Dolores Huerta: How to overcome apathy and find your power
Dolores Huerta: Bagaimana mengatasi ketidakacuhan dan menemukan kekuatan Anda
Dolores Huerta is inspired by a passion to spend most of her time pursuing social justice and civil rights. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
with quoting Helen Keller,
kutipan Hellen Keller,
that is very profound,
yang sangat mendalam,
cures for many evils,
banyak sekali hal buruk,
of all in human beings,
yang terburuk dari manusia,
really costs us a lot,
sangat merugikan kita
people do not get involved,
orang-orang tidak mau terlibat,
with their own familial responsibilities,
tanggung jawab keluarga mereka sendiri,
they have so many inhibitions.
banyak hambatan.
so much trauma in their lives,
trauma dalam hidup mereka.
that they have leadership capacities.
menyadari kalau mereka punya daya pimpin.
and they could change the world.
dan mengubah dunia
melakukan semua.
responsible for our families,
yang bertanggung jawab atas keluarga kita.
melimpahkan tanggung jawab tersebut
do the duties that we are responsible for.
melakukan yang jadi tanggung jawab kita
to make this happen,
to be able to volunteer
waktu untuk menjadi sukarelawan
that are now facing us.
yang saat ini kita hadapi.
can give up a little bit of time
bisa berikan sedikit waktu lebih
that we don't even need.
sebenarnya tidak kita perlukan.
a hearse with a U-Haul behind it.
dan mobil barang di belakangnya
so that others can simply live.
agar orang lain bisa hidup.
of the kind of inheritance
tipe peninggalan
or our grandchildren,
atau cucu-cucu kita,
mengenai keadilan.
that they can not only imitate,
tidak saja dapat dicontoh,
for the rest of their lives.
selama sisa hidup mereka.
all they're going to do is fight,
mereka hanya akan bertengkar,
when we think about what we're doing.
mengenai apa yang kita lakukan.
to liberate our women, eventually,
untuk membebaskan perempuan, pada akhirnya
of volunteer work that we need to do
sukarela yang perlu kita lakukan
of an education for our young women.
yang berbeda untuk wanita muda kita,
around the world,
di seluruh dunia,
are going to have to defend themselves,
harus membela diri mereka sendiri,
to support themselves
mendukung diri mereka sendiri
diri sendiri
actually look at the animal kingdom,
the male or the female?
jantan atau betina?
of that animal kingdom as women.
di puncak kerajaan hewan sebagai wanita.
of how I found my voice.
saya menemukan suara saya.
when I was 25 years old,
ketika saya berumur 25 tahun,
bernama Fred Ross Sr.,
the Community Service Organization
Organisasi Layanan Masyarakat
Stockton, California.
and I was recruited to be a volunteer.
dan saya direkrut menjadi sukarelawan
sitting in the office,
duduk di kantor,
he can hardly walk, he has a crutch.
berjalan, dia menggunakan penopang.
go down to the welfare office
ke kantor kesejahteraan
kantor kesejahteraan,
an application for this gentleman.
aplikasi untuk Bapak itu.
I was at a loss.
saya lakukan, saya bingung.
and I told Mr. Ross,
dan saya beri tahu Pak Ross,
membuat aplikasi."
dengan sangat tegas,
to that welfare office,
let him make an application."
mengizinkan ia membuat aplikasi."
"Aku dapat lakukan itu?"
my anxieties and my fears.
dan kekhawatiran saya.
and I demanded to see the supervisor.
dan saya menuntut bertemu dengan pengawas
make an application for welfare.
membuat aplikasi kesejahteraan.
for himself and his family.
untuk dirinya dan keluarganya.
bahwa saya memiliki suara.
many other things, including Cesar Chavez
kami banyak hal, termasuk Cesar Chavez
that we can make demands of people,
dapat menuntut dari orang-orang
we should always keep in mind:
guess what -- they work for us.
Anda tahu -- mereka bekerja untuk kita.
with out taxes.
dengan pajak.
but not all of them.
tapi tidak semuanya.
a leader out of there.
pemimpin dari sana.
is that voting is extremely important.
adalah memilih adalah sangat penting.
and getting other people to vote.
dan mengajak orang lain untuk memilih.
and they don't know how to vote.
dan mereka tidak tahu cara memilih.
people are not allowed to vote
orang-orang tidak diizinkan memilih
in other countries,
di negara lain,
in the United States of America.
di Amerika Serikat.
get out there as individuals
keluar sebagai individu
so we can remove their apathy
dan menghilangkan ketidakacuhan mereka
of a woman in our foundation,
mengenai seorang wanita di yayasan kami,
that sometimes people have power,
kadang-kadang orang memiliki kekuasaan,
they do miraculous things.
mereka melakukan hal ajaib
is an immigrant from Mexico,
yang sangat terbatas.
