Joseph DeSimone: What if 3D printing was 100x faster?
Joe DeSimone: Što da je 3D printanje 100 puta brže?
The CEO of Carbon3D, Joseph DeSimone has made breakthrough contributions to the field of 3D printing. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
što sam večeras ovdje
we've been working on
nešto na čemu radimo
of additive manufacturing,
but it's quite complex at the same time.
ali je istodobno vrlo kompliciran.
geodesic structures
geodetskih struktura
by traditional manufacturing techniques.
tradicionalnim tehnikama proizvodnje.
that you can't injection mold it.
izraditi injekcijskim prešanjem.
through milling.
niti glodanjem.
three and 10 hours to fabricate it,
tri do deset sati za izradu,
to try to fabricate it onstage
izraditi jedan na pozornici
netočan naziv.
over and over again,
kontinuirano 2D printanje
associated with 2D printing.
povezane s 2D printanjem.
lay down ink on a page to make letters,
tinta polaže na papir i stvara slova
to build up a three-dimensional object.
da izradite trodimenzionalni predmet.
the same sort of thing,
nešto slično,
and integrated circuits
i integriranih krugova
a material scientist too,
i materijalni znanstvenik
are also material scientists,
materijalni znanstvenici,
interested in 3D printing.
new ideas are often simple connections
nove ideje su samo jednostavne veze
in different communities,
u različitim zajednicama,
operate in this fashion,
mogao funkcionirati na ovaj način,
arise out of a puddle
to actually try to get this to work?
na koji bi ovo funkcioniralo?
if we could do this,
kada bismo mogli to učiniti,
the three issues holding back 3D printing
koja sprječavaju to da 3D printanje
than 3D printed parts. (Laughter)
od printanih 3D dijelova. (Smijeh)
in mechanical properties,
u mehaničkim značajkama,
we could eliminate those defects.
ove pogreške se mogu eliminirati.
we could also start using materials
mogli bismo početi koristiti materijale
and we could have amazing properties.
i dobili bismo nevjerojatne značajke.
imitate Hollywood,
oponašati Hollywood,
some standard knowledge
nekih standardnih saznanja
to grow parts continuously.
za kontinuirani razvoj dijelova.
na različite načine.
and convert it to a solid,
smolu u kruto stanje,
u kruto stanje.
are polar opposites from one another
potpuno suprotni jedno od drugoga
the light and oxygen,
kontrolirati svjetlo i kisik,
[Continuous Liquid Interface Production.]
[Continuous Liquid Interface Production.]
koji sadrži tekućinu,
that holds the puddle,
is a special window.
poseban prozor.
that will lower into the puddle
koji se spušta u tekućinu
is a digital light projection system
sustav digitalne projekcije svjetla
in the ultraviolet region.
iz ultraljubičastog raspona.
in the bottom of this reservoir,
koji je u donjem dijelu rezervoara
it's a very special window.
to je vrlo poseban prozor.
but it's permeable to oxygen.
nego propušta i kisik.
like a contact lens.
as you lower a stage in there,
spuštanjem stalka,
with an oxygen-impermeable window,
prozorom koji ne propušta kisik,
with a traditional window,
s tradicionalnim prozorom,
the next layer, you have to separate it,
morate ga razdvojiti,
ponovno ga pozicionirati
with oxygen coming through the bottom
kada kisik dolazi od ispod
od otprilike desetak mikrona,
of tens of microns thick,
crvene krvne stanice,
of a red blood cell,
koji ostaje tekućina
that remains a liquid,
u znanstvenoj studiji,
we can change the dead zone thickness.
možemo promijeniti debljinu mrtve zone.
koje kontroliramo: sadržaj kisika,
that we control: oxygen content,
dozu polimerizacije,
the dose to cure,
to control this process.
za kontrolu ovog procesa.
than traditional 3D printers,
tradicionalnih 3D printera,
to deliver liquid to that interface,
tekućine do sučelja,
for generating a lot of heat,
I get very excited at heat transfer
vrlo sam uzbuđen radi prijenosa topline
have water-cooled 3D printers,
3D printere hlađene vodom
uklanjamo slojeve
we eliminate the layers,
of most parts made in a 3D printer
izrađenih 3D printerima su
koje ovise o orijentaciji
that depend on the orientation
because of the layer-like structure.
