Morgana Bailey: The danger of hiding who you are
Morgana Bailey: Faren ved at skjule hvem du er
A human resources activist, Morgana Bailey wants to see the diversity of society reflected in the workplace, and employees of all walks of life feel comfortable being open about who they are. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
I prided myself as a nonconformist
U.S. state I live in, Kansas.
weird clothing trends or hairstyles.
of my London semester abroad 16 years ago
fra mit semester i London, for 16 år siden,
if I was perceived as weird or different.
at blive opfattet som underlig eller anderledes.
I was in London, 16 years ago,
som jeg var i London, for 16 år siden,
that actually was somewhat unique,
som faktisk var unikt på en måde,
of who I thought I once was.
af den, jeg engang troede, jeg var.
instead of socializing.
istedet for at være social.
and leadership activities.
og lederskabsaktiviteter.
in the crowd anymore.
fra de andre.
I was growing up and maturing,
jeg var ved at blive voksen og mere moden,
looking for acceptance.
søgte andres accept.
to needing acceptance.
havde brug for andres accept.
var jeg jo lidt ukonventionel
something was different about me
jeg var anderledes
that I began conforming and hiding.
hvor jeg begyndte at tilpasse og gemme mig.
to step forward and speak out.
at træde frem og sige din mening.
about what this talk was about,
about my TED Talk.
om mit TED-oplæg.
to this city 16 years later
er vendt tilbage til denne by
to finally stop hiding.
til endelig at holde op med at gemme mig.
for 16 years?
to be defined by them.
about coming out in the past,
but I just want to be known as Morgana,
"Jeg vil jo bare være kendt som Morgana",
or "my gay coworker Morgana."
eller "min homoseksuelle kollega Morgana".
metropolitan areas,
that I have suppressed the truth
at jeg har skjult sandheden,
of not being accepted.
ikke at blive accepteret.
that a surprisingly large number of people
viste at et overraskende stort antal mennesker
of their behavior or their appearance
af deres opførsel eller udseende
and bisexual employees,
some aspects of themselves
at de ændrede dele af sig selv
appear at work "too gay."
and inclusion programs,
og programmer for inklusion,
to be themselves at work
med at være sig selv på jobbet
conformity is critical
at ensartethed er nøglen
that so many people just like me
at så mange præcis som mig
trying to hide themselves,
på at gemme sig selv,
that my silence
da jeg opdagede at min tavshed
and long-term social repercussions.
og sociale følgevirkninger på langt sigt.
life expectancy is shortened
som den forventede levealder forkortes
in highly anti-gay communities
i stærkt anti-homo og biseksuelle samfund
magazine this year,
i magasinet The Advocate i år,
afford to keep silent.
til at være tavs.
social stigmas are a deadly combination.
stigmatisering er en dødelig blanding.
in anti-gay communities
i homoseksuelt-fjentlige samfund
violence and suicide.
vold og selvmord.
was simply a personal matter
var en personlig sag
and out into the community
og for samfundet
and not share who I really am
og ikke vise hvem jeg virkelig er
to this exact same environment
præcis dette miljø
there's no reason to share that I was gay,
at der ikke var grund til at dele at jeg var lesbisk,
has social consequences
kan have sociale konsekvenser
when I missed an opportunity
da jeg missede en mulighed
in my own home state of Kansas.
i min hjemstat Kansas.
Representatives brought up a bill for vote
i Kansas et lovforslag til afstemning
allowed businesses
ville tillade firmaer
to deny gays services.
på basis af retten til religiøs frihed
in the Kansas House of Representatives.
businesses to not serve me.
virksomheder ikke at yde mig tjenester.
queer and questioning people?
queer og spørgende personer?
with them about who I am.
overfor dem om hvem jeg er.
havde fortalt hende min historie?
her father my experience?
om mine oplevelser?
helped change his vote?
til at ændre hans stemme?
I had done nothing
at jeg intet havde gjort
in human resources,
the development of employees,
that the diversity of society
at mangfoldigheden i samfundet
to advocate for diversity.
for at fremme mangfoldighed.
has anti-discrimination policies
har anti-diskriminations politikker
bisexual and transgender people.
biseksuelle og trans-seksuelle personer.
through their global inclusion programs.
er tydelig i deres globale inklusionsprogrammer.
of this company, I will finally come out.
vil jeg endelig stå frem.
of the opportunity,
my London journal and scrapbook
min dagbog og scrapbog fra London
abroad 16 years ago,
for 16 år siden,
from Toni Morrison's book, "Paradise."
fra Tony Morrisons bog "Paradis".
inside than outside."
indenfor end udenfor".
to myself at the bottom:
til mig selv nederst:
to get out and explore London,
til at komme ud og opdage London,
to start exploring and embracing myself.
for at begynde at udforske og acceptere mig selv.
until all these years later
I will ever have to overcome
jeg nogensinde kommer til at møde
I will be able to change reality outside.
vil jeg kunne ændre virkeligheden udenfor.
that I have hidden for too long.
som har været skjult alt for længe.
I will never hide again,
at jeg aldrig behøver gemme mig igen,
I can do something to change the data
at jeg kan bidrage til at ændre på tallene
be more themselves and more fulfilled
til at være mere dem selv og mere tilfredse
and personal lives.
Morgana Bailey - Human resources professionalA human resources activist, Morgana Bailey wants to see the diversity of society reflected in the workplace, and employees of all walks of life feel comfortable being open about who they are.
Why you should listen
“I am in human resources, a profession that works to welcome, connect and encourage the development of employees,” says Morgana Bailey. At State Street, she directs the Global Human Resources data management team, which maintains data records for the company’s approximately 29,000 employees. Morgana collaborates with people across State Street as corporate policies, regulatory requirements and related employee data requirements continually evolve. Her career experiences have confirmed that the only constant is change, and one’s ability — or inability — to adapt can generate profound long-term outcomes.
At TED@StateStreet, Morgana Bailey revealed a part of herself that she had kept supressed for 16 years. She hopes that her openness will inspire others to stop hiding, and be open about who they are in both their personal and professional lives.
Morgana Bailey | Speaker |