Kate Raworth: A healthy economy should be designed to thrive, not grow
Kate Raworth: En sund økonomi designes til at trives, ikke vækste.
Kate Raworth is passionate about making economics fit for the 21st century. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
a baby learning to crawl?
parent knows, it's gripping.
er det gribende.
of forwards and upwards,
of progress we humans recognize.
vi mennesker kender.
of evolution as well,
historie om evolutionen.
to Homo erectus, finally upright,
til den stående Homo Erectus,
will take this very same shape,
vil tage samme form,
linje af vækst.
whether or not they make us thrive,
uanset om det får os til at trives.
especially in the richest countries,
specielt i de rigeste lande,
i stand til at trives,
ændring af vores tankegang.
we need to make
skift vi har brug for,
here together this century.
trives sammen i dette århundrede.
with growth come from?
besættelse af vækst fra?
of goods and services
på varer og tjenester
the overriding goal of policymaking,
mål indenfor politikplanlægning.
in the richest of countries,
i de rigeste lande,
to their economic problems
til økonomiske problemer
the 1960 classic by W.W. Rostow.
fra 1960 af W.W. Rostow.
I have a first-edition copy.
at jeg har en af førsteudgave.
A Non-Communist Manifesto."
et ikke-kommunistisk manifest".
politikken, ikke sandt?
five stages of growth:
de skal igennem:
where a nation's output is limited
hvor den nationale produktion er begrænset
its institutions and mindset;
og tankegang.
of a banking industry,
på bankindustrien,
for something beyond itself,
for noget større end dig selv,
or a better life for the children;
eller et bedre liv for børnene.
is built into the economy's institutions
ind i de økonomiske institutioner
man kan have enhver industri, man ønsker,
where you can have any industry you want,
the age of high-mass consumption
storforbrugets tid,
all the consumer goods they want,
de ønsker,
airplane metaphor in this story,
flymaskine-metafor i denne historie.
til at lande.
into the sunset of mass consumerism,
mod solnedgangen af storforbug
stykker af svaret.
in real income itself loses its charm?"
i indkomst mister charmen?"
but he never answered it, and here's why.
det aldrig. Her er hvorfor;
candidate John F. Kennedy,
John F. Kennedy,
on the promise of five-percent growth,
med et løfte om fem procent vækst.
to keep that plane flying,
at holde flyet i luften -
it could ever be allowed to land.
det kunne få tilladelse til at lande.
of mass consumerism
flyvende mod solnedgangen af storforbrug
to expect, demand and depend upon
efterspørgser og er afhængige af
politically and socially addicted to it.
og socialt afhængige af det.
because today's financial system
fordi nutidens finansielle system
the highest rate of monetary return,
det største monetære afkast.
under constant pressure
under konstant pres
growing market share and growing profits,
øget markedsandel og voksende profit
as debt bearing interest,
som gældskabende renter,
want to raise tax revenue
seems a sure way to do that.
som en sikker måde at gøre det på.
their place in the G-20 family photo.
deres plads i G-20 familiefotoet.
while the rest keep going,
at vokse, mens de andres fortsætter -
by the next emerging powerhouse.
of consumer propaganda,
med forbruger-propaganda,
was created by Edward Bernays,
var skabt af Edward Bernays,
his uncle's psychotherapy
very lucrative retail therapy
to believe that we transform ourselves
at vi genskaber os selv,
are insurmountable,
er uovervindelige,
than they currently get,
opmærksomhed, end de pt. får,
has been taking us.
than it was in 1950
prosperity to billions of people,
for milliarder af mennesker,
has also become incredibly divisive,
er også blevet utroligt splittende,
of the global one percent.
af verdens rigeste.
incredibly degenerative,
this delicately balanced planet
denne skrøbeligt balanceret planet,
new destinations for growth.
så de tilbyder nye destinationer for vækst
inclusive growth,
inkluderende vækst
so long as you choose growth.
så længe du vælger vækst.
a higher ambition, a far bigger one,
en større ambition, en meget større en,
21st century challenge is clear:
i det 21. århundrede er tydelig:
extraordinary, unique, living planet
fantastisk unikke og levende planet,
of nature can thrive.
to be measured with the metric of money.
kan ikke måles i penge.
af indikatorer.
a picture of what that might look like,
tegne et billede af, hvad det kunne ligne,
for den ene doughnut,
to the one doughnut
at være god for os.
to be good for us.
ressourcebrug udstråler fra midten.
radiating out from the middle.
livets basale behov.
on life's essentials.
education, political voice, housing
uddannelsen, en politisk stemme, boligen,
for a life of dignity and opportunity.
et værdigt liv med muligheder.
over the social foundation
over det sociale fundament
overshoot that outer circle,
ressourcer overskyde den ydre cirkel;
on this extraordinary planet
fantastiske planet,
den ud af balance.
we acidify the oceans,
vi syrner havene,
beyond the planetary boundaries
that have for the last 11,000 years
som de seneste 11.000 år har
home to humanity.
velvilligt hjem for menneskeheden.
to meet the needs of all
for at møde alles behov
linje af vækst,
between the foundation and the ceiling.
mellem fundamentet og loftet.
