Melissa Fleming: Let's help refugees thrive, not just survive
Melissa Fleming: Pomôžme utečencom napredovať, nielen prežiť
Melissa Fleming sheds light on their devastating plight and remarkable resilience of refugees. Full bio
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maturitné vysvedčenie,
akoby to malo byť naposledy.“
dozvedela strašné správy.
do Libanonu,
vyčerpávajúcej biedy
len v priebehu troch rokov.
in the neighboring countries,
sýrskych utečencov sú deti.
Syrian refugee children
nám hovoria,
to najdôležitejšie.
myslieť na budúcnosť,
a nie na nenávisť.
že predstavuje
utekajúcich zo Sýrie,
a právnikov
prežije v exile,
násilne vysídlených ľudí.
na sýrsko-jordánskej hranici.
nevhodných na plavbu po mori,
ktorý sa prevrátil.
s vlastnou neistotou,
vlastnému obyvateľstvu,
takému množstvu utečencov.
a prenasledovaním
by mali byť viac
keď sa budú môcť vrátiť domov
strašná vojna v Somálsku,
na druhom konci miestnosti,
asi tak vo veku mojej dcéry.
objavil prázdny výraz
v tomto tábore
ale až po tom, čo bol svedkom
ako jeho dedinu
animals and armed gangs,
a ozbrojenými gangami,
do utečeneckých táborov,
hovorila cez Skype.
z verejného zdravotníctva,
že sa mu podarilo získať
že budem mať príležitosť
ako sa postavíme k utečencom,
na základné životné potreby:
Melissa Fleming - Voice for refugeesMelissa Fleming sheds light on their devastating plight and remarkable resilience of refugees.
Why you should listen
Almost 60 million people in the world today have been forcefully displaced from their home - a level not seen since WWII. As many as four million Syrian refugees have sought refuge in neighboring countries. In Lebanon, half of these refugees are children; only 20 percent are in school.
Melissa Fleming, Head of Communications and Spokesperson for the High Commissioner at UN's High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), calls on all of us to make sure that refugee camps are healing places where people can develop the skills they'll need to rebuild their hometowns. Investing in this, she says, may well be the most effective relief effort there is. This inspires her and the teams at the UNHCR to tell stories of the individuals who are displaced.
Fleming's 2017 book, A Hope More Powerful Than the Sea, was born out of the story of Doaa Al Zamel, told her in TED Talk.
Fleming was named senior advisor and spokesperson for UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, in October 2016.
Melissa Fleming | Speaker |