Knut Haanaes: Two reasons companies fail -- and how to avoid them
Knut Haanaes: Dues raons per què les empreses fracassen -- i com evitar-les
Knut Haanaes believes that the secret to creating lasting, impactful companies is to find a balance between doing what you're good at and looking for new challenges to take on. Full bio
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solution to quality growth
sol·lució pel creixement de qualitat
between two activities:
entre dues activitats:
mechanical calculators in the world.
calculadores mecániques del món.
the electronic calculator came along?
la calculadora electrònica va aparèixer?
from maximum revenue ...
dels ingressos màxims...
de la història de Facit
electronic calculators in Japan
electròniques, barates i petites
their calculators.
les seves calculadores.
a European biotech company.
una empresa europea de biotecnologia.
to diagnose, even cure,
diagnosticar, fins i tot curar,
creating something new.
alguna cosa nova.
"When we only get it right,"
"Només quan ho aconseguim",
"El volem perfecte".
and exploitation about 15 years ago,
explotació per primer cop fa 15 anys,
scholar at Stanford University.
convidat a l'Universitat de Standford.
is its practicality.
la seva practicitat.
coming up with what's new.
allò que és nou.
who have done exploration:
que han explorat:
and they deserve to be.
i mereixen ser-ho.
the knowledge we have
els coneixements que tenim
our trains run on time.
els nostres trens vagin a l'hora.
faster and cheaper.
of the famous pop groups
els famosos grups de pop
again and again,
un cop i un altre,
or even pathetic.
o fins i tot patètiques.
perspective, we explore.
a llarg termini, estem explorant.
perspective, we exploit.
a curt termini, estem explotant.
more knowledge to exploit on.
més coneixements a explotar.
by nature, less innovative
per naturalesa, menys innovadores
a big worry to CEOs.
per als directors generals.
phrased in different ways.
formulades de varies maneres.
and reinvent my company?"
reiventar efectivament la meva empresa?"
before we become obsolete
abans que estevinguem obsolets
are able to effectively explore
són capaces d'explorar efectivament
and the benefits are huge.
i els beneficis són importants.
because there are so many traps
perquè hi ha moltes trampes
but there are many.
però n'hi ha moltes.
the perpetual search trap.
trampa de cerca perpètua.
or the persistence
o la persistència
we create something new.
creem alguna cosa nova.
but being frustrated.
i frustrar-nos.
of effective reform of education,
de reforma educativa efectiva,
fins i tot de defensa,
the future in their hands,
a les seves mans,
at making what they loved doing,
fent allò que els agradava fer,
it's difficult to change.
és difícil canviar-la.
we cannot fail."
no podem fracassar."
and I think they apply to us.
i crec que s'apliquen a nosaltres.
get ahead of the crisis.
avança't a la crisis.
an insurance in the future.
una assegurança en un futur.
have been content
estat ben contents
they will always --
whatever it takes."
costi el que costi."
of the company,
for only about 30 percent.
només representa un 30%.
realment important.
on the same company --
empresa amb una perspectiva de 10 anys,
to renew account for 70 percent.
de renovar representa un 70%.
and lead the long term.
i pensar a llarg termini.
per a cap de nosaltres
and exploitation by ourselves.
la balança entre exploració i explotació.
is being open to be challenged,
és estar oberta als reptes,
is to constructively challenge.
és desafiar constructivament.
good parenting is about.
és ser un bon pare.
at the old triumph marches in Rome,
gran victòria,
whispering in their ear,
xiuxiuejant-los a l'orella,
and we need to be conscious.
i n'hem de ser conscients.
that I think are useful.
que crec que són necessàries.
looking at your own company:
mirant la teva pròpia empresa:
that the company is at the risk
l'empresa corri el risc
que vaig explorar alguna cosa nova,
hauria de fer més sovint?
what you already know,
el que ja coneixeu,
is in the balance.
es troba a l'equilibri.
Knut Haanaes - StrategistKnut Haanaes believes that the secret to creating lasting, impactful companies is to find a balance between doing what you're good at and looking for new challenges to take on.
Why you should listen
What strategy traps repeatedly entice well-meaning companies? Sweet words that lure with a sense of promise and growth, but ultimately fail to deliver again and again? How do we balance exploration and exploitation without falling fully into either ditch?
Knut Haanaes is Dean of the Global Leadership Institute at the World Economic Forum and professor of strategy and international management at IMD, formerly senior partner and global leader of BCG's strategy practice. Through his work with clients, Haanaes has accumulated extensive experience in a number of industries on issues of strategy. He holds a Master's Degree in Economics from the Norwegian School of Economics, a PhD in Strategy from the Copenhagen Business School and has been a visiting scholar at Scancor, Stanford University.
In 2015, together with Martin Reeves and Janmejaya Sinha from BCG, Haanaes published the book Your Strategy Needs a Strategy. The book has been translated into a number of languages.
Knut Haanaes | Speaker |