Liz Kleinrock: How to teach kids to talk about taboo topics
Liz Kleinrock: Bagaimana mengajarkan anak-anak untuk bercakap mengenai topik yang tabu
Liz Kleinrock creates curricular content for K-12 students around issues of diversity, equity and inclusion. Full bio
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dengan siswa kelas empat saya.
with my fourth-graders.
mendaftar hal-hal yang mereka tahu,
list everything they know about it,
yang menjadi mimpi buruk para guru.
that every teacher has nightmares about.
had just asked the question,
menawarkan jawaban:
karena warna kulitnya seperti kotoran."
because their skin is the color of poop."
seluruh kelas saya meledak.
my entire class exploded.
mengatakan itu, itu rasis!"
that's racist!"
sejenak dalam benak Anda.
to freeze this scene in your mind.
usia sembilan dan sepuluh tahun,
of nine- and ten-year-olds,
sesuatu yang luar biasa lucu,
Abby has said something wildly funny,
karena bicara sesuatu yang menyinggung.
for saying something offensive.
sitting there completely bewildered
ia tidak mengerti bobot perkataannya
understand the weight of what she said
bereaksi seperti itu.
hampir terkena serangan panik.
like, about to have a panic attack.
keputusan kilat setiap waktu.
decisions all the time.
tapi bagaimana?
dan menegurnya atas ucapannya.
and reprimanding her for her words.
mulai membahas topik lain,
for another subject,
pikiran murid saya dari kata "kotoran".
off the word "poop."
is often not the easy thing to do.
seringnya bukan sesuatu yang mudah.
this moment to be over,
akan membantu saya lepas dari situasi itu,
would help me escape the situation,
yang terlalu penting untuk dilewatkan.
of a teachable moment to miss.
for what felt like an eternity,
untuk waktu yang terasa sangat lama,
menghadap murid-murid saya, dan berkata,
to face my class, and I said,
looked at each other, all confused.
saling berpandangan, kebingungan.
memandang orang berkulit gelap
have looked at people with dark skin
warna kulit mereka buruk.
untuk tidak memanusiakan mereka.
as an excuse to dehumanize them.
about race and racism in the first place
sekarang belajar tentang ras dan rasisme
agar lebih tahu.
komentar seperti ini menyakitkan,
why comments like this are hurtful,
bahwa orang berkulit gelap
that people with dark skin
with respect and kindness."
dengan rasa hormat dan kebaikan."
yang sangat mengerikan.
teachable moment.
masuk dalam pembicaraan itu,
in the conversation,
maupun anak-anak yang lain
and the rest of the kids
benar-benar mereka resapi,
really marinate with my students,
yang memiliki pemikiran seperti Abby.
have assumptions just like Abby.
berlalu tanpa disadari atau ditangani,
go unnoticed and unaddressed,
untuk mundur selangkah
to take a step back
sebuah topik tabu.
what makes a topic taboo.
daftar resmi berbagai hal
an official list of things
saat tumbuh dewasa:
over and over, growing up:
saat pertemuan keluarga.
at family get-togethers.
are religion and politics.
adalah faktor pengaruh yang besar
often are such huge influencing factors
dan kepercayaan kita.
identities and beliefs.
saat hal-hal ini muncul dalam percakapan.
when these things come up in conversation.
in the language of equity,
membicarakan kesetaraan,
khawatir akan dipermalukan
akan terlihat begitu mereka bicara.
as soon as they open their mouths.
untuk memulai percakapan
towards holding conversations
menghapus stigma terhadap topik
with destigmatizing topics
around race, for example,
perlu fasih dalam bahasa ini
to be fluent in this language
satu-satunya tempat
dapat merasa bebas dan nyaman
free and comfortable
merasakan keamanan itu.
feel that sense of security.
di hadapan siswa kelas empat saya
in front of my fourth-graders
could actually have life-long implications
dapat memberi dampak seumur hidup
untuk semua siswa lain di kelas saya.
of the students in my class.
bahwa komentar semacam ini dapat diterima.
that this type of comment is acceptable.
di depan semua teman-temannya,
in front of all of her friends,
salah satu percakapan awalnya tentang ras
of her first conversations on race
untuk terlibat dalam topik itu lagi.
from ever engaging on that topic again.
is not teaching them what to think.
mengajari harus berpikir seperti apa.
strategi, bahasa,
and strategies and language
untuk berlatih cara berpikir.
to practice how to think.
mengajari anak-anak cara membaca.
how we teach kids how to read.
menjadi huruf dan bunyi
into letters and sounds
kefasihan dengan membaca setiap hari,
their fluency by reading every single day,
dengan teman-teman mereka.
banyak pertanyaan untuk pemahaman
lots of comprehension questions
apa yang mereka baca.
understanding what they're reading.
tentang kesetaraan
kids about equity
pendekatan yang persis sama.
in the exact same way.
survei pada para murid setiap tahun,
a survey every year,
seputar kesetaraan dan inklusi.
around equity and inclusion.
dari salah seorang murid saya,
from one of my kids,
ada hal yang lucu di sini.
there's some humor in here.
orang, dan binatang atau lebih
cars, people and animals
yang tercepat dan siapa yang menang."
atas "Apa itu rasisme?"
at her question, "What is racism?"
