Mara Mintzer: How kids can help design cities
Mara Mitzer: Bagaimana anak-anak bisa membantu merancang kota
Mara Mintzer thrives on engaging children, youth and underrepresented communities in participatory planning, an approach that aims to integrate the views of all community members into designing exemplary communities. Full bio
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a quarter of the population.
energy production and natural resources
produksi energi, dan sumber daya alam
dari seluruh masyarakat.
of the full community.
has more say over public policy
lebih punya suara pada kebijakan publik
I'm talking about?
yang saya bicarakan?
and not surprisingly,
dan bukan suatu kejutan,
oleh orang dewasa.
developers, politicians,
pengembang, politisi,
of a group of four-year-olds,
dari kelompok anak empat tahun,
untuk menggapai podium
at city council chambers.
to design our cities?
pada anak-anak untuk merancang kota kita?
to a small group of people
kepada beberapa orang
kota ramah anak di Boulder, Colorado.
city initiative in Boulder, Colorado.
of civil rights advocates,
keluarga advokasi hak-hak sipil,
karier saya berjalan di sana
dan keluarga berpendapatan rendah.
children and families.
inisiatif kota ramah anak sebelumnya.
city initiative before.
to address some of the frustrations
adalah mengatasi beberapa masalah
orang tua dari anak kecil.
of a young child.
for more changing tables in restaurants.
banyak tempat ganti popok di restoran.
untuk saat-saat dingin atau hujan.
for those cold and rainy days.
more hospitable to children and families.
untuk anak-anak dan keluarga.
I committed to this project
pada proyek ini
better cities for children.
yang lebih baik untuk anak-anak.
better cities for themselves,
yang lebih baik untuk mereka sendiri,
about this idea.
tentang gagasan ini.
the voting age is 18.
mengapa hak pilih adalah 18 tahun.
understand complex ideas
bisa mengerti ide-ide kompleks
perencanaan master transportasi?
a transportation master plan?
wouldn't they be childish?
tidakkah mereka akan kekanak-kanakan?
made out of candy?
butuh taman dari permen?
di bawah yang tidak menduga sama sekali?
unsuspecting kayakers below?
anak-anak dalam perencanaan kota
children in city planning
end users in the design process?
pengguna terlibat dalam proses desain?
yang diutamakan untuk anak-anak,
to be largely used by kids,
punya suara dalam perancangan tamannya.
in the park's design.
bernama "Growing Up Boulder,"
called "Growing Up Boulder,"
anak-anak berusia nol sampai 18 tahun
ages zero through 18
desain kota yang inovatif.
city-design solutions.
bagaimana caranya?
to redesign a large downtown park,
ulang sebuah taman besar di pusat kota,
by a farmers' market on one end,
dengan pasar petani di satu sisi,
di sisi satunya,
which runs through the middle.
yang tak terhindarkan,
inevitable flash floods,
200 anak muda dalam prosesnya,
young people in the process,
through high school students.
in their classrooms
di ruang kelas mereka
dengan rekomendasi mereka.
with their recommendations.
we asked children to record their ideas,
kami minta mereka mencatat ide-ide,
on a field trip with us,
pergi ke lapangan bersama kami,
mereka suka dan yang tidak di taman itu,
and didn't like about the space,
yang mereka suka tentang ruangnya,
what they liked about the space,
berseluncur dengan ban di sungainya.
tubing down the creek.
dan menggunakan warna merah
and used the red side
seperti sampah.
they didn't like, such as trash.
studied the Civic Area
yang tantangannya serupa
with similar challenges
to combine their original ideas
untuk mengkombinasikan ide orisinil mereka
to improve the space.
city council and community members
dewan kota, dan anggota masyarakat
dan berdiskusi tentang rekomendasi mereka.
their recommendations.
stepped over blocks and stuffed animals
bermain dengan balok-balok dan boneka
seluruh ruangan kelas anak-anak TK.
