David Brooks: Should you live for your résumé ... or your eulogy?
David Brooks: Duhet te jetoni per rezymen tuaj ... apo per eulogjine?
Writer and thinker David Brooks has covered business, crime and politics over a long career in journalism. Full bio
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the eulogy virtues.
ones you put on your résumé,
te cilat ju i vendosni ne nje rezyme,
you bring to the marketplace.
in your depth,
ne thellesine tuaj,
i besueshem, i qendrueshem?
me, would say
edhe mua, do te thonin
more important of the virtues.
vitytet me te rendesishme.
are they the ones that
And the answer is no.
Dhe pergjigja eshte jo.
helped me think about it
te mendoj per kete gje
i cili ishte nje rabin
Lonely Man Of Faith" in 1965.
"Njeriu i vetmuar i besimit" ne 1965.
se jane dy ane te natyres sone,
and Adam II.
create companies,
te krijoje kompani,
side of our nature.
to do good but to be good,
por te jete i mire,
krijesat dhe mundesite tona.
a calling and obey the world.
dhe ti bindet botes.
consistency and strength.
e brendshme dhe forcen.
rimesherim dhe kthimi."
that these two sides
at war with each other.
vete-ballafaqim te vazhdueshem
dhe vleres se brendshme.
I'd say, about these
an economic logic:
risk leads to reward.
rreziku sjell shperblim.
often an inverse logic.
shpesh nje logjike e anasjellte.
to something outside yourself
desire to get what you want.
qe te arrini ate qe doni.
you have to forget yourself.
ju duhet te harroni veten tuaj.
you have to lose yourself.
ju duhet ta humbisni ate.
that favors Adam I,
qe favorizon Adam I,
you into a shrewd animal
ne nje kafshe te mprehte
calculating creature
e ftohte dhe llogaritese
self and your actual self.
dhe unit tend te tanishem.
depth of conviction.
commitment to tasks
response through history
pergjate historise
have gone back
time in their life,
te jetes se tyre,
gravitates in the past
some act of selfishness,
disa fakte egoiste,
a lack of courage.
nje mungese guximi.
building on your strengths.
your weaknesses.
duke luftuar dobesite tuaja.
you find the sin
and again through your life,
dhe perseri gjate jetes suaj,
dhe ju e mundni ate mekat
that suffering,
taught to recognize
and how to combat it.
sesi ta kundershtojme ate.
with an Adam I mentality
me nje mentalitet Adam I
about Adam II.
can be achieved in our lifetime;
nuk mund te arrihet ne jeten tone;
be saved by hope.
te shpetohemi nga shpresa.
beautiful or good makes
apo e bukur ose e bere mire
te menjehershem ne nje kontekst :
te shpetohemi nga besimi.
can be accomplished alone;
mund te arrihet vetem;
be saved by love.
te shpetohemi nga dashuria.
nuk eshte dhe aq i virtytshem
or foe as from our own standpoint.
apo nga pikepamja jone.
by that final form of love,
nga forma perfundimtare e dashurise,
David Brooks - Op-ed columnistWriter and thinker David Brooks has covered business, crime and politics over a long career in journalism.
Why you should listen
David Brooks became an Op-Ed columnist for The New York Times in September 2003. He is currently a commentator on "The PBS Newshour," NPR’s "All Things Considered" and NBC's "Meet the Press."
He is the author of Bobos in Paradise and The Social Animal. In April 2015, he released with his fourth book, The Road to Character, which was a #1 New York Times bestseller.
Brooks also teaches at Yale University, and is a member of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences.
Born on August 11, 1961 in Toronto, Canada, Brooks graduated a bachelor of history from the University of Chicago in 1983. He became a police reporter for the City News Bureau, a wire service owned jointly by the Chicago Tribune and Sun-Times.
He worked at The Washington Times and then The Wall Street Journal for nine years. His last post at the Journal was as Op-ed Editor. Prior to that, he was posted in Brussels, covering Russia, the Middle East, South Africa and European affairs. His first post at the Journal was as editor of the book review section, and he filled in as the Journal's movie critic.
He also served as a senior editor at The Weekly Standard for 9 years, as well as contributing editor for The Atlantic and Newsweek.
David Brooks | Speaker | TED.com