Adam Driver: My journey from Marine to actor
Adam Driver: Moja cesta od námorníctva k herectvu
Adam Driver is working to bridge the cultural gap between the United States Armed Forces and the performing arts communities by bringing the best modern American theater to the military. Full bioJesse J. Perez - Actor
Jesse J. Perez works as a guest director and teacher at Juilliard, and he has done numerous readings for Arts in the Armed Forces. Full bioMatt Johnson - Drummer
Matt Johnson has played on some of the most critically acclaimed records in almost everyone's collections. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
1/1 rota bojovej podpory,
in the country did at the time,
mala väčšina ľudí v USA,
of patriotism and retribution
a túžby po odvete
that I wasn't doing anything.
že som vtedy nerobil nič.
from high school that past summer,
som skončil strednú školu,
of my parents' house paying rent,
mojich rodičov, platil nájomné,
kde som vyrástol,
in Northern Indiana,
to potom môžem vyhláskovať...
for people who are interested --
kultúrne stredisko sveta to ale nie je,
but cultural hub of the world it is not,
s divadlom a filmom
I did in high school
may she rest in peace.
nech odpočíva v pokoji.
when I was a senior in high school,
chcel dostať na konzervatórium Juilliard,
and applied nowhere else,
a nikam inde som sa nehlásil,
LA acting odyssey
with, like, seven dollars
v Texase, tam sa mi pokazilo auto.
before my car broke down.
po Santa Monicu – ani nie LA –
48 hodín prechádzkou po pláži,
the beach, basically,
hereckú kariéru, takže...
selling vacuums ...
predaj vysávačov...
4-H fairgrounds.
going into September, 2001.
cítil ohromný pocit povinnosti
in general -- at myself,
na seba, svojich rodičov, vládu,
not having a respectable job,
ani poriadnu prácu,
ktorú som vzal do Kalifornie a späť –
drove to California and back --
I loved being a Marine.
jednotkám a bolo to super.
of having done in my life.
som vo svojom živote hrdý.
expensive things was great.
drahé veci bolo úžasné.
milujem Marine Corps
the Marine Corps the most
for the least when I joined,
keď som tam prišiel,
a motley crew of characters
of the United States --
nothing in common with.
nemal nič spoločné.
became synonymous with my friends.
synonymom pre priateľov.
in a mountain-biking accident,
pri nehode na horskom bicykli,
may find this hard to understand,
to možno budú len ťažko chápať,
to Iraq or Afghanistan
že nepôjdem do Iraku ani Afganistanu,
the base hospital on a stretcher
z nemocnice na nosidlách,
outside to see if I was OK.
či som v poriadku.
I was a civilian again.
acting another shot,
herectvu druhú šancu,
are small compared to the military.
civilov sú v porovnaní s armádou malé.
bitch about now, you know?
na čo teraz môžete nadávať?
on the air conditioner."
vedel som, ako prežiť.
and dumpster-dive behind Panera Bread.
odpadky za Panera Bread.
and this time I was lucky,
mal som šťastie, zobrali ma.
by how complex the transition was
aký náročný bol prerod
imagine going through that process
neviem si predstaviť prechádzať tým
bol v hereckej škole –
to voice and speech class,
že chodím na hodiny spevu a rétoriky,
at the back of the room,
imaginárne gule s energiou,
where I gave birth to myself --
na ktorých rodím sám seba,
without me overseas.
na misii v cudzine bezo mňa.
know how to apply the things
ako využiť veci,
to a civilian context.
v kontexte civila.
and emotionally.
and firing mortars.
zbraní a z mínometov.
put those skills in the civilian world.
zručnosti veľmi nevyužijete.
