Eduardo Briceño: How to get better at the things you care about
Eduardo Briceño: Kaip patobulėti srityse, kurios mums rūpi
Eduardo Briceño is a learner, leader, speaker and writer devoted to enabling a more learning-oriented world. Full bio
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to do our best at whatever we do,
kad ir ką bedarytume gyvenime
at the things I cared most about,
kurie man labiausiai rūpėjo
much at those things
prie to dirbdamas.
I've had and from research
ir tyrimų supratau,
nepaisant sunkaus darbo,
some insights into why that is
įžvalgomis, kodėl taip yra
is that the most effective people
alternating between two zones:
kaitalioja dvi zonas:
and the performance zone.
is when our goal is to improve.
kai mūsų tikslas yra patobulėti.
designed for improvement,
skirta tobulėjimui,
we haven't mastered yet,
to make mistakes,
padaryti klaidų,
when we're in our performance zone,
kai esame savo veikimo zonoje,
as best as we can, to execute.
kuo įmanoma geriau.
on what we have already mastered
ką jau esame įvaldę
should be part of our lives,
when we want to be in each of them,
kiekvienoje jų būti,
and better improve.
ir patobulėti.
our immediate performance,
tiesioginį darbo efektyvumą,
maximizes our growth
all of our time in the performance zone.
visą laiką praleisti veikimo zonoje.
also our performance.
taip pat mūsų efektyvumui.
and lawyer in ancient Greece.
bei teisininkas senovės Graikijoje.
he didn't spend all his time
jis nepraleido viso savo laiko
designed for improvement.
skirta tobulėjimui.
with guidance from mentors,
padedamas savo mokytojų,
involved persuading other people,
teisininku apėmė žmonių įtikinėjimą,
of involuntarily lifting his shoulder,
nevalingai kelti savo petį,
in front of a mirror,
with stones in his mouth.
prisikimšęs į burną akmenų.
without interruptions
were very noisy,
above the roar of the waves.
from his activities in court,
calls deliberate practice.
vadina sąmoninga praktika.
abilities into component skills,
į sudedamuosius įgūdžius,
we're working to improve,
stengiamės patobulinti,
to a high level of challenge
į sudėtingą iššūkį,
with repetition and adjustments,
su pakartojimu ir pakeitimais
of a skilled coach,
įgudusio mokytojo patarimus,
designed for improvement
know what those activities are
kokie tai užsiėmimai,
in the learning zone
praleistas vykdant užduotį.
that after the first couple of years
kad po poros metų,
in teaching, general medicine,
bendrojoje medicinoje,
we have become good enough,
kad jau tapome pakankamai geri,
in the learning zone.
on just doing our job,
tik darbui atlikti,
a great way to improve.
nėra geras būdas patobulėti.
to spend time in the learning zone
leidžia laiką mokymosi zonoje,
the goal of improvement.
ar sričių specialistais,
solicit feedback and reflect.
prašo atsiliepimų ir juos apmąsto.
not playing games of chess,
ne žaisdami šachmatais,
grand masters made and analyzing them.
padarytus ėjimus ir juos analizuodami.
many, many, many hours
daugybę valandų
nuo 10 iki 20 minučių,
on typing 10 to 20 percent faster
kaip rašyti nuo 10 iki 20 % greičiau
what mistakes we're making
kokias klaidas darome,
in the performance zone?
that the performance zone has no value.
yra visai nenaudinga.
I didn't tell the surgeon,
aš nesakiau chirurgui:
and focus on what you don't know."
ir susitelk į tai, ko nežinai.“
who I felt would do a good job,
maniau, gerai dirbtų,
as best as we can.
kaip tik galime.
to identify what to focus on next
į ką toliau reikią susitelkti,
and the performance zone,
su veikimo zona,
in the learning zone,
mokymosi zonoje,
in the performance zone.
veikimo zonoje.
she's in her performance zone,
gets back to the hotel room,
kai grįžta į viešbučio kambarį,
into her learning zone.
of the show that just ended.
koncerto vaizdo įrašą.
for improvement,
and her camera staff.
with what to adjust,
su pastabomis, ką pataisyti,
before the next performance.
prieš kitą pasirodymą.
