed it,
budú smiať, ak ju prejavím,
had a different take on this.
is Martin and Martine,
Martin alebo Martine,
I love your soul."
will you still be my father?"
budeš stále mojím otcom?“
I'll always be your father,"
vždy budem tvojím otcom,“
brilliant five-year-old thing.
na päťročné dieťa niečo úžasné.
and she loves me."
môjho ocka a on ľúbi mňa.“
with a gender blending whatsoever.
pohlavia žiadny problém.
you published this book:
ste vydali knihu
are seven billion people in the world,
že na svete je 7 miliárd ľudí,
to express one's gender.
spôsobov, ako vyjadriť svoje pohlavie.
the genitals of a male or a female,
alebo ženské genitálie,
whatever gender they want
pohlavie, aké chcú,
into categories of either male or female
byť mužom alebo ženou podobne,
into categories of black or white.
ľudí rozdeľovať na čiernych a bielych.
that race is fiction,
is a constructed fiction.
je len vykonštruovaný výmysel.
from male to female.
mužských a ženských vlastností.
feel 100 percent female.
ako stopercentná žena.
že v istom zmysle
as I change my hairstyle.
tak často ako účes.
your gorgeous daughter, Jenesis.
vaša nádherná dcéra, Jenesis.
when something pretty terrible happened.
sa jej stalo niečo dosť hrozné.
unable to walk up the stairs
almost invariably fatal disease
takmer určite smrteľnú chorobu
to the best doctors we could.
nájsť tých najlepších lekárov.
Medical Center in Washington, D.C.
lekárskom centre vo Washingtone D.C.
to get a lung transplant,
pre ňu transplantát pľúc,
very few lungs available,
with this illness died,
s touto chorobou zomreli
the film "Lorenzo's Oil,"
film Liek pre Lorenza,
crying and bemoaning the fate of his son,
s plačom nad osudom svojho syna,
how we felt about Jenesis.
as the limit of what you could do.
a nenechali to tak.
and see if you could find a cure somehow.
vy nejako nemohli objaviť liek.
care ward for weeks at a time,
na jednotke intenzívnej starostlivosti
to stay at the hospital
aby pri nej niekto stále bol,
the rest of the kids,
and she was sleeping,
on pulmonary hypertension.
hypertenzii, ktorý som našla.
even in college,
ani na vysokej škole,
to a college-level textbook
všetky učebnice biológie,
and the journal articles, back and forth,
a potom vedecké časopisy
that it might be possible
aby som si myslela,
asking people to submit grants
som žiadala ľudí o granty,
doctors said to me, Martine,
doktori mi povedali: Martine,
you've provided us,
ktoré ste nám poskytli,
to find a cure in time
nájsť liek dostatočne skoro na to,
Burroughs Wellcome Company
Burroughs Wellcome
of the disease,
been acquired by Glaxo Wellcome.
kúpila spoločnosť Glaxo Wellcome.
and orphan diseases,
in satellite communications
lieku na pľúcnu hypertenziu
for pulmonary hypertension.
zo satelitnej komunikácie.
access to this drug?
and having the door slammed in my face
a zabuchli mi dvere pred nosom,
to out-license the drug
out to anybody at all,
ten liek vôbec nikomu,
I didn't have the expertise,
mám odborné znalosti,
a small team of people to work with me
skupinku ľudí, aby so mnou spolupracovali,
would even work, by the way,
že tento liek bude fungovať,
"You're just wasting your time.
of any revenues we might ever get,
z každého budúceho zisku,
worldwide rights to this drug.
na ten liek celosvetovú licenciu.
in a really brilliant way,
na trh naozaj úžasným spôsobom,
to make the economics work.
sumu na to, aby to ekonomicky fungovalo.
a drug that I ended up --
liek, aký som potrebovala,
the medicine for Jenesis?"
„Kde je ten liek pre Jenesis?“
there's no medicine for Jenesis.
nemáme pre Jenesis žiadny liek.
a little plastic Ziploc bag
to žiadnemu človeku,“
which said it was a patent,
že ide o patent,
a way to make this medicine.
at the top universities
v Spojených štátoch sa zhodla na tom,
could never be turned into a medicine.
it could never be delivered
nikdy by nemohol byť distribuovaný,
of only 45 minutes.
bol iba 45 minút.
you were there with a medicine
is that this absolutely worthless
že táto absolútne bezcenná trocha prášku,
of hope for Jenesis
and other people alive today,
a ďalších ľudí pri živote,
and a half dollars a year in revenue.
1,5 miliardy dolárov ročne.
by the way, after that 25,000?
Glaxu okrem tých 25 000?
10 percent of 1.5 billion,
10 % z 1,5 miliardy,
last year 100 million dollars.
minulý rok 100 miliónov.
they ever received. (Laughter)
návratnosťou, akú kedy mali. (smiech)
brilliant young lady.
