Cesar Harada: How I teach kids to love science
Cesar Harada: Ako učím deti milovať vedu
TED Senior Fellow Cesar Harada aims to harness the forces of nature as he invents innovative remedies for man-made problems like oil spills and radioactive leaks. Full bio
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my parents would tell me,
but you have to clean up after yourself."
ale musíš si potom po sebe upratať“.
na úžasné miesta,
to all these wonderful places,
to protect us from the ugly truth.
aby nás ochránili pred nepeknou pravdou.
that adults make a mess,
že dospelí tiež robia neporiadok,
at cleaning up after themselves.
je zo mňa dospelý muž.
at the Hong Kong Harbour School.
škole Hong Kong Harbour School.
aby sme narazili na kopy smetí.
and stumble upon piles of trash.
we clean up the beaches --
pláže upraceme –
and if he is, I did not give it to him.
Ak áno, sľubujem, že som mu ho nedal ja.
of the oceans have plastic in them.
oceánov povaľujú nejaké plasty.
na more veľké lode so sieťami.
and those big nets,
that we look at under a microscope,
ich skúmame pod mikroskopom.
it's very expensive,
to take those big boats out.
veľkých lodiach nebezpečné.
vo veku od 6 do 15 rokov
of inventing a better way.
Hong Kong classroom into a workshop.
prerobili na dielňu.
this small workbench,
so even really short kids can participate.
mohli pridať aj nižšie deti.
are awesome and safe.
sú fakt bezpečná kombinácia.
to the size we find it in the ocean,
takú veľkosť, aká pláva v oceáne.
because it breaks down.
v oceáne rozpadá.
of my students run wild.
svoje najdivokejšie fantázie.
the best of each kid's idea
najlepšie z ich nápadov.
that hopefully would work.
čo by možno aj mohlo fungovať.
that instead of collecting plastic bits,
nebudeme loviť kúsky plastu v mori.
of the plastic with a robot --
získame pomocou robota.
we do what we call "rapid prototyping."
voláme to „bleskový prototyp“.
when we're hacking it.
v krabičkách nezjedený obed.
into plumbing fixtures
do vodovodných potrubí.
that will be slowly moving through water
ktorý bude plávať na vode.
that we have there --
that we get in the robot.
floating slowly through the sensor,
pomaly prechádzajú senzorom.
will process this image,
palube robota sa nám ukáže obraz.
of how much plastic there is in the water.
koľko je vo vode plastu.
this invention step by step
zdokumentovali krok za krokom
called Instructables,
určenom pre vynálezcov.
would make it even better.
mohol ešte vylepšiť.
was that the students saw a local problem,
že deti videli lokálny problém
to immediately address it.
are hyperconnected kids.
hyperpripojené deti.
they watch the Internet,
cleaning up an oil spill bare-handed,
čistí ropnú škvrnú holými rukami.
largest mangrove forest in Bangladesh.
najväčší mangrovový les v Bangladéši.
this is the water they bathe in,
v ktorej sa kúpu.
this is the place where they live.
toto je miesto pre ich život.
the mud is brown and oil is brown,
blato je hnedé, ropa je hnedá,
what's in the water.
čo v tej vode vlastne je.
that's rather simple,
of a spectrometer,
through different substances
ktoré produkujú rôzne spektrá.
identify what's in the water.
čo sa nachádza vo vode.
a poslali sme ho do Bangladéša.
a local problem,
a ich skúmanie.
and their sense of being creative
aby pomohli iným deťom aj na diaľku.
a chcel som skúsiť ešte niečo viac.
by doing the second experiments,
and it's also closer to my heart.
ktorý je aj bližší môjmu srdcu.
there was a massive earthquake in Japan.
bolo v Japonsku obrovské zemetrasenie.
several giant waves --
silných vĺn –
on the eastern coast of Japan.
na východnom brehu Japonska.
died in an instant.
power plant of Fukushima,
jadrovú elektráreň Fukušima.
uniklo asi 300 ton rádioaktívnej látky.
into the Pacific Ocean.
has traces of contamination of cesium-137.
stopy kontaminácie céziom -137.
you can measure Fukushima everywhere.
nameriate Fukušimu kdekoľvek.
it can look like most of the radioactivity
akoby väčšinu rádioaktivity odplavilo.
from the Japanese coast,
it looks like it's safe, it's blue.
