Eduardo Briceño: How to get better at the things you care about
Eduardo Briceño: Cum să devii mai bun la lucrurile la care ții cu adevărat
Eduardo Briceño is a learner, leader, speaker and writer devoted to enabling a more learning-oriented world. Full bio
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to do our best at whatever we do,
ce avem mai bun în noi în orice facem,
at the things I cared most about,
la lucrurile la care țineam cel mai mult,
much at those things
la lucrurile acestea
I've had and from research
din conversaţii şi studii de cercetare
în ciuda muncii asidue,
some insights into why that is
câteva cauze ale acestei stagnări
is that the most effective people
alternating between two zones:
în mod voit între două zone:
and the performance zone.
când scopul nostru e optimizarea.
is when our goal is to improve.
designed for improvement,
we haven't mastered yet,
to make mistakes,
să ne așteptăm la greșeli,
when we're in our performance zone,
când suntem în zona prestaţiei,
as best as we can, to execute.
cât de bine posibil, să executăm.
on what we have already mastered
pe ce am stăpânit deja
să facă parte din vieţile noastre,
should be part of our lives,
when we want to be in each of them,
în ce zonă ne dorim să fim,
and better improve.
şi să ne optimizăm.
our immediate performance,
performanţa noastră imediată.
maximizes our growth
all of our time in the performance zone.
în zona performanţei
also our performance.
un lider politic
and lawyer in ancient Greece.
din Grecia Antică.
he didn't spend all his time
el nu şi-a petrecut timpul
designed for improvement.
activităţi specifice de optimizare.
with guidance from mentors,
îndrumat de mentori,
involved persuading other people,
înseamnă convingerea altor oameni,
of involuntarily lifting his shoulder,
de a-şi ridica involuntar umărul,
in front of a mirror,
în faţa unei oglinzi
în ciuda bâlbâielii,
with stones in his mouth.
without interruptions
were very noisy,
above the roar of the waves.
peste sunetul valurilor.
from his activities in court,
de activităţile din tribunal
calls deliberate practice.
numește practică voită.
abilities into component skills,
în componente,
we're working to improve,
lucrăm pentru optimizare,
to a high level of challenge
din afara zonei noastre de confort.
with repetition and adjustments,
cu repetiții şi ajustări,
of a skilled coach,
sub îndrumarea unui antrenor
designed for improvement
know what those activities are
știu exact care sunt acestea
in the learning zone
din zona învățării
dedicat prestării unei sarcini.
that after the first couple of years
arată că după primii ani
in teaching, general medicine,
în învăţământ, în medicina generală,
we have become good enough,
că am devenit destul de buni,
in the learning zone.
în zona învățării.
on just doing our job,
să ne facem treaba,
a great way to improve.
calea ideală de optimizare.
to spend time in the learning zone
în zona învăţării
fac măcar săptămânal
the goal of improvement.
solicit feedback and reflect.
cer feedback şi reflectează.
not playing games of chess,
grand masters made and analyzing them.
marilor maeştri şi să le analizeze.
many, many, many hours
multe, multe, multe ore
on typing 10 to 20 percent faster
cu 10-20% mai repede
what mistakes we're making
in the performance zone?
that the performance zone has no value.
I didn't tell the surgeon,
nu i-am zis chirurgului:
şi concentrează-te pe ce nu ştii."
and focus on what you don't know."
who I felt would do a good job,
că o să facă o treabă bună,
as best as we can.
to identify what to focus on next
mai târziu,
and the performance zone,
in the learning zone,
abilităţi în zona învăţării,
in the performance zone.
she's in her performance zone,
gets back to the hotel room,
când se întoarce la hotel,
into her learning zone.
of the show that just ended.
for improvement,
and her camera staff.
with what to adjust,
cu ce să ajusteze,
înainte de următorul spectacol.
before the next performance.
and when we seek to perform,
să învăţăm şi când căutăm să prestăm.
to spend time doing both,
in the learning zone,
stăm în zona învăţării,
more time in the learning zone?