with the print direction.
u odnosu na smjer printanja.
tradicionalne 3D prozivodnje.
than traditional 3D manufacturing.
chemistry textbook at this,
that can give rise to the properties
stvaraju značajke
isprintanom 3D objektu.
like this won't work onstage, right?
uspjeti na pozornici, zar ne?
s odličnim mehaničkim značajkama.
with great mechanical properties.
visoko prigušenje.
or high dampening.
or great sneakers, for example.
ili odlične tenisice, na primjer.
koji su nevjerojatno čvrsti,
that have incredible strength,
really strong materials,
doista čvrste materijale,
if you actually make a part
da ako možete napraviti dio
to be a final part,
finalnog dijela
transformirati proizvodnju.
what happens is,
in digital manufacturing.
u digitalnoj proizvodnji.
do prototipa i proizvodnje.
to a prototype to manufacturing.
već kod prototipa
right at prototype,
all the way to manufacturing
nastaviti do proizvodnje
the properties to be a final part.
nema značajku finalnog dijela.
povezati digitalnu nit
to prototyping to manufacturing,
prototipa i proizvodnje,
doista otvara razne prilike
really opens up all sorts of things,
dealing with great lattice properties
odličnih značajki rešetaka
all sorts of wonderful things.
svakakvih prekrasnih predmeta.
in an emergency situation,
hitno potreban stent,
jedan s police,
a stent out of the shelf
for you, for your own anatomy
za vašu anatomiju
in real time out of the properties
stvarnom vremenu sa značajkom
after 18 months: really-game changing.
to doista mijenja sve.
these kinds of structures
ovakvih struktura
stomatološkom stolcu.
that my students are making
moji studenti
na mikro razini.
nano proizvodnji.
at nano-fabrication.
from 10 microns and below.
od 10 mikrona na niže.
from 10 microns to 1,000 microns,
veličine od 10 do 1000 mikrona,
from the silicon industry
silicijske industrije
pločice tako dobro.
up from the bottom
od dna u visinu
in tens of seconds,
u desetinkama sekunde
senzorske tehnologije,
really game-changing stuff.
sustava, doista velike promjene.
a part in real time
u stvarnom vremenu,
finalnog dijela,
3D proizvodnje,
jer je ovo doista
because this really is owning
software and molecular science,
i molekularne znanosti
i inženjeri diljem svijeta
and engineers around the world
with this great tool.
ovim odličnim alatom.
Joseph DeSimone - Chemist, inventorThe CEO of Carbon3D, Joseph DeSimone has made breakthrough contributions to the field of 3D printing.
Why you should listen
Joseph DeSimone is a scholar, inventor and serial entrepreneur. A longtime professor at UNC-Chapel Hill, he's taken leave to become the CEO at Carbon3D, the Silicon Valley 3D printing company he co-founded in 2013. DeSimone, an innovative polymer chemist, has made breakthrough contributions in fluoropolymer synthesis, colloid science, nano-biomaterials, green chemistry and most recently 3D printing. His company's Continuous Liquid Interface Production (CLIP) suggests a breakthrough way to make 3D parts.
Read the paper in Science. Authors: John R. Tumbleston, David Shirvanyants, , Nikita Ermoshkin, Rima Janusziewicz, Ashley R. Johnson, David Kelly, Kai Chen, Robert Pinschmidt, Jason P. Rolland, Alexander Ermoshkin, Edward T. Samulsk.
DeSimone is one of less than twenty individuals who have been elected to all three branches of the National Academies: Institute of Medicine (2014), National Academy of Sciences (2012) and the National Academy of Engineering (2005), and in 2008 he won the $500,000 Lemelson-MIT Prize for Invention and Innovation. He's the co-founder of several companies, including Micell Technologies, Bioabsorbable Vascular Solutions, Liquidia Technologies and Carbon3D.
Joseph DeSimone | Speaker |