classroom recreation of the Civic Area.
at the students' ideas
dengan ide para murid
yang dibangun dari gelang-gelang jeli.
constructed out of a jelly bracelet.
from animal-shaped plastic beads.
yang dibangun dari binatang plastik.
dengan model yang dibuat arsitek.
that architects create.
and I am pleased to report
dengan gembira saya melaporkan
diimplementasikan di Area Sipil.
are being implemented in the Civic Area.
ke Sungai Boulder,
access to Boulder Creek,
bisa bermain dengan aman di air,
yang sebelumnya gelap,
dengan aman setelah sekolah di malam hari.
safely after school at night.
anak-anak yang berjalan di pinggir sungai.
as they stroll by the creek.
child-requested ice-skating rink,
di arena seluncur es baru permintaan anak,
implemented at the Civic Area?
diterapkan di Area Sipil?
yang pengertian dan berpengetahuan
and well-informed adult
all of her ideas to be utilized,
semua idenya untuk dipakai,
proses ini selama delapan tahun,
this process for eight years,
some incredible benefits
beberapa keuntungan yang bagus
bersama anak-anak.
differently from adults.
berbeda dengan orang dewasa.
dan seberapa berbahaya nantinya.
and how dangerous will it be.
"Are we going to get sued?"
"Apakah kami akan dituntut?"
constraints aren't real,
hambatan ini tidak nyata,
from the beginning,
dan meredam proses perancangan.
and dampens the design process.
think about possibilities.
berpikir tentang kemungkinan.
to design teen-friendly parks,
untuk merancang taman ramah remaja,
berterjun payung, layang gantung,
of skydiving, hang gliding,
ke lubang busa raksasa.
into giant foam pits.
mengungkap suatu kisah yang penting.
revealed an important story.
thrill-seeking opportunities.
kesempatan mencari ketegangan.
given their developmental stage in life.
tahap pertumbuhan mereka,
between inspiration and reality,
antara inspirasi dan realitas,
activities and equipment
pada aktivitas dan peralatan
installed in a park.
in Australia have done,
taman-taman di Australia,
dan panjat tembok setinggi sembilan meter.
and their 30-foot-tall climbing towers.
permainan, dan pergerakan di perancangan.
and movement in their designs.
yang diprioritaskan orang dewasa.
keseruan, permainan, dan pergerakan
play and movement
to stay healthy, too.
untuk tetap sehat juga.
containing a little lending library
yang ada perpustakaan kecilnya
yang nyaman untuk membaca?
beanbag chairs for reading?
pajangan kesenian umum
ke kanvas setiap kali naik tangga?
each time you walk up the steps?
children value beauty in their designs.
keindahan dalam perancangan.
perumahan yang mungil dan terjangkau,
dense affordable housing,
beige condominiums
blok kondominium coklat kembar
warna yang cerah di mana-mana,
on everything,
between biking and walking paths,
di antara jalur sepeda dan pejalan kaki,
duduk-duduk dengan teman
untuk terhubung dengan alam,
to connect with nature,
right in their backyards,
tepat di halaman belakang rumah,
that incorporate water,
yang menghadirkan air,
dan hewan
into their common spaces on site.
diizinkan berjalan kaki empat blok
are rarely allowed to walk four blocks
environment benefits everyone,
bermanfaat bagi semua orang,
efek pemulihan di segala usia.
to have restorative effects for all ages.
keingingan penduduk yang termuda,
the desires or our littlest citizens,
that the joy of walking
nikmatnya berjalan
yang kita temukan sepanjang jalan.
along the way.
of Boulder's 19th Street corridor,
dievaluasi keramahan pejalan kakinya,
dedaunan di pinggir sungai
exploring leaves in a ditch
is as important as the destination.
perjalanan sama pentingnya dengan tujuan.
dari pepohongan dan tanaman,
binatang ke dalam perancangan.
in their designs.
into children's pictures.
they're closer to the ground
lebih baik daripada kita,
better than we can,
yang lebih besar untuk makhluk lain,
sense of empathy for other beings,
spesies non-manusia ke dalam dunia mereka.
non-human species in their ideal worlds.
in their city planning.
orang lain dalam perencanaan kota.
dari neneknya yang di kursi roda
from their grandmother in a wheelchair
yang mereka lihat tidur di taman.
they see sleeping in the park.
compelling discovery we made
yang paling menarik yang kita buat
suatu kota yang ramah pada semuanya.
is a city friendly to all.
