Sophie Andrews: The best way to help is often just to listen
Sophie Andrews: Najlepší spôsob, ako pomôcť, je často iba počúvanie
Sophie Andrews is the CEO of The Silver Line, a 24-hour phone line that provides social connectivity for isolated senior citizens in the UK and receives approximately 1,500 calls per day. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
on the railway station platform.
spánku na železničnej stanici.
when the station toilets were opened,
boli otvorené,
and made her way over to them.
a našla si cestu k nim.
for three months, not three days.
3 mesiace, a nie 3 dni.
začala znovu krvácať.
just started the bleeding again.
she would go to a hospital.
možnosť dostať do nemocnice.
to cover the blood.
aby skryla krv.
but was past caring.
she could think of doing.
and into a phone box nearby.
telefónnej búdky.
You sound very upset.
Počujem, že si veľmi znepokojená.
How old are you?
Koľko máš rokov?
to make you so upset?
Every day I wake up and wish I was dead.
sa zobudím, prajem si, aby som bola mŕtva.
I want to do it myself.
že to chcem urobiť sama.
ask the girl about herself.
s kladením otázok dievčaťu,
there were lots of silences.
bolo tam veľa ticha.
felt so comforting.
strane linky, bolo upokojujúce.
that made that call was me.
to som bola ja.
sleeping rough on the streets in London.
spala som na uliciach v Londýne.
by my father and his friends.
mojím otcom a jeho priateľmi.
A myslela som na samovraždu.
I was suicidal.
I was 12 and absolutely desperate.
mala som 12 a bola som absolútne zúfalá.
čo ma moja matka opustila.
my mother had deserted me,
at the hands of my father and his friends
v rukách môjho otca a jeho priateľov,
helpline in the UK
v Spojenom kráľovstve
desperate or suicidal.
alebo má samovražedné myšlienky.
around the clock every day of the year,
každý deň v roku
keď som bola najzúfalejšia,
when I was most desperate,
znepokojujúci, ale nikdy to nedali najavo.
found my story, they never showed it.
and listened without judgment.
a počúvali bez odsudzovania.
aby som hľadala pomoc,
encouraged me to get help;
in every other aspect of my life.
na každú stránku môjho života.
bola jediná oblasť,
was probably the only area
že som mala nejakú kontrolu.
some control in my life.
vo svojom živote aspoň niečo.
with what had happened.
čo sa stalo.
rather than a victim.
zneužívanie, a nie obeťou.
tak som znovu kontaktovala Samaritánov.
som sa chcela stať dobrovoľníčkou.
to become a volunteer.
that had really saved my life.
zachránila život.
in an empathetic way
empatickým spôsobom,
listening to me without judgment
to give me a job,
koho som presvedčila, aby mi dal prácu,
u Samaritánov ako dobrovoľníčka.
at Samaritans.
je to divné slovo, ktoré som použila,
it's an odd word to use,
to think of anyone
myslieť na niekoho,
of that listening ear
nesmierny vplyv toho počúvania
at that desperate time
kto bol so mnou v tom zúfalom čase,
as a Samaritan.
ako Samaritán.
I was asked to perform many roles.
musela som ovládať viacero rolí.
aby som predsedala organizácii na 3 roky.
the organization for three years.
from that vulnerable caller
od zraniteľnej volajúcej
for the organization
screwed up as a caller,
môžete skončiť ako vedúci.
uprednostňuje profesionalizáciu všetkého,
by professionalizing everything we do,
že jednoduchý skutok počúvania
that that simple act of listening
across all areas of life.
vo všetkých oblastiach života.
zavolala Samaritánom,
no one wanted to talk about.
o ktorej nikto nechcel hovoriť.
victims were often judged.
obete boli často odsudzované.
and no one really wanted to talk about it.
a skutočne nikto nechcel o tom hovoriť.
surround a different issue.
obklopuje iný problém.
that's out there.
is to talk about loneliness.
have profound health impacts.
má nesmierny dopad na zdravie.
on your own well-being.
výrazný dopad na vaše zdravie.
the mortality rates,
že osamelosť zvyšuje úmrtnosť
higher levels of depression,
k väčšej depresii
with alcohol abuse or smoking cigarettes.
so zneužívaním alkoholu alebo s fajčením.
that smoking 15 cigarettes.
ako vyfajčenie 15 cigariet
with higher levels of dementia.
s vyšším výskytom demencie.
of Alzheimer's disease.
Alzheimerovej choroby.
that live alone who are not lonely.
ktorí žijú sami a nie sú osamelí.
that maybe has dementia
ktorý možno má demenciu,
dala veľmi dobrú a jasnú definíciu
a very good, clear definition
unwelcome feeling
subjektívny nevítaný pocit
of relationships that we have
ktoré máme,
I've ever received
akú som vo svojom živote dostala,
in an empathetic way.
empatickým spôsobom.
I'm speaking to a room of professionals,
k publiku profesionálov,
giving up their time
ktorá sa vzdala svojho času
in a confidential way,
dôverným spôsobom,
life-changing effect for me.
