Jason Shen: Looking for a job? Highlight your ability, not your experience
Жэйсон Шен: Ажил хайж байна уу? Туршлага биш чадвараа харуул.
TED Resident Jason Shen uses data and technology to help leaders identify talent. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
that has to do with their college major.
are no longer the rule,
only a quarter of college graduates
нийт төгсөгчдийн 25% нь
that relates to their degree.
салбарт ажилладаг байна.
but two degrees in biology.
хоёр ч зэрэгтэй.
I am neither a doctor nor a scientist.
эрдэмтэн биш.
and photosynthesis
фотосинтезийн талаар судалсан ч
for a career in technology.
би огт бэлэн биш байлаа.
from sales, marketing, strategy,
стратеги, бага зэрэг программчлал
of Product Manager
ажиллаж байгаагүй.
by Google and several other firms
өөр фирмүүдээс татгалзсан хариу авч
зараад удаагүй байсан тул
which included my analysis of the business
цахим хуудас хийсэн.
working on two of those ideas
хоёр санаан дээр ажиллаж,
бодолцож байж.
or overlooked at first
хүмүүсийг мэднэ.
Брайн Актоны намтар.
by both Twitter and Facebook
утасны мессэж апп
that would sell for 19 billion dollars.
in the 20th century are failing us
ажилд авах систем хуучирч,
on people with incredible potential.
алдахад хүргэж байна.
and machine learning
суралцах чадварын ололтууд нь
in many occupations
даалгаврыг автоматжуулж,
human labor in others.
нэмэгдүүлж байна.
to do jobs we've never done before
өмнө нь хийж байгаагүй ажлаа
and strategies we need
with leaders across many sectors,
олон салбарын удирдлагуудтай ярилцаж,
судалгаа уншиж,
talent experiments.
in the same places we always do --
Ivy League сургуулиуд,
ажилтан хайвал
the same results we always have.
when the cash-strapped Oakland Athletics
who didn't score highly
өндөр оноогүй ч
like runs batted in,
to help the team score points
outside of sports.
өөр салбарт түгж байна.
and Research at Pinterest
one of the most diverse
хамгийн өөр өөр хүмүүс бүхий,
in Silicon Valley
that no one type of person
нэг л төрлийн хүнд заяадагт
to look beyond major tech hubs
called Headlight,
платформ бүтээсэн.
an opportunity to shine.
гялалзах боломж олгодог.
and plays have auditions,
жүжигт сонгон шалгаруулалт байдаг шиг
to demonstrate their skills
чадварыг харуулах
from 85 years of employment research,
тооцоолох гол үзүүлэлт нь
85 жилийн судалгаагаа харуулсан.
of success on the job.
хүртэж байна.
and ask them for their key insights.
гол мэдээллийг гаргуулаарай.
for a new product.
ажил төлөвлүүл.
don't wait for an employer to ask.
ажил олгогчийг бүү хүлээ.
your unique skills and abilities
харуулах арга замуудыг ол.
resume and cover letter.
өргөдөл биш.
to label a candidate a job-hopper
тогтворгүй хэмээн дүгнэх,
short stint on their resume;
өнгөт арьстай сурагчдын явуулсан
to ignore identical messages from students
их байдаг талаар
was black or Asian instead of white.
a special needs track as a child.
тусгай ангид орохоо шахсан.
my parents into a meeting,
had been complications at birth
байсан талаар асууж,
with a school psychologist.
уулзахыг санал болгосон.
our family situation.
хурдхан тайлбарласан юм.
we lived in the attic
сэтгэцийн өвчтэй
with mental disabilities.
дээврийн өрөөнд амьдарч байлаа.
to make ends meet,
оройгоор ажиллаж
to spend time with kids my own age.
тоглох боломж бараг үгүй байсан.
that an understimulated five-year-old boy
цагийг өнгөрөөж уйдсан,
in a kindergarten classroom
гайхмаар гэж үү?
will always be flawed.
үргэлж алдаатай байх болно.
experience with ability,
дипломыг чадалтай
for the safe, familiar choice
хийхээ больж
for someone who could be amazing.
нээж өгцгөөе.
of outdated hiring practices
системээ халж,
of identifying and cultivating talent,
арга замуудыг нээж,
by learning to tell their story
харуулах хүчирхэг
are seen for what they're truly capable of
to realize their full potential.
амьдрах боломжтой.
Jason Shen - Entrepreneur, talent expertTED Resident Jason Shen uses data and technology to help leaders identify talent.
Why you should listen
Jason Shen is the co-founder and CEO of Headlight, a performance hiring platform, creator of The Talent Playbook, and has been featured in the New York Times, Fast Company, Quartz and The Atlantic.
He serves on the board of directors for the Presidential Innovation Fellows Foundation and runs The Asian American Man Study, an annual survey of American men of East, Southeast and Asian descent.
Prior to Headlight, Shen was a product manager at Etsy, a 2013 Presidential Innovation Fellow under President Obama, and the cofounder of a Y Combinator-backed startup called Ridejoy.
Shen holds a BS and MS in Biology from Stanford University, where he was captain of the 2009 NCAA championship-winning men’s gymnastics team. In 2014, he set the Guinness World Record for most number of Aztec push-ups completed in one minute.
Jason Shen | Speaker | TED.com