James Nachtwey: Moving photos of extreme drug-resistant TB
James Nachtwey: XDR, sendagaiei guztiz immunea den tuberkulosia
Photojournalist James Nachtwey is considered by many to be the greatest war photographer of recent decades. He has covered conflicts and major social issues in more than 30 countries. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
gizarte-asaldura eta eztabaiden garai batean,
idealismo sentimendu baten hasiera.
eskubide zibilen aldeko mugimendua abian zen
gauza bat esaten ziguten
beste milioika estatubatuarrek bezala.
aurkako erresistentzia suspertu zuten.
historia aldatzen lagundu zuten.
gure kontzientzia kolektiboaren parte bihurtu ziren,
bateratua izatera pasa zenean,
ezinbestekoa baizik.
euren inpaktu globalean,
edo monumentalak diruditen arazoei.
boterearen korridoreetatik urrun,
argazkilaritza dokumentalak
interpretatzeko gaitasuna duela.
bestela hitzik edukiko ez luketen horiei.
kontatu beharreko bizi-istorio bat dago
nahiko nuke
eta zirraragarriak sortzen laguntzea
garai digitalean erabiltzeko.
Berria ezagutzera ematen da ]
eta irudi hauek dira nire testigantza". ]
beste forma berri baten gorpuzten ari da ]
prebenitu eta sendatu daiteke ]
tratamendu ezegokia dela eta ]
eta aste gutxitara hiltzen dira ]
XDR tuberkulosi kasuak edukitzea ]
mehatxu larria da ]
James Nachtwey - PhotojournalistPhotojournalist James Nachtwey is considered by many to be the greatest war photographer of recent decades. He has covered conflicts and major social issues in more than 30 countries.
Why you should listen
For the past three decades, James Nachtwey has devoted himself to documenting wars, conflicts and critical social issues, working in El Salvador, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Lebanon, the West Bank and Gaza, Israel, Indonesia, Thailand, India, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, the Philippines, South Korea, Somalia, Sudan, Rwanda, South Africa, Russia, Bosnia, Chechnya, Kosovo, Romania, Brazil and the United States.
Nachtwey has been a contract photographer with Time since 1984. However, when certain stories he wanted to cover -- such as Romanian orphanages and famine in Somalia -- garnered no interest from magazines, he self-financed trips there. He is known for getting up close to his subjects, or as he says, "in the same intimate space that the subjects inhabit," and he passes that sense of closeness on to the viewer.
In putting himself in the middle of conflict, his intention is to record the truth, to document the struggles of humanity, and with this, to wake people up and stir them to action.
James Nachtwey | Speaker | TED.com