in their town called Weedpatch --
di kotanya yang bernama Weedpatch --
and play in the schoolyard,
dan bermain di halaman sekolah,
of Kern County, California
and they passed a bond issue
mempermasalahkan soal kontrak
state-of-the-art gymnasium
yang canggih
the breakfast program
program sarapan
it was just too much paperwork.
terlalu banyak pekerjaan administrasi.
to the school board.
dewan sekolah.
and she got rid of the principal.
dan dia menyingkirkan kepala sekolah itu.
in the local water district.
to the water district.
of the water district
semua keuangan dari distrik air
missing from their bank account.
hilang dari rekening bank mereka.
and several arrests have been made.
dan terjadilah beberapa penangkapan.
of a woman who never went to high school,
mengenai wanita yang tidak mengikuti SMU
other people in the community
orang lain di masyarakat
gotten themselves elected.
Coretta Scott King said,
Kata Coretta Scott King,
until women take power."
sampai wanita mengambil alih."
until feminists take power.
sampai feminis mengambil alih.
there is a difference, right?
ada perbedaannya, kan?
to define what is a feminist --
mendefinisikan apa itu feminis --
for reproductive rights,
hak reproduksi,
for the environment,
hak untuk lingkungan,
for labor unions and working people.
untuk serikat buruh dan pekerja.
that men can also be feminists.
bahwa pria dapat juga menjadi feminis.
of how can we feminize the policies,
tentang bagaimana memfeminisasi kebijakan,
negara-negara besar kita,
like the United States,
seperti Amerika Serikat,
to stop wars and to have peace
mestop perang dan memperoleh perdamaian
countries in the world
negara-negara terkaya di dunia
were devastated after the war,
hancur setelah perang,
many tax dollars to those two countries,
banyak uang dari pajak ke kedua negara,
and rebuild their corporations.
perekonomian dan perusahaan mereka.
we can help these other countries.
cara membantu negara lain.
in the United States of America,
di Amerika Serikat,
from Central America
of the United States.
Amerika Serikat.
meninggalkan rumah mereka
that we go to as tourists?
yang kita kunjungi sebagai turis?
opportunities there.
kesempatan di sana.
in the United States every single day?
setiap hari di Amerika Serikat?
that we consume?
yang kita konsumsi?
from the United States of America.
Amerika Serikat
were to be able to get some of that money
mendapatkan sebagian dari uang tersebut
to leave their homes.
rumah mereka.
as asylum seekers
sebagai pencari suaka
States of America.
have to be separated from their parents.
terpisahkan dari orang tua mereka.
countries in the world
di dunia
and have free health care
biaya kesehatan secara gratis
for every one of their citizens,
untuk setiap warga negara
for every one of their citizens.
untuk setiap warga negara.
and we know that they're a poor country,
dan kita tahu dia adalah negara miskin,
of the other wealthier countries,
negara yang lebih kaya,
of the United States of America,
Amerika Serikat,
officials elected to their governments
pejabat publik dalam pemerintahan mereka
they care about people,
mereka peduli terhadap masyarakat,
that the resources that they have
sumber daya yang mereka miliki
and not to be used for war.
dan bukan untuk perang.
a democracy in the United States,
demokrasi di Amerika Serikat,
throughout the world,
di seluruh dunia,
get out there and we say,
untuk keluar dan mengatakan,
get off of the sidewalk,
jangan berdiam diri,
perdamaian dan keadilan,
for peace and justice,
vision a reality,
in the United States of America.
di Amerika Serikat.
orang LGBT,
turun ke jalan.
in the United States.
all over the world.
that we have this potential.
memiliki potensi ini.
to get rid of the apathy.
menyingkirkan ketidakacuhan.
get everyone committed,
semua orang berkomitmen,
Coretta Scott's vision come true.
visi Coretta Scott menjadi kenyataan.
one of the things is,
salah satu hal adalah,
the peace that we all yearn for,
yang kita semua inginkan,
Dolores Huerta - Civil rights activist, community organizerDolores Huerta is inspired by a passion to spend most of her time pursuing social justice and civil rights.
Why you should listen
Dolores Huerta is a civil rights activist and community organizer. She has worked for labor rights and social justice for more than 50 years. In 1962, she and Cesar Chavez founded the United Farm Workers union. She served as vice president and played a critical role in many of the union's accomplishments for four decades. In 2002, she received the Puffin/Nation $100,000 prize for Creative Citizenship, which she used to establish the Dolores Huerta Foundation (DHF).
DHF is connecting groundbreaking community-based organizing to state and national movements to register and educate voters, advocate for education reform, bring about infrastructure improvements in low-income communities, advocate for greater equality for the LGBT community and create strong leadership development. She has received numerous awards including The Eleanor Roosevelt Humans Rights Award from President Clinton in 1998. In 2012, President Obama bestowed Huerta with The Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor in the United States.
Dolores Huerta | Speaker |