Morgana Bailey: The danger of hiding who you are
A human resources activist, Morgana Bailey wants to see the diversity of society reflected in the workplace, and employees of all walks of life feel comfortable being open about who they are. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
I prided myself as a nonconformist
sebagai orang berpandangan terbuka
U.S. state I live in, Kansas.
weird clothing trends or hairstyles.
gaya rambut aneh.
gemar bersosialisasi.
of my London semester abroad 16 years ago
di London 16 tahun lalu
if I was perceived as weird or different.
bila dianggap aneh atau berbeda.
I was in London, 16 years ago,
16 tahun lalu ketika aku berada di London,
that actually was somewhat unique,
yang ternyata cukup unik,
of who I thought I once was.
yang kukenal sebelumnya.
instead of socializing.
and leadership activities.
in the crowd anymore.
I was growing up and maturing,
Aku tengah bertumbuh dan menjadi dewasa
looking for acceptance.
mengharapkan penerimaan.
tidak butuh penerimaan.
to needing acceptance.
something was different about me
that I began conforming and hiding.
dan bersembunyi.
yang terus berkembang
to step forward and speak out.
untuk maju dan berbicara.
about what this talk was about,
tentang apakah seminar ini
about my TED Talk.
tentang seminar TED-ku.
to this city 16 years later
to finally stop hiding.
untuk berhenti bersembunyi.
for 16 years?
16 tahun?
untuk bisa mengatakannya
to be defined by them.
karena itu.
about coming out in the past,
setiap kali aku berpikir untuk mengaku
but I just want to be known as Morgana,
hanya ingin dilihat sebagai Morgana'
or "my gay coworker Morgana."
atau 'Morgana si rekan kerjaku yang gay'.
metropolitan areas,
dari kota metropolis
seperti hal besar.
that I have suppressed the truth
bahwa aku memendam kenyataan
of not being accepted.
tidak diterima.
that a surprisingly large number of people
menemukan bahwa sejumlah besar orang
of their behavior or their appearance
perubahan pada sikap atau penampilan
and bisexual employees,
dan transgender
some aspects of themselves
aspek diri mereka
appear at work "too gay."
di tempat kerja.
and inclusion programs,
to be themselves at work
di tempat kerja
conformity is critical
sangatlah penting
dalam jangka panjang.
that so many people just like me
ada banyak orang sepertiku
trying to hide themselves,
untuk menyembunyikan diri mereka,
that my silence
and long-term social repercussions.
dan hukuman sosial jangka panjang.
life expectancy is shortened
in highly anti-gay communities
di komunitas anti gay
magazine this year,
'The Advocate" tahun ini,
afford to keep silent.
social stigmas are a deadly combination.
pandangan sosial bisa mematikan.
in anti-gay communities
komunitas anti gay
violence and suicide.
dan bunuh diri yang lebih tinggi.
was simply a personal matter
sekadar masalah pribadi
and out into the community
seperti ceritaku.
and not share who I really am
dan tidak menunjukkan diriku sebenarnya
to this exact same environment
pada lingkungan seperti ini
there's no reason to share that I was gay,
tak ada alasan untuk mengatakan aku gay
has social consequences
berdampak sosial
when I missed an opportunity
ketika aku kehilangan kesempatan
in my own home state of Kansas.
di negara bagianku Kansas.
Representatives brought up a bill for vote
memungut suara untuk undang-undang
allowed businesses
to deny gays services.
untuk menolak layanan untuk gay.
in the Kansas House of Representatives.
businesses to not serve me.
untuk tidak melayaniku.
queer and questioning people?
dan orang yang ragu?
with them about who I am.
jujur pada mereka tentang aku.
bertahun-tahun yang lalu?
her father my experience?
pengalamanku pada ayahnya?
helped change his vote?
mengubah suaranya?
I had done nothing
aku tidak berbuat apa-apa
in human resources,
di sumberdaya manusia,
the development of employees,
perkembangan pegawai,
that the diversity of society
di masyarakat
to advocate for diversity.
untuk menganjurkan keragaman.
setahun lalu
has anti-discrimination policies
punya peraturan anti diskriminasi
bisexual and transgender people.
dan transgender.
through their global inclusion programs.
dari program inklusi internasional mereka.
of this company, I will finally come out.
aku akan mengaku.
of the opportunity,
my London journal and scrapbook
jurnal dan buku kliping
abroad 16 years ago,
16 tahun silam,
from Toni Morrison's book, "Paradise."
buku Toni Morrison, 'Paradise'
inside than outside."
dalam daripada di luar."
to myself at the bottom:
untuk diriku sendiri di bawah:
to get out and explore London,
untuk keluar menjelajahi London,
to start exploring and embracing myself.
untuk menjelajah dan menerima diriku.
until all these years later
hingga sekarang, bertahun-tahun kemudian
I will ever have to overcome
pada diriku sendiri.
I will be able to change reality outside.
aku akan bisa mengubah kenyataan diluar.
that I have hidden for too long.
yang sudah kusembunyikan terlalu lama.
I will never hide again,
aku takkan pernah bersembunyi lagi,
I can do something to change the data
bisa melakukan sesuatu untuk mengubah data
be more themselves and more fulfilled
lebih menjadi diri sendiri, lebih berhasil
and personal lives.
Morgana Bailey - Human resources professionalA human resources activist, Morgana Bailey wants to see the diversity of society reflected in the workplace, and employees of all walks of life feel comfortable being open about who they are.
Why you should listen
“I am in human resources, a profession that works to welcome, connect and encourage the development of employees,” says Morgana Bailey. At State Street, she directs the Global Human Resources data management team, which maintains data records for the company’s approximately 29,000 employees. Morgana collaborates with people across State Street as corporate policies, regulatory requirements and related employee data requirements continually evolve. Her career experiences have confirmed that the only constant is change, and one’s ability — or inability — to adapt can generate profound long-term outcomes.
At TED@StateStreet, Morgana Bailey revealed a part of herself that she had kept supressed for 16 years. She hopes that her openness will inspire others to stop hiding, and be open about who they are in both their personal and professional lives.
Morgana Bailey | Speaker |