Adam Grant: Are you a giver or a taker?
Adam Grant: Jeste li osoba koja daje ili koja uzima?
After years of studying the dynamics of success and productivity in the workplace, Adam Grant discovered a powerful and often overlooked motivator: helping others. Full bio
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around the room for a minute
paranoid person here --
najparanoičniju osobu ovdje.
at that person for me.
koje nazivam "oni koji uzimaju".
that I call "takers."
u odnosima s drugima.
in their interactions.
što ti možeš učiniti za mene.
most interactions by asking,
drugima pristupa pitanjem
da razmislite o vlastitom stilu.
to think about your own style.
kada dajemo i uzimamo.
najčešće prema većini ljudi,
most of the people most of the time,
onaj koji daje ili uzima,
of a giver or a taker,
to think about yourself.]
you are not a narcissist.]
niste narcisoidni.]
that has no data behind it,
a da iza toga ne stoje podaci,
for you to laugh at this cartoon,
da se nasmijete ovom stripu,
da ste onaj koji uzima.
that you're a taker.
koji uzimaju narcisoidni.
one too many times.
ali su se previše puta opekli.
that we won't be addressing today,
o kojima danas nećemo govoriti,
common these extremes are,
koliko su česta ova dva ekstrema,
people across industries
30.000 ljudi iz različih grana
are right in the middle
većina ljudi točno u sredini,
called "matching."
an even balance of give and take:
ravnotežu između davanja i uzimanja:
for you if you do something for me.
ako ćeš i ti za mene.
da se ide kroz život.
to live your life.
i najproduktivniji način za vaš život?
and productive way to live your life?
is a very definitive ...
their productivity.
kojima se mjerila produktivnost.
of these jobs were the givers.
od ovih poslova, imali su oni koji daju.
davali nego primali.
than they got back.
radeći tuđe poslove,
other people's jobs,
i energije za dovršenje vlastitog posla.
to get their own work completed.
najlošije ocjene imali su studenti,
belong to the students
with statements like,
kojem trebate vjerovati,
you ought to trust
bez želje da ikome pomaže.
with no desire to help anybody.
najmanje prihoda dolazilo je
the lowest revenue accrued
to one of those salespeople
od tih ljudi u prodaji,
you suck at your job --"
tako loš u svom poslu?"
toliko stalo do mojih klijenata,
so deeply about my customers
neki od naših užasnih proizvoda."
one of our crappy products."
od onih koji uzimaju ili usklađuju?
as givers than takers or matchers?
before we talked about these data.
što bismo iznijeli ove podatke.
there's a twist here,
radi o jednom obratu,
sacrificing themselves,
at the frequency of giving behavior
učestalost ponašanja "davanja"
or an organization --
and sharing their knowledge
i dijele svoje znanje
u svemu što mjerimo:
on every metric we can measure:
ostajanje zaposlenih u tvrtci,
employee retention --
pokušavajući pomoći drugima
trying to help other people
they suffer along the way.
actually get to succeed.
ujedno i postaju uspješni.
imaju najlošije rezultate,
are the worst performers,
it's not the takers.
to nisu oni koji uzimaju.
but also fall quickly in most jobs.
ali i brzo padaju u većini poslova.
in "An eye for an eye" -- a just world.
vjerujete u izreku - "Oko za oko,..."
out of that person.
ujedno imaju i najbolje rezultate.
who are the best performers.
koju sam ikada proučavao,
I've ever studied,
pripadaju onima koji daju.
to the givers again.
od stotina prodavača,
from hundreds of salespeople,
idu u obje krajnosti.
go to both extremes.
koji imaju najnižu prodaju,
who bring in the lowest revenue,
i kod produktivnosti inženjera,
for engineers' productivity
i na dnu i na vrhu,
at the bottom and at the top
koje sam pratio.
više briljirati oni koji daju?
where more of these givers get to excel?
not just in businesses,
ne samo u poslovanju,
no cijenim entuzijazam.
but I appreciate the enthusiasm.
kao vaše najdragocjenije ljude,
are your most valuable people,
the givers in your midst.
morate zaštititi u svojoj sredini.
from Fortune's best networker.
od najutjecajnije osobe, prema Fortune-u,
svog vremena pomažući drugima.
of his time helping other people.
"petominutna usluga."
is the five-minute favor.
Majka Tereza ili Gandhi,
Mother Teresa or Gandhi
davanja velike vrijednosti
to add large value
as making an introduction
koji će od tog susreta imati koristi.
benefit from knowing each other.
ili pružanje povratne informacije.
or giving a little bit of feedback.
kao da kažete,
as basic as saying,
čiji rad je prošao nezapaženo."
whose work has gone unnoticed."
are really critical
postaviti granice i zaštititi se.
and protect themselves.
gdje davatelji uspijevaju,
where givers succeed,
gdje je traženje pomoći pravilo,
where help-seeking is the norm;
to home for some of you.
izgledati i suviše blisko.
you always have to be the giver?]
uvijek moraš biti onaj koji daje?]
to be a receiver, too.
da je u redu biti i primatelj.
možemo ovo i pojednostaviti.
we can actually make this easier.