úžasná mladá slečna.
anything with her life,
your whole life with people
celý život žili s tým,
that you've got a fatal disease,
že máte nevyliečiteľnú chorobu,
not want to run into anybody again.
nikdy nikoho nechcela vidieť.
in United Therapeutics.
pracovať v United Therapeutics.
to help other people
aby iným chorým
for all telepresence activities,
pre všetky teleasistenčné aktivity,
the entire company to work together
spájať celú spoločnosť,
has been so fortunate.
chorobou má také šťastie.
and you are tackling that too. How?
a vy bojujete aj proti tomu. Ako?
people a year in the United States alone,
v Spojených štátoch zomrie na túto chorobu
asi desaťkrát toľko,
slow down the progression
pulmonary fibrosis,
hypertenziu, pľúcnu fibrózu,
zomrel Leonard Nimoy,
available lungs for 2,000 people
pľúc na transplantáciu
to get a lung transplant,
million people a year
of building parts and machine parts,
of transplantable organs
neobmedzený zdroj transplantátov,
of the human genome, Craig Venter,
ľudského genómu, Craigom Venterom,
the founder of the X Prize,
zakladateľom nadácie X Prize,
prasací genóm,
be rejected by the human body
ľudské telo neodmietalo,
orgánov na transplantáciu.
United Therapeutics.
United Therapeutics.
what, a decade,
maybe be cured, through these guys?
transplantátov vyriešený?
of the success that we've had
ako som si bola istá úspechom,
broadcasting, Sirius XM.
vysielaním Sirius XM.
one gene after another.
that sequencing genomes
že sme sa narodili v dobe,
at Synthetic Genomics
that are problematic, and fix them.
problematické, a opraviť ich.
though that is amazing.
hoci toto je úžasné.
that are of interest to you now.
o dlhotrvácnosť tela, však?
says something quite profound.
hlboký význam.
and it comes from Ray Kurzweil,
od Raya Kurzweila a ukazuje,
in computer processing
in earlier presentations today,
storočia, ako sme už dnes videli,
and the world around us
informácie a svet okolo nás
getting ready for this world
pripravujete na tento svet tým,
be able to, what,
budeme schopní, povedzme,
and somehow preserve them forever?
a zachovať ich navždy?
is creating a situation
vytvoriť súbor svojej mysle,
of their mannerisms, personality,
ich zvyky, osobnosť,
into Google, into Amazon, into Facebook,
do Googlu, Amazonu, Facebooku,
will be able, in the next couple decades,
budú o niekoľko desaťročí,
to recapitulate consciousness,
which is imminent in our mind file.
na súbore našej mysle.
messing around with this.
my beloved spouse, Bina.
mojej milovanej ženy, Biny.
by Hanson Robotics out of Texas.
v Hanson Robotics v Texase.
from National Geographic magazine
National Geographic
of Bina's mannerisms, personalities.
Bininých spôsobov a osobnosti.
that blow people away,
journalist Amy Harmon
z New York Timesu, Amy Harmonová,
are often frustrating,
že jej odpovede často sklamú,
of any flesh person she's interviewed.
ako odpovede živého človeka.
part of your hope here, is that
live on forever, or some future upgrade
naveky alebo že nejaká budúca aktualizácia
to store our mind files
na Facebooku, Instagrame a podobne
extraordinary inventions of our time,
z najväčších vynálezov našej doby
that will allow us
operating systems,
fungujúce operačné systémy,
billions of people,
mind clones of themselves
vlastný klon svojej mysle,
this would sound stark-staring mad,
by toto všetko znelo úplne šialene,
what you've done,
toho, čo ste dokázali,
that our minds give,
o to pokojne stavili.
coming from me.
nie je moja zásluha.
of a communicator of activities
by the greatest companies
working on writing code
of our human consciousness,
nášho ľudského vedomia,
to see that all these threads
že všetky tieto vlákna
and ultimately create human consciousness,
umelé ľudské vedomie,
to do in this life,
a digital doppelgänger of ourselves
podobu, digitálnu kópiu samých seba,
čítať knihy, nakupovať,
these digital versions of ourselves,
tieto digitálne verzie nás samých,
than 30 years ago.
viac ako pred 30 rokmi.“
can go on forever.
bude môcť pokračovať navždy.
I'm sure we never will.
nudiť. Som si istá, že nikdy.
MR: She is, yeah.
MR: Áno, je.
do we have a handheld mic?
máme ručný mikrofón?
I just have to ask you one question.
Musím vám položiť jednu otázku.
in a few years time,
že o pár rokov sa muž,
would become a woman,
you would become a robot --
sama stanete robotom,
an exciting journey,
veľmi zaujímavé
thought that at the time,
and setting those goals
stanovovať si ciele
we just keep going up and up
so it's great.
really beautiful,
pred týmto vystúpením
to live for hundreds of years
we want to do it together.
and we want to wake up together.
sa chceme zobudiť spolu.
from my point of view,
astonishing lives I have heard,
príbehov, aké som kedy počul,
love stories I've ever heard.
príbehov lásky, aké poznám.
both here at TED.
mať vás oboch tu na TEDe.
Martine Rothblatt - TranshumanistWhether she’s inventing satellite radio, developing life-saving drugs or digitizing the human mind, Martine Rothblatt has a knack for turning visionary ideas into commonplace technology.
Why you should listen
After creating satellite radio with a startup that went on to become Sirius XM, Martine Rothblatt was on the verge of retirement. But her daughter’s rare lung disease inspired her to start United Therapeutics and develop an oral medication that changed the lives of thousands of patients. Now with the Terasem Foundation, she’s researching the digital preservation of personality as a means to enable the contents of our minds to outlast our bodies.
Rothblatt’s books include The Apartheid of Sex, which (inspired by her experiences as a transgendered woman) takes on conventional wisdom surrounding gender. Her latest book, Virtually Human, explores human rights for the digital lifeforms just over the horizon.
Martine Rothblatt | Speaker |