Elizabeth Lyle: How to break bad management habits before they reach the next generation of leaders
إليزابيث لايل: كيفية التخلي عن العادات الإدارية السيئة قبل وصولها إلى الأجيال التالية من القادة
BCG's Elizabeth Lyle challenges top leaders to create high-performance, future-ready organizational cultures. Full bio
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my dishes in the sink
and more like days,
I don't finish the job
that it's peaking over the lip of the sink
إلى الذروة فوق حافة الحوض
when I was in college,
عندما كنت في الجامعة،
I can save time and water
"أعتقد أنني قد أوفر الوقت والماء
لأنه لم يكن يُلزمني أحد بغسلها.
because nobody was calling me on it.
I didn't put a dish in the dishwasher
لم أضع فيها طبقًا في غسالة الأطباق
to question why I was doing it.
certified dirty-dish leaver,
وتاركة معتمَدة للصحون المتسخة،
متفاديةً حوض الغسيل،
ومعقدة في التحوّلات القيادية
on leadership transformation
with the most senior leaders
better suited for the future.
than senior leaders these days
أكثر من كبار القادة هذه الأيام
الموهبة المستقبلية لجميع القيادات،
of future talent for the C-suite,
their dishes in the sink.
are hiring people like me
leaders for the future,
are forming right before our eyes
تتشكل أمام أعيننا
الذين سيشغلون منصبًا يومًا ما.
who will one day take their place.
and senior leaders to work together,
المتوسطين وكبار القادة معًا؛
on their future leaders
وثقةً وتعاونيةً مما هم عليه اليوم.
trust and cooperation than they do today.
in the formative middle-manager years
في سنوات تكوين المدير المتوسط
for that kind of leadership,
حجر الأساس لهذا النوع من القيادة،
are learning from senior role models
يتعلمون من نماذج كبار القادة
that made them so successful.
التي جعلتهم بهذا النجاح.
المتوسطون وكبار القادة معًا
and senior leaders to work together
لرفع كفاءتهم للمستوى المطلوب.
to rise to the occasion.
للطريقة القديمة في القيادة اليوم.
old-fashioned in leadership today.
individual performance.
Jane got the job done,
for things that's aren't mission-critical,
لأمورٍ ليست بالغة الأهمية،
anyone's judgment more than her own.
Jane's in behavior boot camp.
أن جاين تدير معسكرًا تدريبيًّا للسلوك.
with where her organization is heading.
that she was once rewarded for
الذي كوفئت عليه ذات مرة
وذات تماسك وترابط رقميٍ أعلى،
digitally interconnected organization.
manager who works for Jane,
أمام المدير التنفيذي؛ مدير جاين،
in front of the CEO, Jane's boss,
you're not going to like this,
get made around here
before the meeting."
eight one-on-ones, exec by exec,
مع كل إداري،
was individually on board enough
in the actual meeting.
we'll do things in the future,
بهذه الطريقة في المستقبل،
are a necessary evil
to be inefficient and annoying,
was his confidence
معالجتهم للأمور في المستقبل.
they'll do things in the future.
if it wasn't him and now?
إن لم يكن هو والآن؟
بدون اللقاءات المسبقة؟
effective meetings without pre-meetings?
that when he's the boss,
and do things differently,
هو تكدس الأطباق في الحوض
stacking in the sink
out of a job one day
من ذوي الكفاءة العالية مثل جون
high-potential managers like John
the most capable of making waves
lead from the inside.
قصارى جهدهم لعدم أرجحة المركب
doing the best job at not rocking the boat
who will promote them.
لأنهم سيقومون بترقيتهم.
to change their behavior
to do things differently,
معالجة الأمور بشكل مختلف،
from working with Jane,
possibly do anything differently
على عمل أي شيءٍ مختلف
high-pressure executive job
and the organization's,
so safe and so easy
بالطريقة التي تُعالَج بها دائمًا.
the way they've always been done.
expert in me asks:
التي بداخلي:
في السنوات التكوينية
in the formative years
and his peers want to take charge
أنّ جون وأقرانه يريدون تولي مسؤولية
the organizations of the future,
succumb to the catch-22
لقيادة المنظمات في الماضي؟
to lead the organizations of the past?
with a very real paradox,
في التوصل لحل مع مفارقة فعلية،
happens on the job --
ولا عن طريق الوحدات الإلكترونية.
to shape on-the-job learning
لتشكيل التعلم أثناء العمل
boot camp right now,
في حالة المعسكر التدريبي الآن،
are undergoing unprecedented disruption.
just about everything
لا يزال قياس السلوك ومكافأته
and rewarding behavior
or the system right now,
على القيادات العليا والنظام الآن،
this critical development window.
