Adam Grant: Are you a giver or a taker?
Adams Grants: Vai esat devējs vai ņēmējs?
After years of studying the dynamics of success and productivity in the workplace, Adam Grant discovered a powerful and often overlooked motivator: helping others. Full bio
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around the room for a minute
visaizdomīgāko cilvēku telpā.
paranoid person here --
at that person for me.
kurus es saucu par ņēmējiem.
that I call "takers."
in their interactions.
ko tu vari izdarīt manā labā.
sadarbību uzsāk, jautājot,
most interactions by asking,
padomāt katram par savu stilu.
to think about your own style.
kā visbiežāk izturieties pret citiem,
most of the people most of the time,
vai esat vairāk devējs vai ņēmējs,
of a giver or a taker,
Mirkli padomājiet par sevi!]
to think about yourself.]
līdz otrajam solim, jūs neesat narciss.]
you are not a narcissist.]
faktos nebalstītais apgalvojums.
that has no data behind it,
for you to laugh at this cartoon,
jums gribas smieties par šo karikatūru,
ka esat ņēmējs.
that you're a taker.
one too many times.
apdedzinājušies devēji.
that we won't be addressing today,
kuru šodien neaplūkosim,
common these extremes are,
dažādās nozarēs strādājošo
people across industries
atrodas tieši pa vidu
are right in the middle
sauktu par līdzsvarošanu.
called "matching."
došanu un ņemšanu.
an even balance of give and take:
ja tu palīdzēsi man.
for you if you do something for me.
to live your life.
un produktīvākais dzīvesveids?
and productive way to live your life?
ir pilnīgi skaidrs...
is a very definitive ...
their productivity.
savu darba produktivitāti.
of these jobs were the givers.
katrā jomā uzrādīja devēji.
nekā saņēma palīdzību.
than they got back.
other people's jobs,
un enerģijas sava darba pabeigšanai.
to get their own work completed.
zemākās atzīmes bija tiem,
belong to the students
kā "man patīk palīdzēt citiem".
with statements like,
you ought to trust
bez vēlmes kādam palīdzēt.
with no desire to help anybody.
the lowest revenue accrued
to one of those salespeople
"Kāpēc tu esi tāds neveiksminieks?"
you suck at your job --"
so deeply about my customers
"Zini, man tik ļoti rūp mani klienti,
one of our crappy products."
nevis ņēmēji vai līdzsvarotāji?
as givers than takers or matchers?
pirms mēs runājām par šiem datiem.
before we talked about these data.
there's a twist here,
sacrificing themselves,
at the frequency of giving behavior
dodošas uzvedības biežums.
or an organization --
dalās savās zināšanās
and sharing their knowledge
visos izmērāmajos rādītājos:
on every metric we can measure:
darbinieku noturība,
employee retention --
lai palīdzētu citiem
trying to help other people
they suffer along the way.
ir iespēja gūt panākumus.
actually get to succeed.
are the worst performers,
it's not the takers.
bet lielākoties arī ātri krīt.
but also fall quickly in most jobs.
"dots pret dotu", taisnīgai pasaulei.
in "An eye for an eye" -- a just world.
sodīt viņu uz velna paraušanu.
out of that person.
agri vai vēlu saņemsiet pēc nopelniem.
kas uzrāda labākos rezultātus.
who are the best performers.
ko esmu pētījis,
I've ever studied,
to the givers again.
from hundreds of salespeople,
ieņēmumu rādītājus!
sasniedz abas galējības.
go to both extremes.
veidotāju vairākumu,
who bring in the lowest revenue,
inženieru produktivitātē
for engineers' productivity
zemākos un augstākos rezultātus
at the bottom and at the top
būtu iespēja gūt panākumus.
where more of these givers get to excel?
kā to paveikt ne tikai biznesā,
not just in businesses,
skolās, pat valdībā.
bet paldies par entuziasmu!
but I appreciate the enthusiasm.
are your most valuable people,
the givers in your midst.
from Fortune's best networker.
žurnāla Fortune tīklošanās speciālista.
of his time helping other people.
palīdzot citiem cilvēkiem.
piecu minūšu labais darbs.
is the five-minute favor.
Mātei Terēzei vai Gandijam,
Mother Teresa or Gandhi
kas rada lielu vērtību
to add large value
kā iepazīstināt divus cilvēkus,
as making an introduction
benefit from knowing each other.
vai dot atsauksmi.
or giving a little bit of feedback.
tik vienkāršs kā pateikt:
as basic as saying,
whose work has gone unnoticed."
ir ļoti svarīgi,
are really critical
un sevi pasargāt.
and protect themselves.
radīt devējiem labvēlīgu kultūru,
where givers succeed,
kur palīdzības lūgšana ir norma,
where help-seeking is the norm;
to home for some of you.
esat vienmēr bijis devējs?]
you always have to be the giver?]
to be a receiver, too.
varam to veicināt.
we can actually make this easier.
