Stephanie Busari: How fake news does real harm
Стефани Бусари: Хуурамч мэдээлэл хэрхэн бодит хохирол учруулдаг вэ?
Stephanie Busari is a journalist and editor at CNN International Digital. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
хэлж чадахгүй тул
that lights up her face.
үзэсгэлэнтэй инээмсэглэдэг.
тэмцэн амьдардаг.
for the rest of her life.
хүмүүст хулгайлагдсан.
ачааны машинаас
that was carrying the girls.
she broke both her legs,
хоёуланг нь хугалж,
to hide in the bushes.
бургасанд нуугдсан.
that Boko Haram would come back for her.
ирнэ гэж үнэхээр их айсан гэж тэр хэлсэн.
by jumping off trucks that day.
зугтсан 57 охины нэг байсан.
Malala and others
бусад хүмүүс
дуу хоолойгоо хүргэсэн.
I was living in London at the time --
амьдарч байсан намайг
зохион байгуулсан
to cover the World Economic Forum
Лондонгоос Абуджа руу явуулсан.
for the first time.
that there was only one story in town.
хот даяараа нэг л түүхийг ярьцгааж байсан.
шахалт үзүүлсэн.
about what they were doing
шаардан асуусан.
with our line of questioning,
our fair share of "alternative facts."
авсан гээд гэх үү дээ.
were telling us at the time
the political situation in Nigeria.
ойлгохгүй байна гэсэн.
гэдэг мэдээлэл газар авч,
in Nigeria today
Чибок тосгоны охидыг хэзээ ч
were never kidnapped.
итгэдэг хүмүүс бий.
Boko Haram kidnapped their daughters,
хулгайлах тэр өдөр
after the trucks carrying their daughters.
тухайгаа надад ярьсан.
but they were forced to turn back
Боко Харам бүлэглэлийхэн
буцахаас өөр аргагүйд хүрсэн.
the news agenda moved on,
хэвлэлийн анхаарал
талаар бараг сонсоогүй.
about the Chibok girls.
I obtained this video.
to the northeast of Nigeria
бичлэгийг бодит эсэхийг шалган,
too long for confirmation.
when she watched the video, told me
into the laptop
like myself, in the audience,
эцэг эх болсон хүмүүст
negotiation talks with Boko Haram.
хэлэлцээрийг эхлүүлсэн билээ.
that because of this video
надад энэ бичлэгийн улмаас
that the Chibok girls were dead.
аль дээр нас барсан гэж бодсон гэв.
in October last year.
охиныг сулласан.
still remain missing.
өнөөг хүртэл ор сураггүй байна.
a dispassionate observer
алдагдсан тэр боломжуудыг
about the wasted opportunities
what the parents have told me,
бодохоор уур минь хүрдэг.
of the rich and the powerful,
охид байсан бол
хуурамч хэмээх
гүн итгэж байна.
for the delay in their return.
шалтгааны нэг энэ байсан.
the deadly danger of fake news.
энэ явдал харуулж байна.
мундаг инженерүүд
to stop the spread of fake news.
тархахаас сэргийлж байна.
everybody here -- you and I --
та болон би,
үүргийг гүйцэтгэж чадна.
the stories online.
дэлгэрүүлдэг хүмүүс.
дахин шалгана.
би өөрөөсөө асуудаг.
энэ явдлыг ярьж байна?
by sharing this information?
тэдэнд ямар ашигтай вэ?
to ask tougher questions
дахин нягтлах шаардлагатай
don't even read beyond headlines
мэдээ хуваалцахаасаа өмнө
гэсэн судалгаа гарчээ.
that we discover at face value?
about the consequence
үр дагавар,
тархах боломжийг
violence or hatred?
about the real-life consequences
мартвал яах вэ?
Stephanie Busari - JournalistStephanie Busari is a journalist and editor at CNN International Digital.
Why you should listen
Stephanie Busari moved to Lagos from London in July 2016 to pioneer CNN's first digital and multimedia bureau. She also reports on-air in breaking news situations for CNN International.
In April 2016 Busari exclusively obtained the "proof of life" video that showed that the missing Chibok schoolgirls who were kidnapped in Nigeria in 2014 were still alive. She was also an instrumental member of the CNN team that won a Peabody Award in May 2015 for the network's coverage of the missing girls. Busari recently won a Gracie Award for her persistence in covering this story, and she's also a previous recipient of the Outstanding Woman in the Media Awards.
Busari is a passionate community activist who curated TEDxBrixton for three years before she left London. She founded TEDxBrixton in 2013 driven by a desire to bring disparate elements of her community together and to create a platform for those who wouldn't normally have one to share their ideas worth spreading.
A passionate and adept public speaker, Busari is regularly invited to share her insights and host panels. She has spoken at UN Women, Said Business School, Oxford, Africa Gathering among others.
Over a 15-year career, Busari has worked as a news reporter, entertainment and features writer, court reporter and columnist, and she has been published in many of the UK and international media's most influential outlets, such as the BBC and Daily Mirror.
During a six-month stint in Northern Ireland in 2003, Busari spent time in some of the worst affected areas of "The Troubles" and secured interviews with a crucifixion victim, government ministers and paramilitaries. While there, she also launched and edited an award-winning lifestyle column.
A native Yoruba speaker, Busari also speaks fluent French and is currently learning Hausa.
Stephanie Busari | Speaker |