Mathias Jud: Art that lets you talk back to NSA spies
Mathias Jud: Ako pomocou umenia odvrávať špiónom NSA
The work of artists Mathias Jud and Christoph Wachter questions the limits of our communication possibilities and, therefore, of our identity. Full bio
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by the Swiss Embassy in Berlin
nás pred rokom pozvalo
but this invitation really thrilled us.
ale tentokrát nás to nadchlo.
je totiž špecialita.
in the government district
v berlínskej vládnej štvrti,
during the Second World War,
to the Federal Chancellery.
Úradu spolkového kancelára.
than the Swiss diplomats.
bližšie než švajčiarski diplomati.
also contains the Reichstag --
nemecký parlament
and the Brandenburg Gate,
vedľa ktorej nájdete ďalšie ambasády –
there are other embassies,
and the British Embassy.
in their constitutional rights
niektoré ústavné práva občanov.
to demonstrate are restricted there.
a protestovať.
from an artistic point of view.
participation and to express oneself
vždy podliehajú určitému poriadku,
to a specific regulation.
of these regulations,
na týcho pravidlách,
shape our perception, our actions
naše vnímanie, naše činy
of the US and the British Embassy,
a britskej ambasády
to the entire district,
of Angela Merkel.
hidden in a white cylindrical radome,
sú ukryté v bielom valcovom radóme
of the American NSA
americkej NSA
and disguised forces?
of the Swiss Embassy.
švajčiarskej ambasády
to exploit the specific situation.
it stands to reason
to what we are saying.
we installed a series of antennas.
sme nainštalovali niekoľko antén.
used by the Americans and the British.
ako tie americké či britské.
obvious and visible.
large antenna on their rooftop,
postavili ďalši veľkú anténu,
of the NSA and the GCHQ.
while building an art installation.
sme ešte neboli tak pozorne sledovaní.
each and every move we made,
security officers patrolled.
hliadkovala ochranka.
is governed by a strict police order,
prísnemu policajnému poriadku,
relating to digital communication.
žiadne špeciálne obmedzenia.
was therefore perfectly legal,
informed Chancellor Merkel about it.
o tom informoval aj kancelárku Merkelovú.
and free Wi-Fi communication network
voľne prístupnú Wi-Fi sieť,
would be able to participate
pomocou akéhokoľvek prístroja s Wi-Fi
without any hindrance,
that were being intercepted.
hello NSA, hello GCHQ."
ahoj NSA, ahoj GCHQ.“
Blow the whistle!"
buďte whistle-bloweri!“
All others we track!!!!!"
Ostatných sledujeme!!!“
we are part of your organizations.
sme vašou súčasťou.
Open Networks."
Otvorené siete.“
will you tell your grandchildren?"
budete rozprávať vnúčatám?“
Please send a drone strike."
pošlite na nich dróny, prosím.“
and the government departments
aj vládne úrady a ambasády
including classified documents
vrátane tajných, –
investigation commission,
vyšetrovacej komisie
and discussion of vital information
že výmena dôležitých informácií
even for members of a parliament.
aj pre členov parlamentu.
to experience and sound out
situáciu na mieste.
around the embassies,
do strážených zón okolo ambasád
and the highlights of communication.
a problémoch komunikácie.
pravidlá komunikácie, uvedomíme,
the regulations that limit our worldview,
nášho svetonázoru,
or aesthetic conventions.
sociálne, politické a estetické predsudky.
v provizórnych príbytkoch
in the makeshift settlements
not exclusion that are new.
nie sú ničím novým.
these realities are hidden
ktorý robí týchto ľudí neviditeľnými
aj v dnešnej globálnej ére komunikácie.
communication and exchange.
are considered illegal,
don't have a chance
nikto nepočuje.
every time they risk becoming visible,
riskujú, že na seba upozornia;
for further persecution,
come to know this hidden side.
spoznať túto odvrátenú stránku.
and we found one.
a našli sme ho.
but a physical one: it's a hotel.
ale fyzické rozhranie: hotel.
we created several Hotel Gelems in Europe,
vytvorili niekoľko hotelov Gelem,
in Montreuil near Paris,
v Montreuil pri Paríži
for a personal invitation
o osobné pozvanie
in the Hotel Gelem, in their homes,
u nich doma,
with the Roma families.
