Patrícia Medici: The coolest animal you know nothing about ... and how we can save it
Patrícia Medici: Najskvelejšie zviera, o ktorom nič neviete... a ako ho môžeme zachrániť
Patrícia Medici leads the longest running conservation project to protect the threatened lowland tapir. Full bio
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on the face of the Earth.
zvierat na povrchu Zeme.
in the animal kingdom.
v celej zvieracej ríši.
the past 20 years of my life
20 rokov svojho života
of tapirs in Brazil,
I've been thinking really, really hard
naozaj veľmi veľa premýšľam
about the real contributions I have made
o mojich reálnych príspevkoch
of these animals I love so much.
ktoré mám tak rada.
and contributing to their conservation,
a prispievam k ich záchrane,
so many different conservation crises.
It's all over the news every day.
Každý deň je to všade v správach.
are being destroyed,
on the brink of extinction:
na pokraji vyhynutia:
the tapir species I work with,
druh, s ktorým pracujem,
of South America.
Južnej Ameriky.
in tropical forests such as the Amazon,
v tropických lesoch ako Amazon,
large patches of habitat
aby si mohli nájsť všetky zdroje,
they need to reproduce and survive.
na rozmnožovanie a prežitie.
parts of their geographic distribution.
ich geografického rozšírenia.
very, very unfortunate
for the habitats where they are found.
pre habitaty, kde žijú.
consists of fruit,
they swallow the seeds,
prehĺtajú jeho semienka,
the habitat through their feces.
exkrementoch po okolí.
in shaping and maintaining
pri tvorení a udržiavaní
as gardeners of the forest.
ako záhradníci lesa.
would seriously affect
still very young, fresh out of college,
hneď po vysokej, bola som veľmi mladá,
and conservation program.
a program záchrany druhu.
zero information about tapirs,
takmer žiadne informácie,
so difficult to study.
very elusive animals,
veľmi prchavé
very basic data about these animals.
veľmi základné údaje.
that a conservationist does?
to support conservation action,
aby sme mohli podporiť konzerváciu
are very hard to study,
sa veľmi ťažko skúmajú,
on indirect methods to study them.
metódy ich skúmania.
around their necks
okolo krku obojky s GPS
other conservationists around the world.
mnohí ochranári po celom svete.
about how they use space,
o tom, ako využívajú priestor,
čo sme zistili.
how many people around the world
this is a tapir.
že tapír je toto.
Naozaj nikdy.
training, capacity building.
so školiacimi miestnosťami.
the conservationists of the future.
budúcich ochranárov.
conservation battles,
o zachovanie druhu
ktorí robia to, čo my
and they need the passion to do that.
a potrebujú zanietenie.
biomes in the world.
ekosystémov na svete.
first arrived in Brazil,
prišli Portugalci,
in the eastern part of South America.
vo východnej časti Južnej Ameriky.
and the construction of cities,
pastve dobytka a stavbe miest
of the Atlantic forest
z Atlantického lesa
isolated, disconnected populations.
izolovaných, odlúčených populáciách.
that tapirs move through open areas
sa pohybujú otvorenou krajinou
to patch of forest.
lesa do druhého.
to identify the potential places
na identifikáciu potenciálnych miest,
of wildlife corridors
could cross the landscape safely.
cez cestu prechádzať bezpečne.
conservation efforts to the Pantanal
o zachovanie tapírov do Pantanal
freshwater floodplain in the world,
oblasť so sladkou vodou na svete,
for lowland tapirs in South America.
pre nížinné tapíry v Južnej Amerike.
has been extremely refreshing
healthy tapir populations in the area,
obrovské, zdravé populácie tapírov
we'll ever find,
aké existujú,
we are using another technique:
používame aj inú techniku:
with a movement sensor
when they walk in front of it.
to gather precious information
and social organization
a sociálnej organizácii,
pieces of the puzzle
those conservation strategies.
konzervačných stratégií.
we are expanding our work once again
znovu rozširujeme
in the central part of Brazil.
v strednej časti Brazílie.
of economic development in my country,
ekonomického rozvoja v mojej krajine,
and wildlife populations
a populácie divej zveri
by several different threats,
niekoľkými rôznymi hrozbami,
cukrovej trstiny a sóje,
a to je len zopár z nich.
this new program in the Cerrado
tohto programu v Cerrado
along the highways
mŕtvych tapírov
in the middle of sugarcane plantations
po strede plantáží s cukrovou trstinou,
that they know how tapir meat tastes
ktoré vám hovoria, že vedia,
lebo ich rodiny pytliačia a jedia ich,
made me realize --
two decades of hard work
dvom desaťročiam tvrdej práce,
tieto zvieratá, je stále mnoho práce,
we still have so much work to do
from disappearing.
to solve all these problems.
problémy vyriešiť.
in the conservation world
than we are right now.
kreatívnejší ako sme teraz.
for tapirs in the Cerrado,
je pre tapírov v Cerrado veľkým problémom,
of putting reflective stickers
nalepiť reflexné nálepky
used on big trucks
používané na kamiónoch,
help drivers see this shining thing
vodičom vidieť túto žiarivú vec,
slow down a little bit.
reduce the amount of tapir roadkill.
počet úmrtí tapírov.
the kind of stuff that needs to be done.
ktoré treba urobiť.
with all these questions
s týmito všetkými otázkami
of supporters behind me,
I'm ever going to stop.
ma niekedy zastavila.
most probably for the rest of my life.
zrejme do konca svojho života.
for Patrícia, my namesake,
moju menovkyňu,
and monitored in the Atlantic Forest
chytili a monitorovali v Atlantickom lese
in the Pantanal.
v Pantanale.
a baby tapir we captured
pre Teda, mláďa, ktoré sme chytili
also in the Pantanal.
tiež v Pantanale.
that I've had the pleasure to meet
ktoré som mala to potešenie stretnúť
I will encounter in the future.
že ich stretnem v budúcnosti.
našu starostlivosť.
deserve to live in a world
zaslúžime žiť vo svete,
and see and benefit from
Patrícia Medici - Wildlife conservationistPatrícia Medici leads the longest running conservation project to protect the threatened lowland tapir.
Why you should listen
Patrícia Medici is a Brazilian conservation biologist whose main professional interests are tapir conservation, tropical forest conservation, metapopulation management, landscape ecology and community-based conservation.
For the past 20 years, Patrícia has been working for a Brazilian non-governmental organization called IPÊ, Instituto de Pesquisas Ecológicas (Institute for Ecological Research), of which she was one of the founding members together with Cláudio and Suzana Padua. Since 1996, Patrícia has coordinated the Lowland Tapir Conservation Initiative in Brazil. Since 2000, Patrícia has been the Chairperson of the IUCN/SSC Tapir Specialist Group (TSG), a network of over 120 tapir conservationists from 27 different countries worldwide.
Patrícia has a Bachelor’s Degree in Forestry Sciences from the São Paulo University (USP – Universidade de São Paulo), a Masters Degree in Wildlife Ecology, Conservation and Management from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG – Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais), Brazil, and a Ph.D. Degree in Biodiversity Management from the Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology (DICE), University of Kent, United Kingdom.
Patrícia has been honored with three very prestigious conservation awards: Harry Messel Conservation Leadership Award from the International Union for Conservation of Nature in 2004, Golden Ark Award from the Golden Ark Foundation in the Netherlands in 2008, and Whitley Award from the Whitley Fund for Nature in the United Kingdom also in 2008. Patrícia received the 2011 Research Prize from the Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology (DICE) of the University of Kent in the United Kingdom.
Patrícia Medici | Speaker |