în zona învăţării?
şi să înţelegem
ceea ce numim mentalitatea de creştere.
to improve at that particular skill.
să optimizăm acea abilitate.
despre cum să optimizăm,
about how to improve,
the guitar as a teenager,
la chitară în adolescenţă,
in a low-stakes situation,
într-o situaţie cu mize mici,
must not be catastrophic,
nu pot fi catastrofale,
new tricks without a net underneath,
noi fără plasă de siguranţă
to first try a new move
pentru prima dată
in the performance zone
often are, unnecessarily, high stakes.
fără a fi necesar, mize mari.
to be all about learning,
unde ar trebui doar să se învețe,
about standardized tests.
schools through colleges
până la universitate
others will think less of them.
ceilalţi îi vor desconsidera.
necessary for learning.
necesare învăţării.
that mistakes are undesirable
sunt de nedorit
are eager to hear just correct answers
doar răspunsuri corecte,
în loc să le accepte, să le examineze,
rather than welcome and examine them
fără a încuraja
more exploratory thinking
has a number or a letter on it,
mistakes, feedback and revision,
greşeli, feedback şi revizii,
that school is a performance zone.
I often see flawless execution cultures
au o cultură a executării
to encourage great work.
ca să încurajeze munca.
to stay within what they know
to innovate and improve,
to execute and minimize mistakes?
şi să minimizăm greşeli?
about what success is,
cu miză uriaşă
in a chronic high-stakes setting
start those conversations yet?
acele discuţii încă?
face ca indivizi.
that we can still do as individuals.
in an otherwise high-stakes sea.
reduse în marea de mize uriaşe
have little consequence.
au consecinţe minime.
a mentor or a trusted colleague
sau colegi de încredere
sau chiar să facem schimb de roluri.
or have vulnerable conversations
pe măsură ce proiectele progresează.
meetings as projects progress.
or watch videos or take online courses.
Sau să facem cursuri online.
and perform as we're expected,
după aşteptări,
we could do better next time,
face mai bine,
and adjustment is a learning zone.
se găsesc în zona de învăţare.
by sharing what we want to get better at,
ce vrem să îmbunătățim,
about what we don't know,
and by sharing our mistakes
can feel safe to do the same.
să facă la fel.
învăţării constante.
modeling ongoing learning.
our lives doing, doing, doing,
facem, facem,
pentru a-l optimiza?
mai multe insule
and when we seek to perform,
şi când să căutăm să prestăm,
can become more consequential,
să devină mai semnificative,
să devină și mai bun?
Eduardo Briceño - Learning expertEduardo Briceño is a learner, leader, speaker and writer devoted to enabling a more learning-oriented world.
Why you should listen
Eduardo Briceño leads Mindset Works, the leading provider of growth mindset training services and programs for schools and businesses. It helps organizations cultivate learning-oriented cultures and systems. He started it in 2007 with the foremost growth mindset researcher, Carol Dweck Ph.D., and education expert Lisa Blackwell Ph.D. Prior to his current role, he was a Principal at the Sprout Group, a venture capital firm in Silicon Valley.
Briceño regularly speaks at national and international conferences and in-house trainings for educators, professionals, and leaders. His TEDx talk, "The power of belief," is widely used to introduce teachers, students and professionals to the growth mindset, and his TED Talk, "How to get better at the things you care about," differentiates performance vs. improvement behaviors. He has been quoted and featured in prominent media, such as Education Week, NPR, The Guardian, The Huffington Post, KQED MindShift, Entrepreneur and Inc.
Briceño grew up in Caracas, Venezuela, before moving to the US when he was in high school. He now lives with his wife in San Jose, California. He holds Bachelor's degrees in economics and engineering from the University of Pennsylvania, as well as an MBA and an MA in Education from Stanford University. Most important, he continues to enjoy lifelong learning every day.
Eduardo Briceño | Speaker |