Olympia Della Flora: Creative ways to get kids to thrive in school
Olympia Della Flora: Maneiras criativas de fazer as crianças terem sucesso na escola
Olympia Della Flora wants schools to think differently about educating students -- by helping them manage their emotions. Full bio
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fundamental em Columbus, Ohio.
in Columbus, Ohio.
there was a student named D.
tinha seis anos,
he was six years old:
the entire room.
como virar carteiras,
bloqueavam a escola toda
the entire school into lockdown mode
a diretora dessa escola.
I was the principal at this school.
com meu corpo docente,
learned with my staff
been trained for.
preparatório para diretora?
my principal prep coursework?
with a kid like D?
from impeding the learning
o que achávamos que sabíamos,
that we thought we knew,
que restava era sua expulsão,
was to kick him out,
passam por dificuldades na escola.
are struggling with their education.
uma solução à prova de falhas,
with a fail-safe solution,
não apenas sobrevivam à escola,
to not only survive in school
de encontrar uma solução
a ler e a escrever,
how to read and write
a controlar suas emoções.
and manage their own emotions.
we were able to move our school
in the state of Ohio,
com pior desempenho do estado de Ohio,
in just a matter of a few years.
no bem-estar emocional das crianças,
on the emotional well-being of their kids.
de aula com 30 alunos
full of 30 students
dentro da cabeça dela.
inside of his head.
e para crianças como ele,
podem fazer enormes diferenças
can make huge differences,
nem um grande plano estratégico,
or grand strategic plans,
de modo inteligente no que temos
of thinking about what you have
fora da caixa para obter respostas
look outside the box for answers,
dinheiro e esforço suficientes
enough time, money and effort
o que já temos dentro da caixa.
inside the box.
can happen fast.
podem acontecer rapidamente.
o motivo de ele se tornar tão bravo,
to figure out how he had become so angry.
havia saído de casa
his father had left the home
mais horas para sustentar a família.
in order to support the family,
for D to connect with --
adultos com quem se relacionar.
de seu irmão mais novo
of his younger brother
de que D tinha seis anos?
that D was six years old?
em se adaptar ao ambiente escolar.
for having some trouble
de ajudá-lo com essas fortes emoções
to help him with these big emotions
essenciais de leitura e matemática.
of reading and math.
as maiores dificuldades dele.
where he was struggling the most.
uma fase de transição difícil,
can be a tough transition time
familiar menos estruturado
a less structured home environment
we created a calming area for him
de balanço, almofadas e livros,
and soft cushions and books,
to this place in the morning,
ao ambiente escolar
back into the school environment
a descobrir mais sobre D,
que ajudavam a acalmá-lo.
that helped him calm down.
os alunos mais novos.
younger students,
ajudante da pré-escola.
the kindergarten classroom
how to write their letters.
com alguns deles,
successful with a few of them
alguns alunos da pré-escola,
kindergarten students down,
dos colegas no comportamento
of peers on behavior was far greater
que os adultos pudessem fazer.
rirem com as crianças,
would actually laugh with kids,
a cara de espanto de D
ou cantava uma música que tocava na rádio,
or singing a song from the radio station,
com ele em seu mundo.
with him in his world.
to lay on this kind of special treatment
de tratamento especial
e as táticas que funcionavam com D,
the tools and tactics that worked for D,
e usar isso com outros alunos.
and use them with other students.
o comportamento dos alunos
student behavior
utilizavam o tempo de aula
during the lesson plan
a identificar suas emoções
their feelings
e apropriadas para lidar com elas,
coping strategies for dealing with them,
throughout the day,
fizessem posições de ioga
físicas estruturadas.
physical activities.
de ficar sentadas por muito tempo,
with sitting for long periods of time,
e bicicletas ergométricas,
pedalar por baixo das carteiras.
underneath their desks.
a permanecer na sala de aula,
to stay in the classroom,
a whole lot of extra money.
diferente no que tínhamos.
about what we had.
tem uma série de materiais educativos.
has an instructional supply line.
