Alyson McGregor: Why medicine often has dangerous side effects for women
Alyson McGregor: Miks põhjustavad ravimid naistel tihti ohtlikke kõrvalnähte?
Alyson McGregor studies women's health, especially as it relates to emergency care -- when time-sensitive, life-or-death decisions are made using drugs and treatments mainly tested on men. Full bio
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and the medications they're prescribing
ja ravimid, mis välja kirjutatakse
always been the case for everyone.
pruugi see alati nii olla.
over the past century
jooksul tehtud avastused
half the population?
in a medical emergency.
erakorraliste haigetega.
and stubbed toes,
ninasid ja äralöödud varbaid,
through the door to the ER,
or gender of our patients.
mis soost meie patsient on.
any differences between men and women.
meeste vahel oleks mingeid erinevusi.
revealed that 80 percent of the drugs
et 80% ravimite puhul,
ilmnemine just naistel.
side effects on women
naistel kõrvaltoimeid alles siis
released to the market?
for a drug to go from an idea
a regulatory approval process,
ravimiameti poolt,
to prescribe to you?
hakata rohtu välja kirjutama.
of dollars of funding
ja miljarditest dollaritest,
soovimatud kõrvalähud
unacceptable side effects
after that has gone through?
used in that laboratory,
millega ravimid testitakse,
in the animal studies were male animals,
loomakatsetustel, on isased.
performed almost exclusively on men.
läbiviidud vaid meeste peal.
our framework for medical research?
uuringud põhinevad vaid meestel?
popularized in the media,
kajastust leidnud juhtumit
with the sleep aid Ambien.
over 20 years ago,
enam kui 20 aasta eest.
of prescriptions have been written,
kirjutatud välja miljoneid kordi,
suffer more sleep disorders than men.
sagedamini unehäireid kui meestel.
USA toidu- ja ravimiamet
recommended cutting the dose in half
annust poole võrra
that women metabolize the drug
in their system.
aktiivset toimainet.
getting behind the wheel of the car,
for motor vehicle accidents.
as an emergency physician,
paratamatult mõtlema,
that I've cared for over the years
and acted upon 20 years ago
uuringud 20 aastat tagasi,
analüüsida soo põhjal?
to be analyzed by gender?
to protect people
kaitsta inimesi selle eest,
without informed consent.
kliinilistes uuringutes
or rules were set into place,
to protect women of childbearing age
viljakas eas naisi selle eest,
medical research studies.
kliinilisi katsetusi.
happened to the fetus during the study?
võib lootega midagi juhtuda.
at this time actually thought
ka omamoodi kergendus,
are pretty homogeneous.
fluctuating levels of hormones
selgete tulemusteni jõudmist,
they could get if they had only men.
there was a general assumption
were alike in every way,
igas mõttes täpselt samasugused,
and sex hormones.
viiakse läbi meeste peal,
applied to women.
seejärel ka naistele.
naiste tervise vaatenurgast?
of women's health?
with reproduction:
reproduktsiooni aspektist:
to as "bikini medicine."
until about the 1980s,
by the medical community
when they realized that
kliinilistest uuringutest kõrvale jättes
from all medical research studies
ei teatud praktiliselt midagi
about the unique needs
of evidence has come to light
men and women are in every way.
aspektides väga erinevad.
väikesed täiskasvanud.
a different physiology than normal adults.
hoopis teistsugune füsioloogia.
specialty of pediatrics came to light.
pediaatria valdkond.
in order to improve their lives.
selleks, et neid paremini aidata.
can be said about women.
võib öelda naiste kohta.
with boobs and tubes.
ainult et rindade ja aukudega.
anatoomia ja füsioloogia,
anatomy and physiology
with the same intensity.
system, for example.
to try to figure out
tehtud kõige enam selleks, et mõista,
completely different heart attacks.
paistavad olevat nii erinevad.
for both men and women,
surma põhjustaja nii meestel kui naistel,
of having a heart attack than men.
sureb naisi rohkem kui mehi.