– jesť, pracovať a žiť v rómskej rodine.
are not the travelers;
are not a minority;
about the context that determines
insurmountable contradictions.
zdanlivo neprekonateľným rozporom.
closer to each other.
are in permanent exchange,
kultúrna a obchodná výmena,
between the world of the privileged
medzi svetom tých privilegovaných
to enter the country.
nebol pre nás žiadny problém.
visas and air tickets.
by boat in Australia
ktorí sa na člnoch doplavia do Austrálie,
zachytávanie týchto lodí
into the detention system
to be secret military operations.
ako tajné vojenské operácie.
from crisis zones and war zones,
z krízových a vojnových oblastí
are detained by Australia without trial,
v Austrálii väznení bez súdu,
with asylum seekers who were imprisoned,
kontaktovať a pracovať s nimi,
an installation in the art space
of Technology in Brisbane.
v Brisbane.
it was a very simple installation.
gave the direction
z väzobných staníc pre imigrantov.
and the name of the immigration facility.
came in the form of connectivity.
there was a headset.
to talk directly to a refugee
priamo hovoriť s utečencom,
na danej stanici väznený;
of the art exhibition,
to talk about themselves,
mohli slobodne rozprávať
without fear of consequences.
bez obáv z následkov.
in long conversations
do dlhých rozhovorov
about dramatic escapes from war zones,
dramatických útekoch z vojnových zón,
is made worse by contradictory policies
sťažujú protichodné politické kroky
of militarized responses.
communication systems
in Switzerland and Greece.
vo Švajčiarsku a v Grécku.
basic information -- medical costs,
na nebezpečných trasách
along dangerous routes
is becoming increasingly criminalized.
sa čoraz častejšie trestne stíha.
and to the antennas
to be boundlessly connected.
na neobmedzované pripojenie.
our own connections,
and globally interconnected world.
a globálne prepojený svet.
our speechlessness
svoju neschopnosť prehovoriť
by rival political forces.
súperením mocností.
of this experience
prejudice and exclusion.
vášho umeleckého dua je tu tiež.
artistic duo is also here.
is not a random name.
in the Roma language.
is the title of the Romani hymn,
je názov oficiálnej rómskej hymny;
"I went a long way."
the detail to your talk.
to the island of Lesbos
vrátili z gréckeho ostrova Lesbos,
a couple of days ago,
of refugees are arriving
over the last few months.
and what did you do there?
of the Greek islands close to Turkey,
Grécky ostrov Lesbos leží blízko Turecka
on overcrowded dinghies,
priplavilo množstvo utečencov;
completely on their own.
to buy a bus ticket
sleep in the streets.
to allow basic communication,
na základnú komunikáciu,
nielen hovoriť o utečencoch;
about the refugees,
that it is about human beings,
že je to o ľudských bytostiach,
and their struggle to survive.
and sharing your story.
a podelili sa o svoj príbeh.
Mathias Jud - ArtistThe work of artists Mathias Jud and Christoph Wachter questions the limits of our communication possibilities and, therefore, of our identity.
Why you should listen
Mathias Jud and Christoph Wachter combine the power of online collaboration with activism to produce their artistic vision.
In Berlin (where they live), they created an open mesh network in the government district, allowing citizens to send messages to the NSA and GCHQ, whose known listening posts are there. With their "Hotel Gelem" project, the duo commented on racism and exclusion by inviting visitors to stay in the homes of Roma families -- a culture familiar with the idea of displacement. And in Australia at the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, the two created an installation which allowed visitors to interract with refugees detained in the country.
"We should start making our own connections, fighting for this idea of an equal and globally interconnected world," Jud says. "This is essential to overcome our speechlessness and the separation provoked by rival political forces."
Mathias Jud | Speaker |