Alex Honnold: How I climbed a 3,000-foot vertical cliff -- without ropes
Alex Honnold: Ako som vyliezol na 900-metrovú stenu – bez lana
Alex Honnold is a professional rock climber whose audacious free-solo ascents of America's biggest cliffs have made him one of the world's most recognized climbers. Full bio
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30 seconds of the best day of my life.
najlepšieho dňa svojho života.
in California's Yosemite National Park,
národnom parku v Kalifornii,
liezol som sám bez lana,
known as free soloing.
teda sám a bez istenia.
of a nearly decade-long dream,
a na zábere som vyše 700 metrov nad zemou.
2,500 feet off the ground.
Veru, aj je.
toľko rokov sníval, ale neodvážil som sa.
dreaming about soloing El Cap
som sa vôbec nebál.
as a walk in the park,
ako na prechádzke v parku,
were doing in Yosemite that day.
how I was able to feel so comfortable
a prekonať strach.
ako som začal s lezením,
of how I became a climber,
dvoch najväčších sólo výstupoch.
of my two most significant free solos.
which is why I'm here.
najuspokojujúcejším dňom v mojom živote.
the most fulfilling day of my life.
you'll see my process for managing fear.
ako som zvládol svoj strach.
when I was around 10 years old,
keď som mal asi desať,
viac než 20 rokov.
has been centered on climbing
of climbing mostly indoors,
a neskôr aj bez istenia.
and gradually started free soloing.
a podujal sa na väčšie a ťažšie steny.
bigger and more challenging walls.
takže inšpirácie bolo dosť.
many free soloists before me,
inspiration to draw from.
väčšinu ich sól v Yosemitskom parku
most of their previous solos in Yosemite
do nových terénov.
breaking into new terrain.
nad východným koncom údolia.
the lords over the east end of the valley.
že je veľmi veľká.
for a potential free solo.
na možné sólo.
a vrhol sa za dobrodružstvom.
and have an adventure.
čo, pravdaže, nebola najlepšia stratégia.
was not the best strategy.
roped up with a friend two days before
s kamarátom na lane,
a či to fyzicky zvládnem.
that I knew roughly where to go
by myself two days later,
rozhodol som sa, že tade nepôjdem.
want to go that way.
ktorou sa vyhnem ťažkému úseku.
one of the hardest parts of the climb.
aj keď som ju predtým neliezol.
and take the variation,
in the dead center of a 2,000-foot face,
skoro kilometrovej steny
a vrátil sa späť na cestu.
pretty much the right way
I was pretty rattled,
vlastne veľmi otrasený,
bother me too much
čakalo pod vrcholom.
climbing was up at the top.
a keď som bol vyššie,
and as I climbed higher,
turistov na vrchole.
chatting and laughing on the summit.
po bežnom chodníku,
the normal trail on the back,
for my descent.
však ležala ešte žulová platňa.
lay a blank slab of granite.
len malé nerovnosti na skoro kolmej stene.
or edges to hold on to,
up a slightly less than vertical wall.
between my climbing shoes
a hladkou žulou.
medzi ryhami.
between the small smears.
ale nepáčil sa mi.
that I didn't quite trust.
lenže vtedy som bol istený.
stepped right up on it,
would stay on if I weighted it.
which seemed worse.
a foot further out.
on the summit just above me.
but I was too afraid to do it.
lenže som sa bál.
I accepted what I had to do
ale prijal som to,
of the hardest climbing.
towards the summit.
a turisti híkajú a hneď ho fotografujú.
of climbing gear on you,
flock around you for photos.
bez trička, zadýchaný, vo vytržení.
shirtless, panting, jacked.
čo sa zatúlal blízko k okraju.
that was too close to the edge.
talking on cell phones and having picnics.
a robia si piknik.
and started hiking back down,
a vydal sa dolu.
That's so hard-core."
pridal „free solo“ na Half Dome,
I duly noted my free solo of Half Dome,
„Dá sa to lepšie?“
and a comment, "Do better?"
a uznáva sa ako prvé svojho druhu.
as a big first in climbing.
lebo som vedel, že to bolo tesné.
gotten away with something.
chcem byť skvelý.
I wanted to be a great climber.
off from free soloing,
spoliehať sa na šťastie.
make a habit of relying on luck.
som už vtedy myslel na El Cap.
I wasn't soloing very much,
ako korunný klenot sólo lezenia.
as the obvious crown jewel of solos.
