Dolores Huerta: How to overcome apathy and find your power
Dolores Huerta: Hogyan győzzük le a fásultságot, és hogyan találjunk rá hatalmunkra?
Dolores Huerta is inspired by a passion to spend most of her time pursuing social justice and civil rights. Full bio
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with quoting Helen Keller,
that is very profound,
cures for many evils,
of all in human beings,
really costs us a lot,
people do not get involved,
miért nem vesznek részt a közéletben,
with their own familial responsibilities,
érzett felelősségük meríti ki őket,
they have so many inhibitions.
so much trauma in their lives,
that they have leadership capacities.
hogy vezéregyéniségek.
and they could change the world.
változtatni a világot.
nekünk kell elvégeznünk.
responsible for our families,
do the duties that we are responsible for.
körébe tartozó ügyekben.
to make this happen,
hogy meg kell tegyük,
to be able to volunteer
that are now facing us.
ügyben való közreműködésre.
can give up a little bit of time
keveset feláldozhatnak,
felesleges dolgok után járkálunk.
that we don't even need.
a hearse with a U-Haul behind it.
so that others can simply live.
is egyszerűen élhessenek.
of the kind of inheritance
és unokáinkra hagyni,
or our grandchildren,
that they can not only imitate,
for the rest of their lives.
egész életükben.
all they're going to do is fight,
javakat hagyunk rájuk,
when we think about what we're doing.
to liberate our women, eventually,
szabadítsuk fel a nőket,
of volunteer work that we need to do
szükséges önkéntes munkát.
of an education for our young women.
kell részesíteni a fiatal nőket.
around the world,
are going to have to defend themselves,
hogy meg kell magukat védeniük,
to support themselves
actually look at the animal kingdom,
the male or the female?
of that animal kingdom as women.
az állatvilág csúcsán lévő nőknél.
of how I found my voice.
hogy találtam meg a hangom.
when I was 25 years old,
25 éves koromban,
the Community Service Organization
and I was recruited to be a volunteer.
és besoroztak önkéntesnek.
sitting in the office,
he can hardly walk, he has a crutch.
nehezen mozgott.
aki a jóléti irodába lekíséri,
go down to the welfare office
an application for this gentleman.
hogy megírjam a kérvényét.
I was at a loss.
and I told Mr. Ross,
és elmondtam Ross úrnak:
to that welfare office,
let him make an application."
kérvényt adhasson be.”
"Hűha, ezt én megtehetem?"
my anxieties and my fears.
and I demanded to see the supervisor.
kértem a főnököt.
make an application for welfare.
hogy kérvényezze a támogatást.
for himself and his family.
a fogyatékossági támogatást.
many other things, including Cesar Chavez
több újdonságot tanított,
that we can make demands of people,
hogy kérhetünk az emberektől,
we should always keep in mind:
guess what -- they work for us.
találják ki a folytatást! ...értünk van.
with out taxes.
but not all of them.
de nem mind.
a leader out of there.
is that voting is extremely important.
is megtanította nekünk.
and getting other people to vote.
hogy menjenek el szavazni,
and they don't know how to vote.
és nem tudják, hogyan kell szavazni.
people are not allowed to vote
nem szavazhatnak az emberek,
in other countries,
in the United States of America.
get out there as individuals
keressük föl őket,
so we can remove their apathy
elűzhetjük a fásultságukat,
of a woman in our foundation,
that sometimes people have power,
they do miraculous things.
is an immigrant from Mexico,
in their town called Weedpatch --
Weedpatch városában
and play in the schoolyard,
of Kern County, California
and they passed a bond issue
kötvényeket bocsátottak ki,
state-of-the-art gymnasium
the breakfast program
gyerekeinek reggeliztetési programját.
it was just too much paperwork.
hogy sok az adminisztráció vele.
to the school board.
az iskola vezetőségébe.
and she got rid of the principal.
az igazgatótól szabadultak meg.
in the local water district.
to the water district.
a vízművek vezetőségébe.
of the water district
pénzügyi tevékenységébe.
missing from their bank account.
hiányzik a bankszámlájukról.
and several arrests have been made.
történt pár letartóztatás.
of a woman who never went to high school,
akinek nincs felsőfokú végzettsége,
other people in the community
másokat is a közösségből,
gotten themselves elected.
Coretta Scott King said,
until women take power."
míg nők nem veszik át a hatalmat."
until feminists take power.
nem veszik át a hatalmat."
there is a difference, right?
to define what is a feminist --
meg akarjuk határozni:
for reproductive rights,
fűződő jogokért,
for the environment,
a környezetvédelemért,
for labor unions and working people.
a szakszervezetekért és a munkásokért.
that men can also be feminists.
is lehetnek feministák.
of how can we feminize the policies,
hogy ez a szakpolitikára is vonatkozzék,
like the United States,
to stop wars and to have peace
és a béke megteremtésére:
countries in the world
were devastated after the war,
many tax dollars to those two countries,
az Egyesült Államoktól
and rebuild their corporations.
hogyan segítsük a többi hasonló országot.
we can help these other countries.
in the United States of America,
from Central America
of the United States.
that we go to as tourists?
opportunities there.
in the United States every single day?
az USA-ban naponta?
that we consume?
from the United States of America.
were to be able to get some of that money
to leave their homes.
az otthonukat.
as asylum seekers
folyamodóként érkezzenek
States of America.
have to be separated from their parents.
elválasztani a szüleiktől.
countries in the world
and have free health care
szolgáltatás ingyenes
for every one of their citizens,
ingyenes az egészségügyi ellátása,
for every one of their citizens.
elő tudja teremteni a fedezetet,
and we know that they're a poor country,
szegény ország,
of the other wealthier countries,
gazdagabb országok,
of the United States of America,
officials elected to their governments
hogy a megválasztott kormánytagok
they care about people,
gondoskodnak az emberekről,
that the resources that they have
hogy a rájuk bízott forrásokat
and not to be used for war.
a democracy in the United States,
demokrácia az USA-ban
throughout the world,
get out there and we say,
hogy megmozduljunk és valljuk:
get off of the sidewalk,
hallassuk a hangunkat,
és igazságosságért menetelőkhöz,
for peace and justice,
vision a reality,
in the United States of America.
választások az USA-ban.
in the United States.
az USA-ban.
szerte a világon.
all over the world.
that we have this potential.
to get rid of the apathy.
megszabadulni a fásultságtól.
get everyone committed,
mindenki elköteleződik,
Coretta Scott's vision come true.
Coretta Scott álmát.
one of the things is,
the peace that we all yearn for,
Dolores Huerta - Civil rights activist, community organizerDolores Huerta is inspired by a passion to spend most of her time pursuing social justice and civil rights.
Why you should listen
Dolores Huerta is a civil rights activist and community organizer. She has worked for labor rights and social justice for more than 50 years. In 1962, she and Cesar Chavez founded the United Farm Workers union. She served as vice president and played a critical role in many of the union's accomplishments for four decades. In 2002, she received the Puffin/Nation $100,000 prize for Creative Citizenship, which she used to establish the Dolores Huerta Foundation (DHF).
DHF is connecting groundbreaking community-based organizing to state and national movements to register and educate voters, advocate for education reform, bring about infrastructure improvements in low-income communities, advocate for greater equality for the LGBT community and create strong leadership development. She has received numerous awards including The Eleanor Roosevelt Humans Rights Award from President Clinton in 1998. In 2012, President Obama bestowed Huerta with The Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor in the United States.
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