once I'd drawn this picture
da jeg tegnede billedet
in many ancient cultures
i mange gamle kulturer
of dynamic balance,
af dynamisk balance,
den buddhistiske endeløse knude,
the Buddhist endless knot,
in the 21st century?
i det 21. århundrede?
right now we are far from balanced,
er vi lige nu langt fra at være i balance.
at the same time.
og overskrider på samme tid.
eller milliarder af mennesker i verden,
millions or billions of people worldwide
on their most basic of needs.
deres mest basale behov.
four of these planetary boundaries,
af disse grænser for planeten
of climate breakdown
påvirkning på klimanedbrud
and our planetary home.
og vores planet.
sidste århundrede så dette billede,
saw this picture,
at deres teorier
that their theories
generation to see this
til at se dette
of turning this story around.
for at vende udviklingen.
that if growth creates inequality,
svor, at hvis vækst skaber ulighed,
will even things up again.
will clean things up again.
vil gøre tingene rene igen.
som er designet til at takle både
this shortfall and overshoot together,
og dem vi overskrider.
and distributive by design.
til at regenerere og fordele.
degenerative industries.
degenererende industrier.
make them into stuff we want,
og laver ting vi vil have,
and then throw it away,
og smider det så væk.
over planetary boundaries,
the cycles of the living world,
og i den levende verdens harmoni,
men bliver brugt igen og igen.
but used again and again,
is food for the next.
er føde for den næste.
is popping up everywhere.
dukker op overalt.
from Quito to Oslo,
fra Quito til Oslo,
of their electricity
deres elektricitet
are pioneering circular city design,
er pionerer indenfor cirkulær by design
from one urban process
fra en by-proces
to Queensland, Australia,
Queensland, Australien,
once-barren landscapes
engang øde landskaber,
regenerative by design,
at være regenererende
distributive by design,
designet til at fordele,
opportunities for making that happen,
for at få det til at ske,
centralized technologies,
centraliserede teknologi,
knowledge and power in few hands.
og magt ned i få hænder.
our technologies and institutions
vores teknologi og institutioner
and empowerment to many.
og handlefrihed til alle.
and large-scale manufacturing,
produktion på stor skala
digital platforms and 3D printing.
digitale platforme og 3D print.
of intellectual property is being upended
af ejendomsret er vendt
peer-to-peer knowledge commons.
maximum rate of return
efter det højeste afkast
that are designed to generate
designet til at skabe
with those throughout their networks.
med alle i deres netværk.
to material science,
in service of distributive design,
i omfordelende tjenester
finance, energy, political voice
finans, energi og en politisk stemme
who need it most.
til dem der har mest brug for det.
and distributive design
og omfordelende design
for the 21st-century economy.
21. århundredes økonomi.
Rostow's airplane ride?
the hope of endless green growth,
på uendelig grøn vækst,
while resource use keeps falling.
for evigt, mens ressourceforbrug falder.
Flyveturen er det rene utopi.
This is a flight of fancy.
at dematerialisere vores økonomier,
our economies,
cannot be decoupled from resource use
kan ikke frakobles forbrug af ressourcer
de miljømæssige begrænsninger
within planetary boundaries.
about growth is unfamiliar,
ny måde at se vækst på,
at vores haver skal vokse.
our gardens to grow.
is a wonderful, healthy source of life.
det er en naturlig kilde til liv.
like Ethiopia and Nepal today
som Etiopien og Nepal,
at seven percent a year.
med syv procent om året.
to the Amazon forest,
til Amazon skoven,
der vokser for evigt
and they mature,
om min ven som var hos lægen,
that when something tries to grow forever
at når noget prøver at vokse for evigt
til hele legemets sundhed.
der kunne vende denne tendens,
that could buck this trend
political and social innovations
politiske og sociale innovationer,
this structural dependency on growth,
strukturelle afhængighed af vækst,
focus on thriving and balance
på at trives og skabe balance
boundaries of the doughnut.
miljømæssige grænser i "the doughnut".
makes you feel, well, bounded,
the source of their creativity.
en kilde til deres kreativitet.
that unleash our potential.
det frigiver vores fulde potentiale.
the potential for humanity to thrive
menneskeheden mulighed for at trives
participation, belonging and meaning.
deltagelse, tilhørsforhold og hensigt.
that we have got to get there,
vi har for at nå i mål,
Kate Raworth - Renegade economistKate Raworth is passionate about making economics fit for the 21st century.
Why you should listen
Kate Raworth writes: "I am a renegade economist, dedicated to rewriting economics so that it's fit for tackling the 21st century's grand challenge of meeting the needs of all people within the means of the planet. After 20 years of wrestling with policies based on outdated economic theories -- via the villages of Zanzibar to the headquarters of the UN and on the campaigning frontlines of Oxfam -- I realized that if the economic conversations taking place in parliaments, in boardrooms and in the media worldwide are going to change, then the fundamental economic ideas taught in schools and universities have to be transformed, too.
"I wrote Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist to be the book that I wish I could have read when I was a frustrated and disillusioned economics student myself. And silly though it sounds, it all starts with a doughnut (yes, the kind with a hole in the middle), which acts as a compass for 21st-century prosperity, inviting us to rethink what the economy is, and is for, who we are, and what success looks like."
Kate Raworth | Speaker | TED.com