Christer Mjåset: 4 questions you should always ask your doctor
Christer Mjåset: 4 întrebări pe care trebuie să i le pui mereu doctorului
Christer Mjåset, M.D. is a neurosurgeon, author, columnist and lecturer who currently works as a Harkness fellow in Health Care Policy and Practice at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Boston studying value-based health care models. Full bio
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that people like me need your help.
ca mine au nevoie de ajutorul vostru.
about a patient of mine.
despre un pacient de-al meu.
of hospital a few times
de câteva ori
împotriva cancerului mamar.
from a cervical disc,
sub forma unei tensiuni
before the consultation,
înainte de consultație,
are standardized, and they're quick.
sunt standardizate și sunt rapide.
past the trachea,
into the internal carotid artery.
artera carotidă internă.
the disc and the prolapse
and the nerve root
milimetri dedesubt.
is the damage to the cord,
poți deteriora măduva spinării
from the neck down.
de la gât în jos.
she fell silent.
for me and for her.
pentru mine și pentru ea.
right there and then?
chiar în acel moment, acolo?
like this woman,
ca femeia aceasta,
pulling it out of the nerve root canal
din canalul rădăcinii nervoase
I wanted to operate on her.
is the most fun part of my job.
cea mai distractivă a meseriei mele.
he loves to just sit and draw
spune că îi place să stea și să deseneze
paying for the house
care plătesc casa
restrictions on what to do.
restricții la ce să facă.
to look their patient in the eye
să-și privească pacientul în ochi
for the person having the operation.
pentru persoana ce trebuie operată.
in the back of your throat.
în partea din spate a gâtului.
of tonsillectomies in Norway
rata de amigdalectomii în Norvegia
is that there is twice the chance
e că sunt de două ori mai multe șanse
because this is for children --
fiindcă e vorba de copii,
than in Trondheim.
în Finnmark decât în Trondheim.
in both regions are the same.
sunt aceleași.
no difference, but there is.
dar există.
la stabilizarea genunchiului
cum ar fi fotbalul.
for this condition.
pentru această afecțiune.
rate in Møre og Romsdal
rate in Stavanger.
decât în Stavanger.
than elsewhere in the country?
decât în altă parte a țării?
is the procedures performed
procedurile efectuate
are light green.
sunt cu verde.
in the private clinics
to treat the patients.
pentru a trata pacienții.
that the difference of treatment effect
au arătat că diferența ca efect
and operations for the knee --
și operațiile la genunchi,
of the procedures performed
procedurilor efectuate
even in Stavanger.
for treatments in the world
de tratament din lume
of treatment decisions,
ale deciziilor de tratament,
the treatment that they need,
tratamentul de care au nevoie,
once in my career.
doar o dată în cariera mea.
these words from a patient.
niciodată de la vreun pacient.
you'll get a "no" from a doctor
de la un doctor
with about the same "no" rate
or suggests something
sau sugerează ceva
the reason for this is?
for medical advice.
in the winter time,
whenever he went jogging.
de fiecare dată când făcea jogging.
I questioned him thoroughly,
that he probably had a degenerated disc
avea un disc deteriorat
swimming instead of jogging,
în locul alergatului,
to be more selective
„trebuie să fii mai selectiv
through my insurance at work."
prin asigurarea de la serviciu.”
he was also, after all, my friend.
la urma urmelor era prietenul meu.
to see how bad it looks back there."
să văd cât de rău arată.”
MRI scans?" I said.
scanări IRM?” am spus.
"It could be cancer."
„Ar putea fi cancer”.
of my colleagues at work,
and quit the jogging.
și să renunțe la jogging.
I met him again and he said,
with the same symptoms had an MRI?
cu aceleași simptome, ar face un IRM?
dureri de spate ocazionale?
would quadruple, maybe even more.
mai mare, poate chiar mai mult.
the spot on that list
also turns down, sometimes,
to get diagnosed or treated.
să fie diagnosticat sau tratat.
a difficult question to ask.
o întrebare dificil de pus.
what to do with you,
now a general practitioner,
sanatorium as a little girl,
la un sanatoriu pentru tuberculoză
had been negative all along.
fuseseră negative tot timpul.
on nothing but wrong suspicion.
doar pe bază de suspiciuni.
confronting him about it.
nu luase în considerare să îl contrazică,
health care service.
de îngrijire medicală.
from the doctor about what to do.
sfaturi de la doctor despre ce să facă.
responsibility on you.
pune mai multă responsabilitate pe tine.
with your doctor
împreună cu doctorul tău
decisions on where to go.
you're in a doctor's office,
în cabinetul doctorului,
de asemenea justificată.
attached to this operation?"
riscurile acestei operații?”
will have worsening of pain symptoms.
durerile se vor agrava.
or even a rehemorrhage
sau chiar o hemoragie
cu încă o operație.
also experience permanent hoarseness
rămân cu o răgușeală permanentă
in the arms or even legs.
brațelor sau picioarelor.
over some time
după un timp,
that you will get well.
o mică șansă să te faci bine.
cu instrumente ajutătoare.
wants to send you to an MRI,
vrea să te trimită să faci un IRM,
of you, 20 percent,
despre ce este de făcut.
not only have made your life
nu doar că îți vei face viața
and probably even better,
Christer Mjåset - NeurosurgeonChrister Mjåset, M.D. is a neurosurgeon, author, columnist and lecturer who currently works as a Harkness fellow in Health Care Policy and Practice at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Boston studying value-based health care models.
Why you should listen
Christer Mjåset, M.D. holds a position as a researcher at the Oslo University Hospital analyzing data from The Norwegian Spine Registry and as a lecturer at the Department of Health Management and Economics, University of Oslo, where he teaches in a leadership program for young physicians. Mjåset was president of the Norwegian Junior Doctors 2015-2019 and the Vice President of the Norwegian Medical Association 2017-2019. This work led him to be involved with the international Choosing Wisely campaign which seeks to advance a national dialogue avoiding unnecessary medical tests, treatments and procedures. From 2017-2019 he was responsible for implementing the campaign in Norway
Mjåset is a published author of five fictional books and several short stories. He won the Oslo City Cultural Scholarship for writers in 2006. He got his medical degree and bachelor’s degree in literature and philosophy at University of Oslo, both in 2000.
Christer Mjåset | Speaker |