Enrique Peñalosa
adalah spesies indikator.
are a kind of indicator species.
city for children,
membangun kota untuk anak-anak,
yang berhasil untuk semua orang.
city for all people.
begitu saja dan menyetir ke toko.
and drive to the store.
untuk makan siang mahal di cafe terdekat.
an expensive lunch at the nearby cafe.
that take into the consideration
yang mempertimbangkan
akan transportasi alternatif
forms of transportation
banyak masyarakat lainnya juga.
of many other populations, too.
and more affordable bus service,
yang ingin hidup mandiri,
who wish to live independently,
tak bisa lagi menyetir mobil.
protected walking and skateboarding paths
skateboard dan pejalan kaki yang mulus,
yang ingin meluncur lancar di jalur itu,
who wishes to go smoothly down the path,
kereta bayi baru.
has revealed something important.
mengungkap sesuatu yang penting.
in our planning,
dalam perencanaan kita,
to people of color, immigrants,
orang dengan kulit berwarna, imigran,
atau yang kurang mampu?
or with reduced incomes?
are we overlooking,
yang kita lewatkan,
suara keseluruhan masyarakat?
of the full community?
the needs and wants of other people
kebutuhan dan keingingan orang lain
dan yang lainnya.
of our children as future citizens
anak-anak kita sebagai warga masa depan
sebagai warga zaman ini.
for the citizens they are today.
membuat kita lebih bahagia dan sehat.
that will make us happier and healthier.
social connection and beauty.
pergerakan, koneksi sosial, dan keindahan.
we all want to live in.
yang ingin dihuni oleh kita semua.
Mara Mintzer - Community engagement specialistMara Mintzer thrives on engaging children, youth and underrepresented communities in participatory planning, an approach that aims to integrate the views of all community members into designing exemplary communities.
Why you should listen
By using creative, participatory methods in classrooms and community events, Mara Mintzer brings children, city planners and elected officials together to address the city’s most pressing issues. She writes and presents internationally on the topic of engaging children and youth in planning.
Mintzer is based at the University of Colorado in Boulder, Colorado, where she co-founded and now directs Growing Up Boulder (GUB). Growing Up Boulder is a child- and youth-friendly city initiative that is a partnership between the University of Colorado, the City of Boulder, and Boulder Valley School District. Since its inception in 2009, Growing Up Boulder has worked with more than 4,000 young people, ages 0-18, and 1,000 university students to give children and youth a voice in designing the very communities in which they live. Her students routinely provide input to urban planners and testify before city council on issues that matter to them. Growing up Boulder is part of the University of Colorado Boulder’s Community Engagement Design and Research (CEDaR) Center.
Prior to her current work, Mintzer created and managed programs for underresourced children and families in California and New York. These programs ranged from Early Head Start, preschool education and universal pre-kindergarten classes to parenting classes and coordinated family support services on a public school campus. In addition, she facilitated community building through participatory budgeting and neighborhood visioning processes for the California community in which she worked.
Mintzer received her BA in psychology from Brown University and her MA in organizational psychology from Teachers College, Columbia University. She takes an interdisciplinary approach to her work that values the intersection of urban planning, education, civic engagement and social justice. A spirit of collaboration underlies all of Mintzer's work. She loves to travel and practice her French and Spanish language skills fearlessly.
Mara Mintzer | Speaker |