Fawn Qiu: Easy DIY projects for kid engineers
Fawn Qiu: Könnyű "Csináld magad" feladatok gyerekmérnököknek
Fawn Qiu is a multi-disciplinary technologist who introduces the creative side of engineering through playful projects. Full bio
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and high school students,
alapanyagokkal dolgozunk.
that are pretty unexpected.
from problems in my daily life.
nehézségeiből merítem.
egy rajongói találkozóhoz,
to go to a comic convention,
because my favorite mobile game,
soha többé nem játszom Flappy Birddel.
or never play Flappy Bird again.
tűnt számomra.
that made sense to me.
az alkalmazások közül.
taken off the app store.
were also pretty addicted to the game,
mint az eredeti játék.
just as infuriating as the original game.
egy videót az internetre,
of this project online,
kétmillióan nézték meg.
in just a few days.
érdekesebbé tették.
are people's comments.
wanted to make it their own,
miszerint egy kreatív projekttel
that through a creative project,
adhatunk át az embereknek.
hogy az osztályban minden diák
in our classroom
elméletet tanultak meg.
in engineering and programming.
so they could finish the game as well.
hogy ők is befejezhessék a játékot.
mérnöki feladatokkal tanítanám a diákokat.
engineering projects to teach students.
robotot egy sima technikakészletből.
from a standard technology kit.
elég unottnak tűntek.
a lot of them seemed bored.
started taking pieces of paper
more interested in the project.
a feladat iránt.
for more creative ways
available in school
iskolai technikakészlet
melyeket nem tudsz személyre szabni.
that you can't customize.
they're all very expensive,
költségvetésbe nem fér bele.
for most classroom budgets.
gyerekkorunk óta ismerjük.
with those since we were kids,
anywhere around the house.
világító lényt készíthettek
can create a light-up creature
szemek segítségével.
each other in classrooms,
and discussing the project.
kreativitásukat a projektbe.
their own creativity into the project.
more engineering projects
a foglalkozásokat az iskolán kívül
these workshops outside of school
nagyon érdekes történt.
különböző hátterű emberek
from very diverse backgrounds
tartozó személy jött, mint vártam.
and minorities than I expected,
számítunk egy műszaki foglalkozáson.
at a traditional engineering workshop.
at a major technology company in 2016.
cég 2016-os foglalkoztatási beszámolójára.
a műszaki munkát végző alkalmazottaknak.
of the technology workforce.
ez a szám csupán 4 százalék.
make up only four percent.
a high school robotics club,
nem jellemző a sokszínűség.
in the technology force.
kreatív feladatokon keresztül oktatjuk.
through creative projects.
could solve everything,
a technológiát olyanokkal,
wouldn't be interested in it
elkedvetlenítették őket.
portrayed and taught in school.
the perception of technology?
szemlélésének megváltoztatásához?
unalmas és barátságtalan,
that it's boring or unwelcoming,
mentén tervezem a feladatokat.
following three principles.
könnyű legyen belevágni.
is easy to get started.
we asked students to learn
ezt hamar meg lehet tanulni,
take very long to learn,
that we're removing the financial barrier
hogy megszabadulunk az anyagi gáttól,
a projektek befejezését.
from completing a project.
és az elem használatával,
lightbulb and a battery,
a kivitelezés költsége.
for under a dollar.
is having a high ceiling.
hely a fejlődésre,
a lot of room to grow,
szembesülnek kihívásokkal.
constantly being challenged.
a light-up creature,
egy világító kis figura jön létre,
mikrokontrollerek hozzáadásával
and microcontrollers,
kapcsolatfelvételre a programozást.
to interact with its environment.
érdekessé válhat.
this project relevant to anyone.
of using everyday materials;
a személyre szabás nagyon könnyű.
using paper and fabric.
is about Justin Bieber,
Justin Bieberről szól,
lerázni a rendőröket.
from getting caught by the LAPD --
Yeah, but he's changing so --
Fawn Qiu - TechnologistFawn Qiu is a multi-disciplinary technologist who introduces the creative side of engineering through playful projects.
Why you should listen
When Qiu managed product development in the technology industry, she noticed a significant lack of women and minorities in her company, so she began to experiment with introducing engineering to people in a more creative and accessible way. From costumes that blink to robots that move to a physical version of the popular app Flappy Bird, these projects engaged people from diverse backgrounds, especially women and minorities. As a result, she founded Make Anything, an organization that empowers people from all technological backgrounds through creative technology workshops.
Qiu was a former research assistant at the MIT Media Lab. She has also developed and launched several mobile applications at major technology companies. Her interactive art installations have been featured in festivals and galleries around the world. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree from The University of Pennsylvania and a Master’s Degree from Harvard Graduate School of Education.
Fawn Qiu | Speaker | TED.com