orang kulit gelap dengan sebutan kasar."
someone dark-skinned a mean name."
bahwa dia mulai mengerti.
that she's beginning to understand.
tidak mampu untuk membicarakan hal ini,
of having these conversations,
that these types of conversations
percakapan semacam ini
dibicarakan dengan siswa kita,
with our students,
dari kelas satu sampai lima,
first through fifth grades,
ke ruang kelas satu
into a first-grade classroom
topik seperti penangkapan massal.
like mass incarceration.
berusia enam tahun tahu bedanya
can understand the difference
mendapatkan yang mereka butuhkan.
people getting what they need.
seperti ini bersama-sama di dalam kelas.
of these things in class together.
between fair and equal --
mendapatkan hal yang sama,
understand the difference
juga bisa paham perbedaan
are foundational concepts
di Amerika Serikat.
in the United States.
murid TK atau kelas satu
that kindergarteners or first-graders
conversations around racism,
many different components
bisa sama dan berbeda,
dan yang lain tidak.
when other people don't.
dengan siswa berusia belia,
with students at a young age,
sebagian perasaan tabu
some of that taboo feeling
saat mereka lebih dewasa.
hal-hal ini di sekolah
about these things in schools
bila orangtua atau keluarga
if parents or families
pembicaraan seperti ini di sekolah?
these conversations in schools?
yang dikatakan siswa kepada saya
that students have said to me
dan berbisik pada saya,
and whisper to me,
mengucapkan LGBTQ,
use the term LGBTQ,
dan saya terlalu malu mengakuinya."
and I'm too embarrassed to admit it."
di akhir pekan dan berkata,
and come up to me and say,
menonton film tentang Australia,
this movie about Australia,
apa di sana juga ada rasisme."
if they have racism there, too."
comfortable having these conversations
nyaman membicarakan hal-hal ini
membicarakannya dan bisa bertanya,
talking about it and asking questions,
menjalani hidup dan pengalaman sendiri
their own lives and experiences
topik-topik yang besar ini.
kind of nervous
mengangkat topiknya atau bertanya
or asks a question
yang menarik perhatian saya
something to my attention
pura-pura ahli dalam suatu hal
to be an expert in something
atau tak ada wewenang.
or I'm not an authority on.
about the LGBTQ community.
untuk memberikan jawaban yang tepat.
to give them an appropriate answer.
pada perwakilan dari lembaga nirlaba
to a representative of a nonprofit
di kelas kami tentang isu tersebut.
about that very same issue.
bahwa kita tak selalu punya jawabannya,
that we don't have all the answers,
diri kita di mata mereka,
juga masih harus banyak belajar,
have a long way to go, too,
about issues of equity.
I wrote a lesson about consent.
materi tentang persetujuan.
this was very exciting
yang sepertinya amat tabu dan menakutkan
that seemed very taboo and scary
agar dapat dipahami oleh anak-anak.
that was accessible for young learners.
sangat terkait dengan seks,
is so strongly tied to sex,
sebagai subjek yang tabu,
a taboo subject,
sangat tidak nyaman.
tentang seks di kelas.
batasan fisik yang berbeda
physical boundaries
dan emosional yang dibutuhkan
intelligence it takes
dan bahasa tubuh seseorang
and tone and body language
harus diajarkan gamblang
to be explicitly taught,
like reading and math.
seperti membaca dan berhitung.
for students of one single demographic.
untuk satu tipe siswa saja.
and making observations
dari ras atau etnis apapun,
of any race or ethnicity
pendapatan, kode pos manapun
or zip code should be learning in schools.
of these conversations
pembicaraan topik-topik ini
saat guru mereka, juga buku pelajaran
when their textbooks
seperti wanita atau orang kulit berwarna.
of people like women or people of color.
pada murid saya di kelas tiga
who think they're too young
untuk belajar tentang masalah kesetaraan.
of my 25 students,
sampel kecil dari 25 murid saya,
mereka dapat membicarakannya
of having these conversations,
sebagai hak bukan keistimewaan.
as a right and not as a privilege.
untuk mengerti hal-hal ini
to know about these things
are happening where we live.
terjadi di tempat tinggal kami.
kehidupan kami nantinya."
in the future."
Liz Kleinrock - EducatorLiz Kleinrock creates curricular content for K-12 students around issues of diversity, equity and inclusion.
Why you should listen
Liz Kleinrock specializes in creating engaging and accessible units of study for all ages of learners. She began her career in education as an AmeriCorps volunteer teacher in Oakland, California in 2009, and she has since served as both a classroom educator and diversity coordinator in Los Angeles, California. She also works with schools and districts throughout the United States to develop workshops and trainings that support culturally responsive practices that fit the needs of specific communities.
Kleinrock's teaching practice gained national attention in 2017 after her classroom became the subject of a documentary short produced by Fluid Film. In 2018, she received the Teaching Tolerance Award for Excellence in Teaching, and her lessons on teaching consent and personal boundaries to students have gained international attention through media outlets such as CNN, The Washington Post, The Huffington Post and NPR. Kleinrock has published articles with Heinemann Publishing and Teaching Tolerance on destigmatizing privilege, trauma-informed teaching and cultivating relationships with students and families. She is writing her first book.
Liz Kleinrock | Speaker |