com uma cor mais relaxante,
of a school a more calming color,
em instrumentos acadêmicos,
in the academic tools --
os instrumentos sociais.
seriously, too.
emocional das crianças
of our kids seriously
nas avaliações de leitura e matemática,
in our reading and math scores,
de desenvolvimento de um ano
of expected growth
com o mesmo grupo demográfico.
with our same demographic.
as crianças a controlar as emoções
to help our kids manage their emotions
que nossas crianças enfrentavam em casa,
might be facing at home,
para abordar isso diretamente.
or funded to address it directly.
de grupos locais,
to local groups,
Estadual de Ohio.
with the Ohio State University
que estudavam educação
e trabalho social escolar.
and school social work.
with our teachers
com mais dificuldades.
ao mais recente pensamento acadêmico,
to the latest college-level thinking,
experiência de vida do mundo real
got real-world, life experiences
Children's Hospital local,
Nationwide Children's Hospital
dentro de nossa escola,
a health clinic within our school,
resources for our students.
física e mental para nossos alunos.
se beneficiaram com isso.
a serviços de aconselhamento
during the school day.
was not in D or in the kids at all.
não foi em D ou nas crianças.
academic instruction,
instruções acadêmicas,
do escopo do trabalho.
the scope of the job.
o desenvolvimento emocional das crianças,
of our kids seriously,
de fazer a mudança.
que deram esse salto comigo.
that took that leap with me.
de desenvolvimento profissional,
professional development plan,
experiências de infância
of different childhood experiences
das experiências de nossos alunos,
some of our students' experiences,
em cérebros em desenvolvimento.
a reformular e a entender
the behaviors that we were seeing.
de arame farpado à aprendizagem,
barriers to learning,
uma solução para isso.
a realizar o planejamento das aulas,
to practice with lesson plans,
com um único foco,
with a single focus,
these movement breaks,
para movimento,
pulassem na sala de aula
and dance for two minutes straight,
ajuda os alunos a reter novas informações.
helps the learner retain new information.
proporciona uma dança perfeita.
provides a perfect short dance party.
"O que aconteceu com você?",
"What happened to you?"
instead of "Get out."
em vez de "Cai fora".
fez uma enorme diferença.
made huge differences,
de nossa classificação acadêmica.
in our academic scores.
chegou ao quarto ano,
got to fourth grade,
contagiou os outros alunos.
with other students.
continuava melhorando,
continue to improve,
não apenas para as crianças,
not only for children
de educação alternativa
education program
a esse ambiente tradicional.
in traditional high school setting.
algumas de suas histórias.
some of their histories.
detention system
do sistema de detenção juvenil
of them exhibit the same behaviors
exibem os mesmos comportamentos
aprendido mais cedo
healthy coping strategies early on
em uma escola comum de ensino médio?"
in a regular high school?
que isso teria ajudado.
I believe that it would've helped.
the social and emotional development
de nossas crianças.
o que é preciso fazer pelas crianças.
and say what we need to do for our kids.
e escrever, e elas se formarem,
and write, and they graduate
how to manage emotions,
ou pagarão o preço depois".
for us to invest in our kids.
passar em um exame.
that can or cannot pass a test.
Olympia Della Flora - EducatorOlympia Della Flora wants schools to think differently about educating students -- by helping them manage their emotions.
Why you should listen
Olympia Della Flora wants to seek solutions versus focusing on problems. This is why she became a principal at one of the lowest performing schools in Ohio. She believes that it takes a village to improve schools and has found ways to engage multiple stakeholders in this work including students, staff, parents and community members. Through focusing on this philosophy, Della Flora was able to successfully lead efforts to move her elementary school in Ohio out of failing status with the state. She attributes this success to collaborating with community partners and providing ongoing professional development for staff around social and emotional learning supports for students. She believes that schools should seek ways to address and support the whole child when it comes to learning, addressing not only academics but also social and emotional outcomes. She's now expanding this work through supervising and supporting principals in Connecticut, where she serves as the Associate Superintendent for School Development for Stamford Public Schools.
Olympia Della Flora | Speaker | TED.com