of crushing chest pain --
will complain of "just not feeling right,"
et midagi juskui oleks valesti,
seda ebatüüpiliseks,
women do make up half the population.
rahvastikust ju naised.
to help explain some of these differences?
mis selgitavad neid erinevusi?
are smaller in women compared to men,
naistel väiksemad kui meestel,
develop disease is different
meeste veresooni erinevalt.
if someone is at risk for a heart attack,
infarkti tekkimise riski
and tested and perfected in men,
ja täiendatud meeste peal
at determining that in women.
about the medications --
that we use, like aspirin.
kasutatakse, näiteks aspiriini,
meestele, et ennetada infarkti.
prevent them from having a heart attack,
give aspirin to a healthy woman,
is a fast-paced business.
on alati kiire.
kus on küsimus elus ja surmas,
men and women that we could be utilizing?
mida saaks patsiendi kasuks pöörata?
get those runny noses
kergemini kui teistel,
äralöödud varba puhul,
to those stubbed toes
every cell has a sex.
et igal rakul on sugu.
presents themselves in society.
transgendered population.
that from the moment of conception,
alates eostamise hetkest,
the chromosomes that determine
isane või emane, mees või naine.
male or female, man or woman.
chromosomes pictured here --
kromosoomid siin pildil -
would be born with ovaries or testes,
munasarjade või munanditega,
that those organs produced
toodetud suguhormoonid
we see in the opposite sex.
that theory was wrong --
from the Whitehead Institute,
dr Page Whiteheadi Instituudist,
that those sex-determining chromosomes
et sugu määravad kromosoomid,
for our entire lives
for the differences we see
erinevused ravimitele reageerimisel
between men and women
and severity of diseases.
that continue to find that evidence,
to start translating this data
avastusi rakendama ravivõtetesse
of a national organization
üleriikliku initsiatiivi,
Women's Health Collaborative,
Women's Health Collaborative.
so that it's available for teaching
väljaõppes ja patsientide ravis
the medical educators to the table.
kaasamist sellesse teemasse.
has been done since its inception.
of incorporating the gender lens
health care providers correctly.
tervishoiutöötatele õige väljaõpe.
uue õppesuuna kaasasutaja
the Department of Emergency Medicine
erakorralise meditsiini osakonnas,
erinevused erakorralises meditsiinis".
in Emergency Medicine,
the differences between men and women
nõudvates situatsioonides,
and sepsis and substance abuse,
ja narkootikumide kuritarvitamine.
that education is paramount.
haridus on võtmetähtsusega.
model of education.
360-kraadise väljaõppemudeli.
for the nurses, for the students
arstidele, õdedele,
to the health care leaders.
ainult tervishoiujuhid.
kaasa, et asjad muutuksid.
we think about medicine
arusaama meditsiinist,
to the health care system.
kogu tervishoiusüsteemiga.
on the wheels of inevitability,
towards change is awareness.
teel on teadvustamine.
medical care for women.
individualized health care for everyone.
talle sobiv individuaalne ravi.
medical care for men and women.
to ask your doctors
are specific to your sex and gender.
ikka arvestab teie sooga.
and together we can all learn.
ja koos on võimalik targemaks saada.
and my colleagues in this field,
mu ametikaaslaste jaoks,
Alyson McGregor - Women's health pioneerAlyson McGregor studies women's health, especially as it relates to emergency care -- when time-sensitive, life-or-death decisions are made using drugs and treatments mainly tested on men.
Why you should listen
Alyson J. McGregor MD is co-founder and director for the Sex and Gender in Emergency Medicine (SGEM) Division (formerly Women’s Health in Emergency Care) within the Department of Emergency Medicine at Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University.
Her group's aim is to establish research and educational endeavors that promote sex- and gender-specific medicine and women’s health as they relate to emergency care. Dr. McGregor received her medical degree at Boston University School of Medicine and residency training at Brown, where she continues to work as an attending physician at RI Hospital Emergency Department. Dr. McGregor is an Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine and also serves as co-director for the SGEM Fellowship and co-founder of the national organization Sex and Gender Women’s Health Collaborative.
Alyson McGregor | Speaker |