Trevor Timm: How free is our freedom of the press?
Trevor Timm: Jak svobodná je naše svoboda tisku?
Trevor Timm is the co-founder and executive director of Freedom of the Press Foundation, a non-profit organization that supports and defends journalism dedicated to transparency and accountability. Full bio
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Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter
Edward Snowden's name,
he famously exposed
the phone calls of Americans.
US intelligence operation
amerických tajných služeb,
handed over blueprints
sestavení nukleární bomby Iránu.
of a US government investigation
vyšetřování americkou vládou,
that he testify
aby vypovídal
for the US government's recent pattern
amerického modelu
and spying on journalists.
secret information in the public interest.
informace ve veřejným zájmu.
if the media can't also gather that news
shromáždit tyto zprávy
of the brave men and women
statečných mužů a žen,
have done before him:
reportérů udělalo před ním:
of going to federal prison.
vazby ve federální věznici
when a curious thing happened.
se stala zvláštní věc.
it was vital to their case,
to bylo rozhodující v tomto případě,
to Risen altogether.
všechny Risenovi požadavky.
of electronic surveillance,
elektronického dozoru,
reporters and sources can hide.
a zdroje můžou schovat.
to have Risen testify,
svědectví na Risena,
testify against him instead.
která svědčila proti němu .
and without his consent,
telefonní záznamy.
his financial and banking information,
jeho finanční a bankovní informace,
of flights he had taken.
které absolvoval.
they used to convict Jeffrey Sterling,
použili na usvědčení Jeffreyho Sterlinga,
and CIA whistleblower.
jeden případ z mnoha.
to protect whistleblowers,
ochranu informátorům,
has prosecuted more
zažaloval více lidí,
could be a problem,
considers so much of what it does secret.
co by mělo zůstat tajemstvím.
story about national security
příběh o národní bezpečnosti
coming to a journalist.
unable to do their job
neschopný dělat svoji práci,
is supposed to protect
expanded ability to spy on everyone.
možnost špehovat každého.
the government
even better than before.
lépe než kdy před tím.
they begin speaking with them,
kdy s nimi začnou mluvit,
after the fact.
when Risen was writing his book,
když Risen psal svoji knihu,
than regular emails or phone calls.
sledování obyčejných mailů nebo telefonátů.
submission system
zpráv informátora,
Internet luminary Aaron Swartz,
osobností Aaronem Swartzem.
at the non-profit where I work,
organizaci, kde pracuji,
or send information
nebo poslat informaci,
on any other contact form.
and stored on a server
a umístěn na server,
has access to.
secretly demand the information,
požadovat informace
they would demand
only a small part of the puzzle
jen malý kousek skládačky
in the 21st century.
all over the world
new spying techniques
špionské technologie,
to make sure
the tech-savvy whistleblowers,
mazanost informátorů,
an avenue for exposing wrongdoing.
odkrývá pochybení.
next veteran's health care whistleblower
veterána, když
about Flint's dirty water,
to help the brave men and women
na pomoc statečným mužům a ženám,
all of our rights under the Constitution.
všech práv dle Ústavy.
Trevor Timm - Writer, activist and legal analystTrevor Timm is the co-founder and executive director of Freedom of the Press Foundation, a non-profit organization that supports and defends journalism dedicated to transparency and accountability.
Why you should listen
Trevor Timm is a co-founder and the executive director of the Freedom of the Press Foundation. He is a journalist, activist, and lawyer who writes a twice weekly column for The Guardian on privacy, free speech, and national security. He has contributed to The Atlantic, Al Jazeera, Foreign Policy, Harvard Law and Policy Review, PBS MediaShift and Politico.
Trevor formerly worked as an activist at the Electronic Frontier Foundation. Before that, he helped the longtime General Counsel of The New York Times, James Goodale, write a book on the Pentagon Papers and the First Amendment. He received his J.D. from New York Law School.
Trevor Timm | Speaker |