هذه الفترة التطويرية الحرجة.
because the risks are actually his.
لأن المخاطر في الحقيقة تمسه هو.
an organization that is failing
old-fashioned leadership,
التي تسمح له بقيادة منظمة
the capabilities to lead one
while he was playing it safe.
where does John start?
to start flying the plane.
لطلبت أن أتولى زمام الأمور.
my grandpa, a former Navy pilot,
طيار سابق في القوات البحرية،
to fly a very small plane.
بالتحليق بطائرة صغيرة جدًا.
folded his hands,
on-the-job learning with a safety net.
تعلمًا أثناء العمل مع وجود شبكة أمان.
every meeting to be led,
كل اجتماع يعقَد،
use the learning experience
كيفية تطبيقها بطريقته الخاصة.
how to do it their own way.
John needs to knock on Jane's door,
يحتاج جون لأن يطرق باب جاين،
بدون اللقاءات الثماني السابقة،
without the eight pre-meetings,
through the trade-offs
to do it differently.
of room to try his hand at leading,
لتجربة مساعدته في القيادة،
leading in some ways
for Jane to learn a thing or two
to the next level.
who summed up this dilemma beautifully
والذي لخص هذه المعضلة بطريقة حسنة
about why he and his peers
بحقوق أكثر لاتخاذ القرار.
with more decision rights.
because we just don't trust
the right decisions.
decisions to practice with."
hands over the controls
جاين أجهزة التحكم
learning and practice
than she does it.
both of them outside their comfort zones,
خارج مناطق الراحة الخاصة بهم،
of the blind leading the blind.
ليست قيادة أعمى لأعمى آخر.
to individually be more effective,
the interactions between them?
في الاجتماعات الموسمية للفريق
in the occasional team meeting
on how well they cooperated that day.
عن كيفية تعاونهما ذلك اليوم.
feedback session between Jane and John,
جلسة التقييم بين جاين وجون،
حل المشاكل الزوجية على التواصل،
coaches on communication,
can go better in the future.
what Jane would have done?
for the organization?
mentorship to provide,
need help doing it,
coaching more leaders,
Warren Buffet gave a school lecture
of habit are too light to be felt
بحيث لا يمكن الشعور بها
with our future leaders in training.
خلال فترة تدريبهم.
to build their leadership capabilities
أن نفعل المزيد لبناء قدراتهم القيادية
العادات السيئة التي نراها قادمة؟
of bad habits we totally saw coming?
and I called each other out back then
في السكن آنذاك بإلزام بعضنا البعض
أسهل بكثير في البداية
to nip that habit in the bud
full of gleaming sinks
مليء بالأحواض اللامعة
Elizabeth Lyle - Leadership development expertBCG's Elizabeth Lyle challenges top leaders to create high-performance, future-ready organizational cultures.
Why you should listen
In the midst of transformations, Elizabeth Lyle challenges top leaders and their teams to double-down on creating high performance, future-ready organizational cultures -- and to start by evolving their own day-to-day leadership behaviors, which sit at the core of how organizations work (and whether or not they can successfully transform).
Lyle has helped the leaders of some of the oldest, largest and most complex organizations in the world to think differently about their most valuable asset: people and their talents. She has pioneered approaches that enable leaders to change how they connect with, invest in, grow and deploy that all-important asset to unlock strategic advantage and competitive potential.
Lyle is a partner and managing director of The Boston Consulting Group, based in the firm's Boston office. She is a founding member of BCG's Leadership & Talent Enablement Center in North America. She holds an MBA from Harvard Business School and a BS with Distinction from the University of Virginia's McIntire School of Commerce.
Elizabeth Lyle | Speaker | TED.com