Knut Haanaes: Two reasons companies fail -- and how to avoid them
Knut Haanaes: Dous motivos polos que as empresas fracasan... e como evitalos.
Knut Haanaes believes that the secret to creating lasting, impactful companies is to find a balance between doing what you're good at and looking for new challenges to take on. Full bio
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polas que as empresas quebran:
solution to quality growth
para un crecemento de calidade
between two activities:
entre estas dúas actividades:
mechanical calculators in the world.
calculadoras mecánicas do mundo.
the electronic calculator came along?
as calculadoras electrónicas?
from maximum revenue ...
pasaron dos máximos beneficios...
irónico na historia de Facit
electronic calculators in Japan
calculadoras electrónicas no Xapón,
their calculators.
as súas calculadoras.
tamén pode ser excesiva.
a European biotech company.
europea de biotecnoloxía.
to diagnose, even cure,
diagnosticar e mesmo curar
creating something new.
querían crear cousas novas.
e o seu lema era:
"When we only get it right,"
and exploitation about 15 years ago,
por primeira vez hai perto de 15 anos,
scholar at Stanford University.
convidado na Universidade de Stanford.
is its practicality.
é que resulta práctica.
coming up with what's new.
who have done exploration:
son as que se dedicaron a explorar:
and they deserve to be.
son exploradoras e todas o merecen.
explorar é arriscado.
the knowledge we have
en usar o que xa sabemos
our trains run on time.
que os trens cheguen a tempo.
faster and cheaper.
máis axiña e máis barato.
ao aproveitamento,
of the famous pop groups
de bandas de pop famosas
again and again,
or even pathetic.
ou mesmo patéticas.
perspective, we explore.
de longo prazo, exploramos.
perspective, we exploit.
de curto prazo, aproveitamos.
more knowledge to exploit on.
máis coñecemento que aproveitar.
by nature, less innovative
menos innovadoras
máis competentes.
a big worry to CEOs.
preocupación para quen a dirixe.
phrased in different ways.
formuladas de diferentes formas.
and reinvent my company?"
eficazmente a miña empresa?",
before we become obsolete
antes de se tornar obsoleta
é unha arte
como o aproveitamento).
are able to effectively explore
teñen capacidade efectiva
ao mesmo tempo, de forma paralela.
a facer filmes de animación,
a sustentabilidade.
and the benefits are huge.
e os beneficios son enormes.
because there are so many traps
porque existen moitas trampas
but there are many.
mais existen moitas máis.
the perpetual search trap.
da busca permanente.
or the persistence
ou a persistencia
we create something new.
but being frustrated.
of effective reform of education,
que calquera reforma no ensino,
ou mesmo na defensa,
para funcionar.
con moita máis frecuencia.
the future in their hands,
nas súas mans,
at making what they loved doing,
it's difficult to change.
é difícil mudar.
we cannot fail."
que non podemos errar".
and I think they apply to us.
que poden servirnos a nós
get ahead of the crisis.
en adiantarse á crise.
an insurance in the future.
un seguro para o futuro.
have been content
moi facilmente,
they will always --
(e penso que continuarán)
whatever it takes."
custe o que custar".
en diferentes prazos de tempo.
of the company,
for only about 30 percent.
representa apenas arredor do 30%.
on the same company --
de 10 anos na mesma empresa.
to renew account for 70 percent.
de renovación representan o 70%.
and lead the long term.
e liderar a longo prazo.
ninguén de nós,
and exploitation by ourselves.
pola nosa conta.
is being open to be challenged,
empresa é a abertura á crítica,
is to constructively challenge.
é a crítica construtiva.
good parenting is about.
ser un bo pai.
escepticismo ante o éxito.
at the old triumph marches in Rome,
nas marchas triunfais de Roma,
após unha gran vitoria,
nas súas carruaxes,
whispering in their ear,
a murmurarlles ao ouvido:
exploración e aproveitamento
and we need to be conscious.
e debemos ser conscientes.
that I think are useful.
que penso que son útiles.
looking at your own company:
that the company is at the risk
que a empresa está en risco
deixarvos con esta idea.
por natureza,
what you already know,
a aproveitar o que xa sabedes,
is in the balance.
está no equilibrio.
Knut Haanaes - StrategistKnut Haanaes believes that the secret to creating lasting, impactful companies is to find a balance between doing what you're good at and looking for new challenges to take on.
Why you should listen
What strategy traps repeatedly entice well-meaning companies? Sweet words that lure with a sense of promise and growth, but ultimately fail to deliver again and again? How do we balance exploration and exploitation without falling fully into either ditch?
Knut Haanaes is Dean of the Global Leadership Institute at the World Economic Forum and professor of strategy and international management at IMD, formerly senior partner and global leader of BCG's strategy practice. Through his work with clients, Haanaes has accumulated extensive experience in a number of industries on issues of strategy. He holds a Master's Degree in Economics from the Norwegian School of Economics, a PhD in Strategy from the Copenhagen Business School and has been a visiting scholar at Scancor, Stanford University.
In 2015, together with Martin Reeves and Janmejaya Sinha from BCG, Haanaes published the book Your Strategy Needs a Strategy. The book has been translated into a number of languages.
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