život-meniaci účinok.
that really stayed with me.
čo skutočne so mnou zostalo.
in my teenage years,
wondering if I'd even live the next day.
som premýšľala, či sa dožijem ďalšieho.
listening to me stayed with me.
dobrovoľníčka vypočula, zostal so mnou.
with what had happened,
že dokážem žiť s tým, čo sa stalo,
in a transforming way
ktorá im zmenila život,
volunteering with Samaritans.
u Samaritánov už 25 rokov.
and the new stigma of loneliness,
a novú stigmu osamelosti,
helpline in the UK for older people,
v Spojenom kráľovstve pre starších ľudí,
lonely and isolated older people.
pre osamelých a izolovaných ľudí.
sme mali 1,5 milióna volaní.
we've taken 1.5 million calls.
based on the feedback we get every day.
každodenných spätných reakcií.
priateľskému rozhovoru,
for a friendly chat,
about local services.
o lokálnych službách.
because they're suicidal.
že majú samovražedné úmysly.
because they're reporting abuse.
aby nahlásili zneužívanie.
že chcú skončiť so svojim životom.
may have simply just given up on life.
setting up a helpline.
nápad zriadiť telefonickú linku.
of chief exec, but in the early days,
hlavný konateľ, ale v prvých dňoch
the best meetings ever in my career --
v celej svojej kariére.
listening to older people
ktorí načúva starším ľuďom
making weekly friendship calls
ktorí robia týždenné priateľské telefonáty
that like the written word,
and we write pen-pal letters
receiving a letter.
keď dostanú list.
something called Silver Circles --
tzv. Strieborné kruhy –
slovo „strieborný“ –
the word "silver" here --
sú skupina konferenčných volaní
o ich spoločných záujmoch.
talk about shared interests.
play musical instruments
hrajú na hudobné nástroje
v rovnakom čase.
desperation, loneliness and isolation.
o depresii, osamelosti a izolovanosti.
dôvery, taktiež budete počuť smiech.
you would also hear laughter.
the wonderful lives of older people
nádherným životom starších ľudí
ktoré so sebou prinášajú.
just a snippet of one of our calls.
iba kúsok jedného z našich telefonátov.
na Striebornú linku.
you're through to the Silver Line.
telefón, veď viete?
the telephone is, you know?
invention, isn't it?
when I was a little girl,
bola malé dievča,
a phone call to somebody,
and have your phone call.
že ste použili telefón.
just whenever you fancied.
hocikedy sa vám zachcelo.
na absolútne potrebné veci.
to the absolute essentials.
in my dressing gown still,
stále v župane, a telefonujem.
isn't it wonderful?
ktorý môžeme mať na našej linke.
we might receive at our helpline.
vidia ako časť rodiny.
as part of the family.
dnes pomáha starším ľuďom
are now helping older people
ako Samaritáni pomohli mne.
that Samaritans has helped me.
a počúvajú dôverne
they're listening confidentially
without giving advice?
bez toho, aby sme dávali rady?
an older person would say,
ktorá hovorí:
„Ďakujem vám za radu,“
"Thank you for your advice,"
and we haven't interrupted.
akoby sme jej poradili.
maybe we have given advice.
v Striebornej linke
a survey at The Silver Line
sa ich, čo si myslia o tejto službe.
what they thought of the service.
vrátila a povedala,
came back and said,
in the sport cricket a wicketkeeper,
mohli nazvať brankárom,
in baseball, a catcher.
and I'm talking American.
when I get home.
she had that catcher,
because actually,
potrebujú lapača
and needing a catcher
by putting something back
že sa rozhodnú odvďačiť sa niečím,
and becoming part of our family.
a stanú sa súčasťou našej rodiny.
talking about my own personal experience.
hovorila o vlastnej osobnej skúsenosti.
často hovorievam, že som mala šťastie.
I often say that I've been lucky.
at every stage of my life,
môjho života som mala dosť šťastia,
alongside me at the right time
in myself, which has been so important.
čo bolo veľmi dôležité.
at some point in their lives.
v určitom bode svojho života.
in the phone box, over 30 years ago.
v telefónnej búdke pred vyše 30 rokmi.
the power of a simple human connection.
obyčajného ľudského spojenia,
the power to save a life.
ktorá zachráni život.
Sophie Andrews - Author, helpline advocateSophie Andrews is the CEO of The Silver Line, a 24-hour phone line that provides social connectivity for isolated senior citizens in the UK and receives approximately 1,500 calls per day.
Why you should listen
Sophie Andrews's harrowing childhood experiences, documented in her 2009 autobiography, Scarred, inspired her to become a local volunteer for the suicide prevention line Samaritans over 25 years ago, and she later served as the organization's national chairman for three years. Andrews makes regular appearances as a motivational speaker before a variety of audiences, giving talks about her life experiences and the importance of charity work.
Sophie Andrews | Speaker |