Beau Lotto and Cirque du Soleil: How we experience awe -- and why it matters
Beau Lotto és a Cirque du Soleil: Hogyan éljük át az áhítatot – és miért fontos ez?
Beau Lotto is founder of Lottolab, a hybrid art studio and science lab. With glowing, interactive sculpture -- and old-fashioned peer-reviewed research--he's illuminating the mysteries of the brain's visual system. Full bio Cirque du Soleil - Circus arts entertainers
Based in Montreal, the Cirque du Soleil Entertainment Group is a world leader in live entertainment. Full bio
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what's going to happen, from here.
mi fog történni.
we're going to start with:
I want to show you.
megmutatom. Pontosabban:
in the next 14 minutes.
a következő 14 percben.
a piece of Strauss together.
egy Strauss-művet.
Ready, one, two, three!
"Also Sprach Zarathustra")
"Imigyen szóla Zarathustra")
hogy a dolgok elérjék végpontjukat.
just before he'd go to bed,
lefekvés előtt a zongorához lépett,
would think, "Argh."
azt gondolta: "A fenébe!"
and hit the final note to the chord
az akkord utolsó hangját,
leads us to thinking about:
felveti a gondolatot:
growing up, even now?
leginkább, ahogy felnövünk, még ma is?
dying was easy during evolution.
bármikor meghalhattunk.
is by encoding the bias and assumptions
korábban már hasznosnak bizonyult
just don't stay inside your brain.
nem maradnak az agyunkban.
onto the screen.
is literally meaningless.
szó szerint értelmetlen.
and projecting it onto me.
majd kivetítik rám.
is true for other people.
igaz az emberekre is.
their "what" and their "when,"
kérdésekre mérhető,
based on our biases and our experience.
előítéleteink és tapasztalataink alapján.
always about decreasing uncertainty.
mindig a bizonytalanságot csökkenti.
physiologically and mentally.
és mentálisan is reagál.
will start deteriorating.
vagy akár elpusztulnak.
almost too often.
szinte túl gyakran is.
you become more conservative.
még konzervatívabb lesz.
you become more liberal.
húzódunk vissza.
és előfeltevéseket,
that our brain evolved to avoid;
agyunk ösztönösen el akar kerülni:
that we go to this place
hogy az ismeretlenbe merészkedjünk,
perceptual experiences.
legmélyebb érzékszervi tapasztalat:
at some level or another, awe.
valamiféle áhítatot éreznek.
inside your brain right now?
and experiencing awe,
gondolkodunk és írunk róla,
what is it and what does it do,
mi ez az érzés, és mit tesz velünk,
the wonderful opportunity and the pleasure
csodálatos lehetőséget kapott,
creators of awe that we know:
megteremtésének nagymestereivel,
the directors, the accountants,
rendezőkkel, könyvelőkkel –,
the brain activity of people
az O előadása során,
the behavior before the performance,
viselkedését az előadás előtt,
after the performance.
az előadás után.
200 ember vett részt.
inside your brain right now?
the prefrontal cortex,
for your executive function,
the DMN, default mode network,
between multiple areas in your brain,
együttműködését jelenti,
ötletelés, kreatív gondolkodás,
of divergent thinking and daydreaming,
és álmodozás során aktív,
prefrontal cortex is changing.
aktivitása is megváltozik.
in its activity,
when people step forward into the world,
amikor emberek kilépnek a világba,
of all these people was so correlated
olyannyira hasonló volt,
an artificial neural network
egy mesterséges ideghálózatot,
people are experiencing awe
ebben az állapotban van?
Haidt and Keltner,
but connected to the world.
magukat, mégis a világ részének.
affinity towards others.
for cognitive control.
a kognitív kontroll hiányát.
without having closure.
a befejezetlenséget.
for risk also increases.
and they are better able at taking it.
és jobban is élnek vele.
was really quite profound
to experience awe?"
aki könnyen átél áhítatot,
to give a positive response
than they were [before].
and their history.
és történetüket.
that is bigger than us.
amely nagyobb nálunk.
greatest photographers,
Duane Michaels,
to overcome our cowardice.
ahhoz, hogy legyőzzük gyávaságunkat.
in our society at the moment.
mai társadalmunkban.
ends of the same line.
két végpontján állnánk.
and to shift you towards me.
s azt akarom, hogy közeledjen.
exactly the same.
ugyanezt csinálja.
and shift me towards you.
s azt akarja, hogy közeledjek.
to win but not learn.
a győzelem a cél, nem a fejlődés.
ha mozgásban vagyunk.
not to get rid of conflict --
használnánk – nem a konfliktus kerülésére,
conflict is how your brain expands,
általa nyílik ki elménk,
in a different way?
a konfliktusokhoz?
enable us to enter it
legalább kétféleképpen
and courage to not know.
hogy elfogadjuk a nemtudást.
with a question instead of an answer.
meg a konfliktust, ne válasszal.
with uncertainty instead of certainty.
saját igazunk bizonyossága helyett?
in entering conflict that way,
egy konfliktushoz,
rather than convince.
to themselves, right?
and assumptions
we could use art-induced awe
elősegíthetjük-e a toleranciát
incredibly positive.
generated by art.
érzetén keresztül.
to be found in the grandeur.
nagyszerű dolgokban rejlik.
the mountains, the sunscape.
egy hegy, egy naplemente.
rescale ourselves
ha átméreteznénk magunkat,
az egyszerűségben?
mint a tudomány,
into uncertainty
Beau Lotto - Neuroscientist, ArtistBeau Lotto is founder of Lottolab, a hybrid art studio and science lab. With glowing, interactive sculpture -- and old-fashioned peer-reviewed research--he's illuminating the mysteries of the brain's visual system.
Why you should listen
"Let there be perception," was evolution's proclamation, and so it was that all creatures, from honeybees to humans, came to see the world not as it is, but as was most useful. This uncomfortable place--where what an organism's brain sees diverges from what is actually out there--is what Beau Lotto and his team at Lottolab are exploring through their dazzling art-sci experiments and public illusions. Their Bee Matrix installation, for example, places a live bee in a transparent enclosure where gallerygoers may watch it seek nectar in a virtual meadow of luminous Plexiglas flowers. (Bees, Lotto will tell you, see colors much like we humans do.) The data captured isn't just discarded, either: it's put to good use in probing scientific papers, and sometimes in more exhibits.
At their home in London’s Science Museum, the lab holds "synesthetic workshops" where kids and adults make abstract paintings that computers interpret into music, and they host regular Lates--evenings of science, music and "mass experiments." Lotto is passionate about involving people from all walks of life in research on perception--both as subjects and as fellow researchers. One such program, called "i,scientist," in fact led to the publication of the first ever peer-reviewed scientific paper written by schoolchildren ("Blackawton Bees," December 2010). It starts, "Once upon a time ..."
These and Lotto's other conjurings are slowly, charmingly bending the science of perception--and our perceptions of what science can be.
Beau Lotto | Speaker |
Cirque du Soleil - Circus arts entertainers
Based in Montreal, the Cirque du Soleil Entertainment Group is a world leader in live entertainment.
Why you should listen
On top of producing world-renowned circus arts shows, the Cirque du Soleil Entertainment Group brings its creative approach to a large variety of entertainment forms, such as multimedia productions, immersive experiences, theme parks and special events. It currently has 4,500 employees from nearly 70 countries. Going beyond its various creations, the organization aims to make a positive impact on people, communities and the planet with its most important tools: creativity and art.
Cirque du Soleil | Speaker |