for people to ask for help.
studied hospitals.
māsiņas bieži meklēja palīdzību,
nurses did a lot of help-seeking,
they did very little of it.
kur palīdzības lūgšana bija ierasta,
where help-seeking was common,
whose sole job it was
bija palīdzēt pārējām nodaļas māsām.
tas nav vājums lūgt palīdzību,
it's not vulnerable to ask for help --
just for protecting the success
devēju panākumus un labklājību.
vairāk cilvēkus būt devējiem.
more people to act like givers,
of all giving in organizations
katras palīdzības pamatā ir lūgums.
viņi negrib apgrūtināt citus.
they don't want to burden others.
in your organization
who could benefit and how.
veiksmīgu devēju kultūru,
of successful givers,
you let onto your team.
of productive generosity,
produktīva dāsnuma kultūru,
ka tas patiesībā tā nemaz nav.
that that was not right --
of a taker on a culture
pārsniedz pozitīvo devēja ietekmi.
the positive impact of a giver.
just does not make a dozen.
will stop helping.
un haizivju ieskauts.
by a bunch of snakes and sharks.
visu mūsu darbu."
un komandas veidošana
and team building
about the consequences.
ka viņi pielāgojas normai.
is that they follow the norm.
before it's too late?
at figuring out who's a taker,
pārāk prasmīgi ņēmēju noteikšanā,
that throws us off.
kas mūs maldina.
cilvēkiem visās kultūrās.
of personality across cultures.
they're nice, they're polite.
viņi ir jauki un pieklājīgi.
a national contest
un pabeigtu teikumu
and fill in the blank,
was going to be,
vai "... hokejs".
or, "... ice hockey."
par jauno valsts saukli izvēlējās,
for their new national slogan to be --
under the circumstances."
who are highly agreeable,
vai varbūt nedaudz kanādieši
lai izpatiktu citiem?
to try to please other people?
skeptical, challenging,
skeptiskāki, izaicinošāki,
ka viņi iestāsies juridiskajā fakultātē.
to go to law school.
that's actually an empirical fact.
ka patīkamie cilvēki ir devēji
that agreeable people were givers
starp šīm pazīmēm.
no correlation between those traits,
that agreeableness-disagreeableness
vai nepatīkamība ir ārējā fasāde:
ir balstītas iekšējā motivācijā.
are more of your inner motives:
Kādi ir jūsu nolūki pret citiem?
What are your intentions toward others?
pareizi cilvēkus novērtēt,
people accurately,
ikviens klātesošais konsultants –
consultant in the room is waiting for,
are also recognized quickly,
var atpazīt tikpat ātri,
by a slightly different name.
two combinations.
in our organizations.
and tough on the surface
citu intereses un labklājība.
others' best interests at heart.
bet lieliska operētājsistēma."
but a great operating system."
undervalued people in our organizations,
ir pilnīgi nenovērtēti,
kas izsaka kritiskas piezīmes,
who give the critical feedback
bet kurās vajadzētu ieklausīties.
but everyone needs to hear.
valuing these people
Droši vien savtīgs ņēmējs."
is the deadly one --
ko aizmirstam, ir nāvīga.
pazīstams arī kā blēdis.
also known as the faker.
who's nice to your face,
bet tad ietrieks dunci mugurā.
these people in the interview process
viņu atmaskošanas veids intervijās
fundamentally improved?"
influential than them,
and then kicking down.
kas atmaksā ar nepateicību.
who are below them in a hierarchy,
kas ir zemākā pozīcijā
you can learn a lot about character
ka vislabāk cilvēku raksturo tas,
treats their restaurant server
out of organizations,
in pursuing their own goals
tiecoties uz pašu mērķiem,
that people define success.
par to, kas ir panākumi.
winning a competition,
ka dzīve ir viena liela sacensība,
is really more about contribution.
patiesībā vairāk saistīti ar došanu.
panākumu gūšanas veids
meaningful way to succeed
are plotting your well-being.
īpaši cildinošu informāciju.
glowing things about you.
is that's not a delusion --
kur devēji gūst panākumus,
where givers succeed,
man šo pasauli radīt.
create that world.
Adam Grant - Organizational psychologistAfter years of studying the dynamics of success and productivity in the workplace, Adam Grant discovered a powerful and often overlooked motivator: helping others.
Why you should listen
In his groundbreaking book Give and Take, top-rated Wharton professor Adam Grant upended decades of conventional motivational thinking with the thesis that giving unselfishly to colleagues or clients can lead to one’s own long-term success. Grant’s research has led hundreds of advice seekers (and HR departments) to his doorstep, and it’s changing the way leaders view their workforces.
Grant's book Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World examines how unconventional thinkers overturn the status quo and champion game-changing ideas.
Grant is the host of the TED original podcast WorkLife, taking us inside unconventional workplaces to explore the ideas we can all use to make work more meaningful and creative.
Adam Grant | Speaker |