Jason Shen: Looking for a job? Highlight your ability, not your experience
Jason Shen: Munkát keres? Összpontosítson képességeire, ne tapasztalataira!
TED Resident Jason Shen uses data and technology to help leaders identify talent. Full bio
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that has to do with their college major.
szakmájukban dolgoznak.
are no longer the rule,
only a quarter of college graduates
egy 2010-es kutatás szerint.
that relates to their degree.
but two degrees in biology.
I am neither a doctor nor a scientist.
nem vagyok se orvos, se tudós.
and photosynthesis
műszaki pályára.
for a career in technology.
from sales, marketing, strategy,
egy kis programozást is.
of Product Manager
by Google and several other firms
which included my analysis of the business
amely üzleti elemzésemet tartalmazta,
working on two of those ideas
or overlooked at first
akiket visszautasítottak,
első megítélésük nem volt helyes.
sem a Facebook nem vett fel,
by both Twitter and Facebook
that would sell for 19 billion dollars.
üzenetküldő felületet.
in the 20th century are failing us
felvételi rendszer nem jól működik,
on people with incredible potential.
and machine learning
gépi tanulásban
in many occupations
human labor in others.
az emberi munkaerő mennyiségét.
to do jobs we've never done before
olyan munkát végezzünk, amit azelőtt nem.
and strategies we need
legjobb munkavállalóit?
with leaders across many sectors,
vezetőjével beszéltem,
és kutatást olvastam el,
talent experiments.
amellyel előrébb léphetünk.
in the same places we always do --
ahol eddig is –
elit egyetemek,
the same results we always have.
mikor a pénztelen Oakland Athletics
when the cash-strapped Oakland Athletics
akiket nem értékeltek nagyra
who didn't score highly
like runs batted in,
pontokhoz segíteni,
to help the team score points
outside of sports.
vezetője mondta,
and Research at Pinterest
one of the most diverse
a Szilícium-völgyben,
in Silicon Valley
that no one type of person
lehet tehetséges.
to look beyond major tech hubs
a fő technológiai piacon kívül,
tapasztalatomból kiindulva
called Headlight,
a jelentkezőknek, hogy kitűnjenek.
an opportunity to shine.
and plays have auditions,
to demonstrate their skills
felvételük előtt mutassák meg.
from 85 years of employment research,
jelzi előre a sikert.
of success on the job.
előbb adjon neki adatsorokat,
and ask them for their key insights.
for a new product.
don't wait for an employer to ask.
kivételes képességeit
your unique skills and abilities
és motivációs levélen túl.
resume and cover letter.
a vándormadár bélyegét valakire,
to label a candidate a job-hopper
munkahelyen nem melegedett meg .
short stint on their resume;
akik figyelmen kívül hagyták
to ignore identical messages from students
hallgatók üzeneteit.
was black or Asian instead of white.
egyedi bánásmódot igénylőnek tartottak.
a special needs track as a child.
my parents into a meeting,
volt-e komplikáció születésemkor,
had been complications at birth
with a school psychologist.
our family situation.
we lived in the attic
padlásterében laktunk.
with mental disabilities.
to make ends meet,
éjjel is dolgoztak,
korombeliekkel játszanom.
to spend time with kids my own age.
hogy ingerszegény környezetben élő
that an understimulated five-year-old boy
in a kindergarten classroom
a maga teljességében,
will always be flawed.
experience with ability,
vesszük egy kalap alá!
for the safe, familiar choice
akik lenyűgözhetnek minket!
for someone who could be amazing.
of outdated hiring practices
idejétmúlt gyakorlatukkal,
of identifying and cultivating talent,
by learning to tell their story
buzdító történeteikből.
are seen for what they're truly capable of
valós képességeink alapján ítélnének meg,
hogy összes értékünket észrevegyék.
to realize their full potential.
Jason Shen - Entrepreneur, talent expertTED Resident Jason Shen uses data and technology to help leaders identify talent.
Why you should listen
Jason Shen is the co-founder and CEO of Headlight, a performance hiring platform, creator of The Talent Playbook, and has been featured in the New York Times, Fast Company, Quartz and The Atlantic.
He serves on the board of directors for the Presidential Innovation Fellows Foundation and runs The Asian American Man Study, an annual survey of American men of East, Southeast and Asian descent.
Prior to Headlight, Shen was a product manager at Etsy, a 2013 Presidential Innovation Fellow under President Obama, and the cofounder of a Y Combinator-backed startup called Ridejoy.
Shen holds a BS and MS in Biology from Stanford University, where he was captain of the 2009 NCAA championship-winning men’s gymnastics team. In 2014, he set the Guinness World Record for most number of Aztec push-ups completed in one minute.
Jason Shen | Speaker | TED.com