David Burkus: Why you should know how much your coworkers get paid
Дэвид Бёркус: Та яагаад бусад ажилтнуудынхаа цалинг мэдэх хэрэгтэй вэ?
David Burkus challenges the traditional and widely accepted principles of business management. Full bio
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sitting next to you gets paid?
авдаг гэж та бодож байна?
or the desk next to you gets paid?
to even ask you those questions.
надад бага зэрэг эвгүй байна л даа.
мэдмээр л байгаа биз дээ?
of broadcasting our salary.
жаахан эвгүй гэж үздэг.
to tell our office neighbors.
бүр ч болохгүй.
knew what everybody got paid,
бие биенийхээ цалинг мэддэг бол
the reason for all that strife?
гол шалтгаан бол яах вэ?
if we removed that secrecy?
the sense of fairness and collaboration
шударга болон хамтран ажиллах хандлагыг
total pay transparency?
бүрэн хангагдвал яах бол оо?
манлайлагчдыг судалсан.
and entrepreneurial leaders
about how to run a company.
татгалзсан юм.
тавигдсаар байсан л даа.
чөлөөтэй хуваалцах нь
across a company --
for both the employee
compares to their peers',
их багыг мэдэхгүй үед
гадуурхагдсан мэдрэмж төрдөг байна.
that tolerates the idea
гадуурхдаг мэт санагддаг
or discriminated against?
does exactly that,
яг ийм байдал үүсгэдэг.
as old as it is common,
ийм жишиг түгээмэл тохиолддог.
that in the United States,
to discuss their pay.
хамгаалагдсан мөртлөө тэр шүү дээ.
нэг алдартай жишээнд
хоорондоо ярилцахыг хориглоно" гэсэн
Employees of Salary Received."
employees of salary received.
хоорондоо ярилцахыг "хориглоно".
таалагдаагүй нь ойлгомжтой.
with everybody.
Dorothy Parker,
гишүүд болох
Роберт Шэрвуд нар
hanging from their neck.
хүзүүнээсээ зүүцгээсэн байлаа.
across your chest for all to see.
ажилдаа ирнэ гээд төсөөл дөө.
to discourage salary discussions?
сайшаадаггүй юм бол?
while others revolt against it?
зарим нь эсэргүүцдэг юм бол?
to the assumed reasons,
to save a lot of money.
арга болдог байх нь.
"information asymmetry."
"мэдээллийн тэнцвэргүй байдал" үүсгэдэг.
in a negotiation,
information than the other.
мэдээлэлтэй байхыг хэлнэ.
or annual raise discussions,
цалин нэмэх хэлцэлд
to save a lot of money.
хэмнэх зорилгоор ашиглаж болно.
you could negotiate for a raise
мэддэг байсан бол
хийх байснаа төсөөл дөө.
мэдээллийн тэнцвэргүй байдал
цалингийн чекээс болж
is shouting at each other.
өөд өөдөөсөө хашхирч эхэлнэ.
can lead to a total market failure.
оруулж болзошгүйг сануулдаг.
how their pay compares to their peers'.
илүү эсвэл бага авдаг эсэхээ мэддэггүй.
авсан судалгаагаар
at the market rate
цалин авдаг хүмүүсийн 2/3 нь
боддог нь тогтоогдсон.
that they were underpaid,
that they intended to quit,
хэмжээний цалинтайгаасаа
underpaid, overpaid
юу гэж хариулах байсан бэ?
what would you say?
яаж мэдэх юм бэ?
to talk about it?
цалингийн нууцлал хоёр
the discrimination
аль хэдийн үүсээд байгаа
in the market today.
улам даамжруулж байна.
for Women's Policy Research,
Судалгааны Хүрээлэнгээс гаргасан тайланд
between men and women
77 цент авдаг гэсэн нөгөө яриа үүссэн.
on the dollar comes from.
to certain levels
what those levels are,
11 хувь хүртэл буурсан.
shrinks to 11 percent --
for any of the factors
бусад хүчин зүйлс
whether or not to control for.
гарч байна гээд бод доо.
the gender wage gap,
цалингийн ялгааг арилгая гэвэл
by opening up the payroll.
эхлэх ёстой байх.
market failure looks like,
the only way to ensure fairness.
шударга ёсыг хангах ганц арга болдог.
know what you make
if you're being discriminated against,
цалинг шударга бусаар
or your sister is being paid unfairly?
бодож байснаас дээр биш гэж үү?
to ensure fairness,
хамгийн зөв арга.
үүнийг биелүүлнэ.
and corporate leaders
with sharing salaries for years.
хуваалцах аргыг туршсаар ирсэн.
who started many companies
олон компанийг
to pay two equally qualified people
адил ур чадвартай хоёр хүнд
хийснээс нь шалтгаалан
they could negotiate.
that happened as a result of this.
тэмцлийг олж харсан.
his newest company, SumAll,
компаниа эхлүүлэхдээ
from the beginning.
ил тод байдлаар хангасан.
how they're being paid
ямар байна гэдгээс шалтгаалан
to improve their performance,
илүү хичээж,
and they're less likely to quit.
ажлаасаа гарах магадлал багассан.
Баффераас эхлээд
of employees at Whole Foods,
хэдэн арван мянган ажилчдад хүртэл
available for everyone to see,
for the store and for your department
маш олон төрөл байдаг л даа.
takes a lot of forms.
таарна гэсэн үг биш.
бүгдэд харагдахаар тавина.
to wear around the office.
the only one wearing a sign
towards pay transparency.
чухал алхмуудыг хийж чадна.
that don't have that authority:
хүмүүст хандаж хэлэхэд,
to the people you work with?
David Burkus - Management researcherDavid Burkus challenges the traditional and widely accepted principles of business management.
Why you should listen
David Burkus is an author, podcaster and associate professor of management at Oral Roberts University. His latest book, Under New Management, challenges traditional principles of business management and argues that many of them are outdated, outmoded or simply don't work -- and reveals what does. He is also the author of The Myths of Creativity: The Truth About How Innovative Companies and People Generate Great Ideas.
Burkus is a regular contributor to Harvard Business Review and Inc. magazine. His work has been featured in Fast Company, the Financial Times, Bloomberg BusinessWeek and "CBS This Morning." He's also the host of the award-winning podcast Radio Free Leader.
When he's not speaking or writing, Burkus is in the classroom. At Oral Roberts University, he teaches courses on organizational behavior, creativity and innovation, and strategic leadership. He serves on the advisory board of Fuse Corps, a nonprofit dedicated to making transformative and replicable change in local government.
Burkus lives in Tulsa with his wife and their two boys.
David Burkus | Speaker | TED.com