Harry Baker: A love poem for lonely prime numbers
Harry Baker: O poezie de dragoste pentru singuraticele numere prime.
2012 World Poetry Slam Champion Harry Baker has travelled the world off the strength of his way with words. He combines the nerdiness of being a math student with the hopefulness of being a human. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
Harry Baker is my name.
Harry Baker mă cheamă pe mine.
then our names would be the same.
atunci m-aș numi la fel... ca tine.
o poezie de dragoste despre numere prime.
with a love poem about prime numbers.
„Iubire în prim plan”.
"Prime Time Loving."
pe partea cealaltă a patului.
side of the bed.
on one side of his head.
it’s because of the way that he slept.
că e pentru că așa a dormit.
and be subtly impressed
dar c-o neglijență studiată.
and yet casually messed.
vede ceea ce-l bucură zi de zi,
sees the sight that he gets blessed with
dressed in something suitable.
îmbrăcată cu rigurozitate.
more on cue than a snooker ball
mai la fix decât sună la școală,
that he knew her favorite flower.
că știe care e floarea ei favorită.
every minute, every hour.
în fiecare oră, minut și secundă.
he’d never get the girl.
că nu-i va ieși.
across the street
trăiau din lumi diferite.
cifra perfect rotundă,
perfectly round figure,
era „101 dalmațieni”.
was "101 Dalmatians."
they were star-crossed lovers.
că erau tragici îndrăgostiți
and evens because they had each other.
ca să fie fericiți.
impuse de părinți,
imposed on her by her mother
prost fără seamă
stupid and dumb
de-o absurdă mamă,
by her stupid mum,
de simpla adunare.
by the simple sum.
and you’re left with the one.
de umblat ca nebunul,
of moping around,
and his parents were out.
și părinții lui nu erau.
he went into a house
numbers on the door,
pân-acum nu s-au cunoscut,
introduced himself before,
dropped in awe.
and an approachable smile,
și un zâmbet mai cald,
the edges, casual style,
mai lejer și mai relaxat,
was in disorganized piles,
if friends stayed a while.
prietenii să mai șadă.
and he liked her.
dacă ar ști că era ca ea,
if she knew he was like her,
Fata era super tare,
I mean, this girl was wicked,
și-a întrebat-o ce cifre are.
and asked for her digits.
– Eu sunt 59, a spus el zâmbind larg.
He grinned, said, "I'm 59."
you could come over to mine?
just as quirky,
ready one minute early,
she arrived one minute late.
there was nonstop chatter,
că aveau doi divizori,
how they had two factors,
erau mai puternici prin deosebire,
distinctiveness made them better,
they were meant together.
despre 60 cea încrezută,
about stuck-up 60,
because it led to us.”
fiindcă m-a condus la tine.
not prone to jealousy,
și deloc geloasă,
and told him quite tenderly,
și i-a spus drăgăstoasă,
to become twice what 60 could ever be."
mai mult decât ar putea fi 60 vreodată.”
this one-of-a-kind girl in his life.
definition of being prime
doar între el și o singură ea
and himself could his heart divide,
să-i dăruiască inima,
to give his heart to,
că filmele nu erau complet adevărate.
and now she knew the films were half true.
ci doar o afinitate,
that love was just a sample,
al iubirii adevărate.
they were a prime example.
poetry night -- (Laughter) --
cu tema numerelor prime,
de poezii despre numere prime.
a prime number-themed poetry competition.
poetry competition winner,
de poezie despre numere prime,
a prime minister. (Laughter)
am devenit un prim ministru.
these things called poetry slams,
„meciuri de poezie”.
a poetry slam is,
in America 30 years ago
acum 30 de ani
la evenimentele de poezie
into going to poetry events
like "slam" on the end.
în nume, ca „meci”.
three minutes to perform
are la dispoziție 3 minute
would hold up scorecards,
with a numerical score,
interpret si spectatori
between performer and audience
of connection with the listener.
you can call yourself a slam champion
poți să te numești campion
poți spune „Poezia e o artă subiectivă,
"Oh, what? Poetry's a subjective art form,
got involved in these slams,
și am devenit campionul Marii Britanii
Cupa Mondială de Poezie din Paris,
the Poetry World Cup in Paris,
vorbeau pe limbile lor
speaking in their native languages
de cinci necunoscuți francezi.
to travel the world since doing it,
e, tehnic, cea mai bună poezie din lume.
Maybe pop-up purple paper people.
Pot fi decupați oamenii de hârtie.
pop-up purple paper people?"
decupați, violeți, de hârtie?”
pop-up purple paper people
decupați, violeți, de hârtie
purple people paperclip,
pentru oamenii decupați, violeți,
adhesives as alternatives,
potriviți, ca alternativă,
just in case the paper slipped.
în caz că hârtia alunecă.
o metropolă decupată.
paper people politics.
de politicile oamenilor de hârtie.
politicile lor subțiri,
paper-thin policies,
fără scuze adecvate.
without appropriate apologies.
And a little paper you.
Și un mic tu de hârtie.
and it would all be pay-per-view.
cu programe pay-per-view.
rap about their paper package
cântând despre hârtiile lor
get stuck in paper traffic on the A4.
blocate în trafic pe autostrada A4...
but we’d all stare at paper Pippa,
dar ne-am uita toți după Pippa de hârtie,
killer Jack the Paper-Ripper,
Jack Spintecătorul de Hârtie,
propagates the people's prejudices,
propagă prejudiciile oamenilor,
photogenic terrorists.
cu teroriștii fotogenici.
And a little paper you.