da zatraže pomoć.
for people to ask for help.
proučavali smo bolnice.
studied hospitals.
medicinske sestre često traže pomoć,
nurses did a lot of help-seeking,
they did very little of it.
gdje je traženje pomoći bilo uobičajeno,
where help-seeking was common,
čiji jedini posao je bio
whose sole job it was
sestre su rekle:
it's not vulnerable to ask for help --
nije slabost tražiti pomoć,
just for protecting the success
samo za zaštitu uspjeha
more people to act like givers,
da i sami počnu davati,
of all giving in organizations
svih davanja u organizacijama
they don't want to burden others.
ne žele biti teret drugima.
u organizaciji,
in your organization
istaknuti se i doprinijeti,
tko bi i kako imao koristi.
who could benefit and how.
gdje su oni koji daju uspješni,
of successful givers,
you let onto your team.
koga puštate u svoj tim.
produktivne velikodušnosti,
of productive generosity,
that that was not right --
da to, zapravo, nije točno,
onoga koji uzima na samu kulturu,
of a taker on a culture
od pozitivnog utjecaja davatelja.
the positive impact of a giver.
kvari ostale jabuke,
just does not make a dozen.
will stop helping.
prestaju pomagati.
by a bunch of snakes and sharks.
zmijama i morskim psima.
može odraditi sav naš posao!"
and team building
analiziranje i stvaranje tima
koji daju i koji usklađuju.
about the consequences.
je to što slijede pravila.
is that they follow the norm.
before it's too late?
prije nego bude prekasno?
at figuring out who's a taker,
tko je onaj koji uzima,
koja nas odvraća u tome,
that throws us off.
of personality across cultures.
osobina ličnosti u svim kulturama.
they're nice, they're polite.
prijateljski, dragi i ljubazni.
a national contest
i jedno državno natjecanje
and fill in the blank,
kako bi se popunila praznina u
was going to be,
ili "... hokej na ledu".
or, "... ice hockey."
novi nacionalni slogan odabrali,
for their new national slogan to be --
obzirom na okolnosti."
under the circumstances."
who are highly agreeable,
to try to please other people?
udovoljavati drugima?
skeptical, challenging,
skeptičniji, izazovniji,
to go to law school.
nego njihovi vršnjaci.
that's actually an empirical fact.
empirijska činjenica.
da su prijazni ljudi oni koji daju,
that agreeable people were givers
korelacije između ova dva svojstva,
no correlation between those traits,
that agreeableness-disagreeableness
vaši unutarnji motivi.
are more of your inner motives:
Koje su vaše namjere prema drugima?
What are your intentions toward others?
people accurately,
kojeg svaki savjetnik iščekuje
consultant in the room is waiting for,
are also recognized quickly,
također se brzo prepozna,
by a slightly different name.
nešto drugačijim imenom.
two combinations.
dvije kombinacije.
in our organizations.
u vašoj organizaciji.
and tough on the surface
i na ono najbolje za druge.
others' best interests at heart.
but a great operating system."
ali sjajan operativni sustav."
undervalued people in our organizations,
najpodcjenjeniji ljudi u organizacijama,
who give the critical feedback
ali bi svatko trebao čuti.
but everyone needs to hear.
u procjeni takvih ljudi,
valuing these people
is the deadly one --
koju smo zaboravili je opaka,
also known as the faker.
poznat i kao lažnjak.
who's nice to your face,
otkriju tijekom razgovora za posao
these people in the interview process
fundamentally improved?"
iz temelja unaprijedili?"
influential than them,
and then kicking down.
u ulizivanju i srozavanju drugih.
osobe koje su hijerarhijski ispod njih,
who are below them in a hierarchy,
you can learn a lot about character
mnogo naučiti o karakteru
prema konobaru u restoranu,
treats their restaurant server
out of organizations,
od sagorijevanja na poslu
in pursuing their own goals
u ostvarenju svojih ciljeva,
that people define success.
na koji ljudi definiraju uspjeh.
winning a competition,
kako je sve u pobjeđivanju,
is really more about contribution.
zapravo u tome koliko pridonosiš.
meaningful way to succeed
are plotting your well-being.
u korist vaše dobrobiti.
glowing things about you.
is that's not a delusion --
odlična stvar je što to nije zabluda,
gdje uspijevaju oni koji daju,
where givers succeed,
u stvaranju takvog svijeta.
create that world.
Adam Grant - Organizational psychologistAfter years of studying the dynamics of success and productivity in the workplace, Adam Grant discovered a powerful and often overlooked motivator: helping others.
Why you should listen
In his groundbreaking book Give and Take, top-rated Wharton professor Adam Grant upended decades of conventional motivational thinking with the thesis that giving unselfishly to colleagues or clients can lead to one’s own long-term success. Grant’s research has led hundreds of advice seekers (and HR departments) to his doorstep, and it’s changing the way leaders view their workforces.
Grant's book Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World examines how unconventional thinkers overturn the status quo and champion game-changing ideas.
Grant is the host of the TED original podcast WorkLife, taking us inside unconventional workplaces to explore the ideas we can all use to make work more meaningful and creative.
Adam Grant | Speaker |