ťažko som hľadal zmysel.
is either steeped in tradition
to give away your position.
musíte si predsa zachovať
you have to maintain
who went before you.
kvôli tomuto.
because of this.
tieto pravidlá, hovorí mnoho
those rules spoke volumes
about your history
to prove my worth all over again.
stále musel dokazovať svoju hodnotu.
while I was in uniform
kým som bol v uniforme,
I felt this sense of community.
zmysel pre komunitu cítil.
with your closest friends
s vašimi najbližšími priateľmi
that they're not going to abandon you?
and characters and plays
my military experience
to me was indescribable.
vzdával svojej agresivity,
to feelings for the first time
učil pomenúvať pocity
a valuable tool that was.
on my time in the military,
o svojich časoch v armáde,
on the stereotypical drills
intimate human moments,
dôverné ľudské chvíle,
lebo im chýbali ich rodiny,
because they missed their families,
s týmito okolnosťami
these circumstances,
it produced in them and me,
čo v nich aj vo mne prebudili,
our feelings about it.
are actually very similar.
je vlastne veľmi podobné.
trying to accomplish a mission
čo sa snaží splniť misiu,
nie je to o vás.
it's not about you.
your role within that team.
poznať svoju úlohu v tíme.
sometimes they're not.
with complete strangers
s úplne cudzími ľuďmi
by bolo vytvoriť priestor,
to create a space
dissimilar communities,
zdanlivo odlišné komunity,
to a group of people
a bit more thought-provoking
treba rozmýšľať trochu viac
"volun-told" to go to in the military --
v armáde –
offensive events,
ale trochu urážlivé akcie,
Chargers Cheerleader,"
San Diego Chargers“,
about pop culture,
around the parade deck
okolo promenády
pregnant cheerleader --
I love cheerleaders.
mám ich strašne rád.
be to have theater presented
že by bolo skvelé priniesť divadlo,
without being condescending.
dosiahnuteľné, nie povýšenecké.
called Arts in the Armed Forces,
Umenie v ozbrojených silách,
dissimilar communities.
odlišné komunity.
from contemporary American plays
zo súčasných amerických hier,
like a military audience is,
rozmanité ako armádne publikum,
theater-trained actors,
divadelných hercov,
as minimal as possible --
tak nízko, ako sa len dá:
no lights, just reading it --
svetlá, len čítanie,
be created at any setting.
s úplne cudzími ľudmi,
is just as valuable a tool
je rovnako cenný nástroj
acronyms for acronyms,
jednej skratky za druhou,
a collective experience.
kolektívnej skúsenosti.
prostriedky sebavyjadrenia
the United States and the world,
Spojené štáty aj svet,
Bethesda v Marylande
to Camp Arifjan in Kuwait,
po Camp Arifjan v Kuvajte,
have had exposure to.
that acting is many things.
it's a business, it's --
biznis, je to –
ktorý sa vám najviac hodí.
is most applicable to you.
the military, for me, again --
armáde, znovu, podľa mňa
ktoré by boli lepšie.
from Marco Ramirez,
and good friend of mine, Jesse Perez,
dobrý priateľ, Jesse Perez,
som spoznal pred pár hodinami.
who I just met a couple hours ago.
for the first time,
rádioaktívnou červeňou.
like mad, radioactive red.
you can maybe see the moon
možno uvidíte mesiac
dymu a spaliny z lietadiel,
and airplane exhaust
ktorá dnu nepustí anjelov.
that won't let the angels in.
on the edge of an 87-story building.
87-poschodovej budovy.
and broken clock towers
a pokazené vežové hodiny,
for maybe like 100 years,
but has that hole on it near the butt
ale je v nej diera pri zadku,
on the chain-link fence behind Arturo's
na pletive za pizzérkou U Artura,
lebo si to len zastrčím,
because I tuck that part in
and whips Batman for talkin' back.
a nevyšľahá ho za odvrávanie.
že je jednoduchý,
from the Eastern Taxi Company
z Eastern Taxi Company,
(Double beat)
to do is save people
cause it's frickin' long
lebo je hovadsky dlhý,
my face is on, too,
all in my chest so no one can hurt me.
aby ma nikto nemohol zraniť.
Styrofoam leftovers up out of a trash can
zo smetiaka zvyšky polystyrénu
of sesame chicken someone spit out
with a wack haircut in a black lab coat
s divným účesom, v čiernom plášti,
all extinct for real one day.
on 40-ounce bottles of twist-off beer,
minul na litrové fľaše piva
návštevu v dome nejakej slečny,
to some lady's house
have all been shot out
what they do in this city in the dark.