Un mic tu de hârtie.
people’s problems pop up too.
ar apărea și probleme.
who remained out of touch,
din hârtie, rămas în urmă,
about all the paper cuts,
despre tăieturile de hârtie,
would get blown to paper pieces,
ar mărunțite
ale poliției preventive.
manned by pre-emptive police.
așa că ar fi și lăcomia hârtiei,
so there’d still be paper greed,
pocketing more than they need,
ar băga în buzunare,
to pepper their paper properties,
să-și pipereze proprietățile de hârtie,
and ain’t acknowledged properly.
și nu e bine cunoscut.
unde mulți sunt săraci,
where so many are proper poor,
banii se duc pe războaiele mari.
the money goes to big wars.
plănuiesc avioane de hârtie
unfold plans for paper planes
in our own paper chains,
în lanțurile de hârtie,
is that it always seems to stay the same,
că pare să rămână neschimbat,
choosing how to lay the blame,
și pe cine dă vina,
forgetting these are names of people,
numele sunt persoane,
it all comes down to people.
se reduce la oameni.
who are able to inspire,
it’s hard to see how we all cope.
să vezi cum facem față.
there’s still hope,
e încă speranța,
fiindcă cred în oameni.
'cause I believe in people.
to pray for me.
rugându-se pentru mine.
în care cineva verfica să fiu bine,
of someone checking I’m okay,
plays with prisoners.
face teatru cu deținuți.
of genuine forgiveness.
de iertare adevărată
to make your life better,
mai bună și nu așteaptă recompensă.
to be powerful.
tend to pretend to be victims
victime, dar nu trebuie să le cedăm.
And a little paper you.
Și un mic tu de hârtie.
people's problems pop up too,
problemele sunt tot decupate,
then we’d still make it through.
tot am scoate-o la capăt.
I've just got time for one more.
Mai am timp pentru încă una.
de idei fără frontiere.
of ideas without frontiers.
erau aceia cu povești uimitoare,
were the ones with the amazing stories,
with a happy life, it was too normal,
cu o viață fericită, că era prea normală,
where I could talk about my experiences
puteam vorbi despre experiențele mele,
in front of you today.
Mulțumesc că sunteți aici.
like the sound check yesterday.
"The Sunshine Kid."
era mândru de soarele fiu,
to see his little boy run,
vadă băiețelul zglobiu,
nor the problems overcome,
sau ce probleme depășea,
remained a sunny one.
to hide his brightness,
lumina să-și acopere,
hits periods of hardship,
dă de greu,
to inspire them through the darkness.
de-ntuneric căutând scăpare.
he was born in a nebula,
la nașterea sa,
was thought of as regular,
seemed to turn a little bronze,
oriunde mergea.
by some more than others,
de unii mai mult, de alții puțin,
and his dreamcoat and his brothers
și haina colorată,
had its pros and its cons,
aduce și bune și rele odată,
in those he outshone
din cei umbriți
didn’t like the Sunshine Kid,
pe Copilul Soarelui,
the Shadow People did,
lucrurile întunecate făcute,
the places where the Shadow People hid,
ascunzișurile Oamenilor Umbrei,
să scape de el,
an evil plan to get rid of him,
their words were gunshots,
de parcă trăgeau cu pistoale,
he wasn’t very cool
popular kids at school.
nu poate fi,
and they would bring him down to Earth,
să-l aducă ei pe Pământ,
and that is what he was worth,
to university to learn,
clasele de arsuri,
would be the first degree burns
looked him in the eyes,
With evaporated tears
Din lacrimi evaporate,
with a warm personality,
cu o fire caldă,
of the shadowy folk
rănit atroce,
and left cavities,
lăsau goluri,
scânteia s-a-ntunecat,
his spark darkened,
it cooled his flames,
flăcările i se domoleau,
if he kept his light dim
dacă-și scădea lumina,
she had terrible aim,
râdeau de cât de rău țintea,
with what they said,
by what they said,
in his solar plexus.
Little Miss Sunshine came along
domnișoara Rază de Soare
about how we’re made to be strong,
că ești făcut să fii tare,
Just be true to who you are,
să fii doar cu tine onest,
her image burned in his retina,
pe retină-i ardea,
și ea l-a acceptat,
and she accepted him,
whenever she was next to him,
și îndrăznea să viseze,
and he dared to dream,
când ea era acolo să lumineze.
when she was there he beamed,
cum n-ar putea să mimeze,
in ways that can’t be faked,
toate cuvintele care-l răneau.
the razor-tipped words of hate,
„soare hazliu” sau „stea rece”,
they were "cool star" and "fun sun,"
lui a putut trece,
damage became undone,
and she was brilliant,
și era strălucitoare,
reptilians vermillion,
cu o privire răpitoare,
from Chileans to Brazilians,
iubită de miliarde și mii,
the meaning of resilience.
ce-nseamnă să revii.
from a single candle
handle your light?
să oprească lumina ta?
and the sky is the limit,
iar cerul e acum limita,
then she drew back the curtains
ea a tras perdelele
through the hurting.
these stars stuck together,
stelele au rămas împreună,
the memories would last forever,
amintirile rămân întotdeauna,
said it or not, it would be fine,
zice sau nu, ziua e bună,
chiar și după nor de furtună.
the kid could still shine.
cu o fire caldă,
with a warm personality,
inspired across galaxies
Harry Baker - Poet physician2012 World Poetry Slam Champion Harry Baker has travelled the world off the strength of his way with words. He combines the nerdiness of being a math student with the hopefulness of being a human.
Why you should listen
Harry Baker has always loved words. He’s been blessed enough to travel round the world with them, winning the Poetry Slam World Cup in 2012 and currently using a maths degree as an excuse to live in Germany and find heaps more new words to play with. With two 5-star Edinburgh Fringe festival shows under his belt, his latest milestone is his 2014 book, The Sunshine Kid.
Harry Baker | Speaker | TED.com