– je modrá.
more complicated than this.
every year since the accident,
od tej nehody každý rok.
and with other scientists,
robíme nezávislé merania.
the parents wouldn't allow that to happen.
to "Mission Control" --
„riaditeľstvu misie“ –
the work seriously, but they really did
svoju prácu vážne, ale oni ju brali.
with radioactivity their whole life.
s rádioaktivitou celý svoj život.
rozoberali zozbierané dáta.
we collected that day,
we should be going next --
a very rough topographical map
mapu okolia elektrárne.
the nuclear power plant.
real-time data for radioactivity,
skutočné dáta rádioaktivity.
aby sme simulovali zrážky.
to simulate the rainfall.
that the radioactive dust
ako sa rádioaktívny prach
into the river system,
we organized this expedition,
sme viedli našu expedíciu.
to the nuclear power plant.
kedy dostali k jadrovej elektrárni.
from the nuclear power plant,
sediment z morského dna.
we've invented and built.
ktorý sme navrhli a zostrojili.
do plastových vreciek,
to hundreds of small bags
do stovky sáčkov
of the seabed radioactivity,
rádioaktivity morského dna.
where the fish will reproduce,
and of your favorite sushi.
a vášho obľúbeného suši.
to a remote problem to a global problem.
k vzdialenému, a potom globálnemu.
to work at these different scales,
bolo vzrušujúce.
open-source technologies.
open-sourcovým technológiám.
it's been increasingly frustrating
viac a viac frustrovalo.
the damage that we have done.
čo napáchali ľudia.
to try to solve the problems.
k riešeniu problémov.
if we should just take a leap
spraviť veľký skok
to do all these things.
všetky tieto veci lepšie.
started to feel a little bit small,
site in Hong Kong,
v Hong Kongu.
the largest mega-space
sociálny a enviromentálny vplyv.
and environmental impact.
with wood, metal, chemistry,
pretty much everything there.
adults and kids can play together.
kids' dreams can come true,
questions such as,
with renewable energy?
s obnoviteľnou energiou?
of the aging population
starnúcej populácii pohyb,
into cool, electric vehicles?
elektrické prístroje.
are horrible, horrible legacies,
sú hrozné, hrozné posolstvá.
that we can leave our children is lies.
pre naše deti sú klamstvá.
to shield the kids from the ugly truth
deti pred škaredou pravdou.
to invent the solutions.
Aby sme spolu našli riešenia.
zaujíma o ľudí a prostredie okolo nás.
the environment and people,
do something about it.
Cesar Harada - Inventor, environmentalist, educatorTED Senior Fellow Cesar Harada aims to harness the forces of nature as he invents innovative remedies for man-made problems like oil spills and radioactive leaks.
Why you should listen
Cesar Harada believes that ocean currents, the wind and other naturally occuring phenomenon can provide unique inspiration and novel solutions to mankind’s worst disasters, like oil spills and radioactive leaks. A French-Japanese inventor and TED senior fellow, he is the creator of Protei, a revolutionary sailing technology -- featuring a front rudder, flexible hull and open-soure hardware -- that allows for efficient clean up of both oil and plastics from the sea. Currently based in London, Harada recently traveled to Japan and is designing Protei to measure radioactivity along the country's coast.
The general coordinator of the future International Ocean Station, Harada teaches at Goldsmiths University London. A former project leader at MIT, he graduated form the Royal College of Arts Design Interactions in London and worked at the Southampton University Hydrodynamics laboratory on wave energy. Harada has also studied animantion, and his films and installations have been seen at festivals and events across the world, from the United States to Japan.
Cesar Harada | Speaker | TED.com