„Tento rok idem na El Cap!“
that I'm going to solo El Cap."
look up at the wall, and think,
pozrel na stenu a pomyslel si:
I wanted to test myself against El Cap.
si chcem zmerať sily.
ale chcel som, aby to bolo iné.
or barely squeak by.
so intimidating
už pre svoje rozmery.
zväčša trvá tri až päť dní.
of vertical granite.
up a wall of that size
sa zdal nemožný.
a chalk bag seemed impossible.
tisíce rôznych pohybov rúk a nôh,
hand and foot movements,
through sheer repetition.
asi 50-krát za desať rokov.
over the previous decade with a rope.
method of rehearsing the moves.
ktorú uprednostňujem.
zlaniť dolu stenou s 300-metrovým lanom
with over a thousand feet of rope
bezpečných a opakovateľných krokov
that felt secure and repeatable,
so deeply ingrained within me
aby nebolo možné spraviť chybu.
alebo najvhodnejší chyt.
if I was going the right way
is a largely physical effort.
a postupovať nahor.
to hold on and make the movements upward.
plays out more in the mind.
and performing at your best
keď viete, že každá chyba znamená smrť,
any mistake could mean death
but if it is, it is.
ale ak bolo, tak dobre.
through visualization,
pomocou obrazotvornosti.
ako budem to sólo liezť.
the entire experience of soloing the wall.
remember all the holds,
zapamätať si všetky chyty,
aká bude ich štruktúra a povrch na dotyk,
was about feeling the texture
a dôkladne umiestniť chodidlo.
reaching out and placing my foot just so.
tanec stovky metrov nad zemou.
dance thousands of feet up.
was called the Boulder Problem.
sa volá Boulder Problem.
a vyžaduje najnáročnejšie pohyby tela:
physical moves on the whole route:
a malé, šmykľavé stupy.
with very small, slippery feet.
takže palec zapieram dohora.
of a pencil but facing downward
ľavou nohou do priľahlého rohu.
of an adjacent corner,
of precision and flexibility,
a nightly stretching routine
celý predchádzajúci rok,
make the reach with my leg.
aj na emočnú zložku potenciálneho sóla.
to the emotional component
and it was too scary?
pocítim priveľký strach?
while I was safely on the ground,
ešte v bezpečí na zemi.
nebude priestor na pochybnosti.
actually making the moves without a rope,
prídem o ten dokonalý moment.
my perfect moment if I was afraid.
kým nezmizli všetky pochybnosti.
enough to remove all doubt.
visualized how it would feel
aké by bolo, keby sa to vôbec nedalo.
I was afraid to try?
nebudem v pohode v takej náročnej pozícii?
in such an exposed position?
aby som šiel a zistil to.
that I would put in the work and find out.
s prázdnym ruksakom.
with an empty backpack.
k jednej praskline v strede,
in the middle of the wall
a potenciálne nebezpečný,
difficult and potentially dangerous,
mohol zhodiť kameň
might knock a rock to the ground
nakladali do batoha a zlanili dolu.
loaded them into the pack
how ridiculous it feels
aké to bolo smiešne
aby sme dali skaly do ruksaka.
just to fill a backpack full of rocks.
a pack full of rocks around.
a ešte ťažšie je to v kolmom zráze.
but it still had to get done.
všetko musí byť dokonalé.
the route without a rope.
na možné sólo na El Cap
toward a potential free solo of El Cap,
a presne vedel, čo robiť.
and foothold on the whole route,
raňajkoval ako vždy vločky a ovocie
breakfast of muesli and fruit
of the wall before sunrise.
keď som začal liezť.
podobná tej, čo ma potrápila na Half Dome,
given me so much trouble on Half Dome,
hundreds of feet of wall to either side.
stovky metrov všetkými smermi.
and how to do it.
I just climbed right through.
sections passed by with ease.
som prešiel s ľahkosťou.
below the Boulder Problem
practiced so many times with the rope on.
ako predtým mnohokrát s lanom.
a už som vedel, že som to dal.
on the left without hesitation,
bol veľký cieľ a podaril sa,
a nebolo to vôbec ono.
the experience that I wanted.
mountain was offering me a victory lap.
to bola moja exhibícia.
a vychutnával som si spev vtákov.
swooping around the cliff.
a 56 minútach krásneho lezenia.
of glorious climbing.
cítil som, že som to dokonale zvládol.
and it felt like mastery.
Alex Honnold - Rock climberAlex Honnold is a professional rock climber whose audacious free-solo ascents of America's biggest cliffs have made him one of the world's most recognized climbers.
Why you should listen
A gifted but hard-working athlete, Honnold is known as much for his humble, self-effacing attitude as he is for the dizzyingly tall cliffs he has climbed without a rope to protect him if he falls. Honnold has been profiled by 60 Minutes and the New York Times, featured on the cover of National Geographic, appeared in international television commercials and starred in numerous adventure films, including the Emmy-nominated Alone on the Wall. He is the subject of the documentary feature Free Solo, which was released by National Geographic Documentary Films.
Honnold is the founder of the Honnold Foundation, a nonprofit that promotes solar energy access worldwide. To this day, he maintains his simple "dirtbag-climber" existence, living out of his van, donating a significant portion of his income to the Honnold Foundation and traveling the world in search of the next great vertical adventure.
Alex Honnold | Speaker |