čo v tomto meste robia, za tmy.
who don't know no better,
ktorí nevedie, čo od dobroty,
s hrdzavými reťazami od bicykla
with rusted bicycle chains
in their arms start burning,
nebudú horieť svaly na ramenách
ktoré by mohli vybiť.
brand macaroni and cheese
I don't exist.
one of the good-for-nothings say,
ako jeden z tých naničhodníkov hovorí:
in drunk language and turn pale,
mumle jazykom opilcov a bledne,
to hurl its way out his Dickies.
chce dostať sa von z jeho monteriek.
at the one naked lightbulb.
jedinú odokrytú žiarovku.
„Počuli ste to?“
Nie, fakt – nie je tam netopier!“
No, really -- there ain't no bat!"
gets it to the head -- pow!
dostane ranu do hlavy – bum!
into the dark cape before him,
do tmavého plášťa pred sebou,
back with the jump kick,
s kopnutím vo výskoku,
so I'm like --
a karate, takže urobím, že:
to blow a hole in the moon.
vypáli dieru do mesiaca.
who got it to the head,
who got it in the gut,
čo to dostal do brucha,
od temnej postavy pred nimi.
from the dark figure before 'em.
praying to Saint Anthony
modlí sa k svätému Antonkovi,
he could remember.
in a Morse code for:
left standing,
between my pointy ears,
calling Saint Anthony,
volá svätému Antonkovi,
Krk! Žuch!
neznášam ich držať, lebo som Batman.
'cause I'm Batman.
got iced by guns a long time ago.
lebo jeho rodičov kedysi umlčali zbrane.
become good-for-disappearing
sa stanú hodní na útek,
sludge shithole they crawled out of.
hnusného blata, odkiaľ vyliezli.
off his forehead.
by his janitor-man shirt collar,
but the cape helps,
ale mne pomáha plášť,
straight in the eyes.
pozerám priamo do očí.
every 10 feet.
to building on his way there
z budovy na budovu,
as he pulls out his key chain
keď si vyťahuje kľúče
through the front door.
of warm tap water.
teplú vodu z vodovodu.
as they get to my room.
keď sa dostanú k mojej izbe.
like, mad-slow.
fakt neskutočne pomaly.
of sidewalks in summer.
but not with sweat.
ale nie pot.
na moje biele žiariace oči,
na moju nepriestrelnú hruď,
my window just a crack.
málinko pootvorím okno.
Adam Driver - Actor and Marine Corps veteranAdam Driver is working to bridge the cultural gap between the United States Armed Forces and the performing arts communities by bringing the best modern American theater to the military.
Why you should listen
Before he was an actor, Adam Driver was a Marine with the 1/1 Weapons Company at Camp Pendleton, California. After the Marines, he attended Juilliard and went on to star in films like Star Wars: Episode VII, While We're Young, Midnight Special and on HBO's "Girls." His performance in "Girls" has garnered him three Emmy nominations for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series, and he won the Volpi Cup Award for Best Actor for Hungry Hearts, which premiered at the 2014 Venice International Film Festival.
Driver co-founded Arts in the Armed Forces (AITAF), a nonprofit that that honors, educates, inspires and entertains active duty and veteran members of the United States Armed Forces and their families by engaging them in the power and social service of the performing arts. The organization enlists artists of the highest quality and chooses thought-provoking content with an eye to what might speak to this particular audience.
Adam Driver | Speaker |
Jesse J. Perez - Actor
Jesse J. Perez works as a guest director and teacher at Juilliard, and he has done numerous readings for Arts in the Armed Forces.
Why you should listen
Jesse J. Perez has starred in numerous off-Broadway performances including "Informed Consent," "Up Against the Wind and Triple Happiness." He has also worked at The Chekhov Project: Lake Lucille as a choreographer and done numerous readings for Arts in the Armed Forces.
Jesse J. Perez | Speaker |
Matt Johnson - Drummer
Matt Johnson has played on some of the most critically acclaimed records in almost everyone's collections.
Why you should listen
Matt Johnson | Speaker |