and when we seek to perform,
o kada siekiame vykdyti
to spend time doing both,
in the learning zone,
mokymosi zonoj,
more time in the learning zone?
būti mokymosi zonoje?
to improve at that particular skill.
patobulinti konkretų įgūdį.
about how to improve,
kaip patobulėti,
the guitar as a teenager,
grot gitara paauglystėje,
in a low-stakes situation,
kur maža rizika,
must not be catastrophic,
neturi būti katastrofiškos
new tricks without a net underneath,
neturėdamas tinklo apačioje,
to first try a new move
in the performance zone
often are, unnecessarily, high stakes.
bereikalingai rizikinga.
socialinę riziką,
to be all about learning,
turėtų būti mokslui,
about standardized tests.
schools through colleges
iki studentų,
others will think less of them.
tai kiti prasčiau apie juos galvos.
necessary for learning.
reikalingos mokymuisi.
that mistakes are undesirable
yra nepageidaujamos,
are eager to hear just correct answers
tik teisingus atsakymus
rather than welcome and examine them
ir išnagrinėję,
more exploratory thinking
has a number or a letter on it,
vertinami skaičiumi ar raide
mistakes, feedback and revision,
atsiliepimams ir refleksijai,
that school is a performance zone.
kad mokykla yra veikimo zona.
I often see flawless execution cultures
dažnai matau puikią darbo kultūrą,
to encourage great work.
kad paskatintų gerą darbą.
to stay within what they know
likt prie to, ką žino,
to innovate and improve,
pasikeisti ir patobulėti
to execute and minimize mistakes?
bei sumažinti klaidas?
about what success is,
kas yra sėkmė,
vienas kitą palaikyt.
in a chronic high-stakes setting
rizikingose situacijose
start those conversations yet?
užmegzti tų pokalbių?
that we can still do as individuals.
individualiai nuveikti.
in an otherwise high-stakes sea.
esančias didelės rizikos jūroje.
have little consequence.
a mentor or a trusted colleague
ar patikimą kolegą,
or have vulnerable conversations
ar pasikalbėti jautriomis temomis,
meetings as projects progress.
susitikimų, skirtų grįžtamajam ryšiui.
or watch videos or take online courses.
įrašų žiūrėjimui, ar virtualiems kursams.
and perform as we're expected,
kaip iš mūsų ir tikimasi,
we could do better next time,
ką galėtume padaryti geriau,
and adjustment is a learning zone.
tai mokymosi zona.
by sharing what we want to get better at,
kur norime patobulėti,
about what we don't know,
and by sharing our mistakes
pasakodami apie klaidas
can feel safe to do the same.
modeling ongoing learning.
tai nuolatinio mokymosi modeliavimas.
our lives doing, doing, doing,
mažos rizikos salų
and when we seek to perform,
can become more consequential,
taptų svarbesnės,
Eduardo Briceño - Learning expertEduardo Briceño is a learner, leader, speaker and writer devoted to enabling a more learning-oriented world.
Why you should listen
Eduardo Briceño leads Mindset Works, the leading provider of growth mindset training services and programs for schools and businesses. It helps organizations cultivate learning-oriented cultures and systems. He started it in 2007 with the foremost growth mindset researcher, Carol Dweck Ph.D., and education expert Lisa Blackwell Ph.D. Prior to his current role, he was a Principal at the Sprout Group, a venture capital firm in Silicon Valley.
Briceño regularly speaks at national and international conferences and in-house trainings for educators, professionals, and leaders. His TEDx talk, "The power of belief," is widely used to introduce teachers, students and professionals to the growth mindset, and his TED Talk, "How to get better at the things you care about," differentiates performance vs. improvement behaviors. He has been quoted and featured in prominent media, such as Education Week, NPR, The Guardian, The Huffington Post, KQED MindShift, Entrepreneur and Inc.
Briceño grew up in Caracas, Venezuela, before moving to the US when he was in high school. He now lives with his wife in San Jose, California. He holds Bachelor's degrees in economics and engineering from the University of Pennsylvania, as well as an MBA and an MA in Education from Stanford University. Most important, he continues to enjoy lifelong learning every day.
Eduardo Briceño | Speaker |