Jeanne Gang: Buildings that blend nature and city
Jeanne Gang: Budovy ako prienik prírody a mesta
With an eye for nature’s forms and lessons learned from its materials, Jeanne Gang creates iconic environments that stand in curvy relief to blocky urban cityscapes. Full bio
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think "architect?"
že architekti navrhujú stavby a mestá.
architects design buildings and cities,
are relationships,
kde si ľudia všeličo zdieľajú.
for all kinds of exchange.
are highly specific urban habitats
plants and animals,
rastlín a zvierat,
are out of balance.
strácajú rovnováhu.
a ekonomickými problémami
and economic troubles,
and stressing out cities and us,
ich obyvateľov.
lebo neskúma druhy samostatne,
has provided important insight,
at individual species on their own,
a ich okolím.
between living things
rozmanitých častí ekosystému,
of the ecosystem are interconnected,
táto sieť života, ktorá umožňuje život.
this web of life, that sustains life.
poznatky z ekológie v architektúre
insights from ecology to architecture
pomôcť pri upevňovaní vzťahov.
can help build stronger relationships.
na základe myšlienky vytvárania vzťahov.
as the key driver for design.
a center for social justice leadership
v sociálnej spravodlivosti
schopnú prekonať bariéry
that could break down traditional barriers
for meaningful conversations
s možnosťami pre zmysluplné debaty
kde by sa mohli kultúrne zdieľať.
for cultural exchange.
food together could do that.
by myšlienku naplnila.
že každého nového medzi sebou vítajú.
to the outside community.
could draw people in
a napomohol k nadviazaniu rozhovoru.
aby sociálnu spravodlivosť v praxi
of social justice to be visible
for this kind of space,
príklady komunitných zhromaždísk.
and found examples
kde medzi ľuďmi fungujú osobité vzťahy.
relationships between people,
where the elders gather.
and at equal eye level.
a tak sú oči všetkých v rovnakej výške.
and take over the meeting.
a určovať smer debaty,
there's always a central space
and see each other.
with a fireplace and a kitchen.
umiestniť do takejto budovy krb a kuchyňu
and a fireplace in a building like this
ale pre myšlienku to bolo kľúčové,
to the concept, we got it done.
works for big social gatherings
kde sa ľudia stretnú po prvýkrát.
for the very first time.
this three-way intersection
and starting a conversation.
vždy vidíte, ako sa niečo deje.
and see something going on.
and share stories.
alebo malých skupinách,
in big groups or in small ones,
sets up these opportunities.
je budovaním vzťahov.
is about building relationships.
ktoré využíva polená ako tehly.
the way you would use bricks.
a jednoduché takto stavať.
and anyone can do it --
a produkujú kyslík.
when they were growing up,
a nevypúšťa sa do atmosféry.
is trapped inside the walls
into the atmosphere.
sa rovná odstráneniu áut z ciest.
to taking cars right off the road.
lebo zbližuje ľudí a spája ich s okolím.
to each other and to the environment.
and nurturing them?
are coming here, for one,
že do centra chodí stále viac a viac ľudí,
a plnému kalendáru podujatí,
for the Arcus Fellowships.
v spoločenstve Arcus.
tenfold for the Arcus Fellowship
odkedy sa budova otvorila.
people together.
can connect people
ako architektúra môže spájať ľudí.
či by sa vzťahy nedali vystupňovať,
could be scaled up --
za extra dobré sociálne miesta.
themselves to being social buildings.
len v trápnych chvíľkach vo výťahu.
in those awkward elevator rides.
som projektovala vysoké budovy tak,
I've been designing tall buildings
na vytváraní medziľudských vzťahov.
relationships between people.
a rodičov s odrastenými deťmi,
and empty nesters,
if we could use architecture
their neighbors,
zoznámili so susedmi aj napriek tomu,
in the vertical dimension.
ako nové sociálne mosty.
as the new social connectors.
je s každým poschodím trochu iný.
vary slightly and they transition
is that you can actually see people
tak ako by ste to urobili na dvore.
and say, "Hey!"
po dlhší čas v roku
during the year,
pomocou digitálnych simulácií,
with digital simulations,
aby ho lámali a presmerovali,
breaks up the wind
a menej veterné.
more comfortable and less windy.
to go outside on your balcony
hoci ste vysoko nad prízemím.
the ground plane.
a zároveň aj v meste.
at the same time.
on the building surface
together as couples.
budova kladne sociálne vplýva na komunitu.
a začínajú pracovať na veľkých projektoch,
starting groups together
na strešnej terase.
on the building's roof terrace.
môžu stať sociálnymi mostami.
can be social connectors,
lepšiu sociálnu súdržnosť
social cohesion in public buildings
a občianskych priestoroch
ak prichádza zhora.
is just not as successful
aby boli identické v celom meste.
old police stations,
all over the city.
a ani necítili, že by im budovy patrili.
invested in the process
of these buildings.
že každý dostal rovnakú stanicu,
everybody gets the same police station,
in the sense of responding
jednotlivých oblastí.
can even do anything
pre zlepšenie vzťahov.
ako aj každý jej dostupný nástroj,
and every tool in our tool kit
aby sa znovu vybudovala dôvera k polícii.
have been recommended
design process
kladne neprispel do dialógu o zákone.
to this policy conversation.
v Severnom Lawndale,
and police officers in North Lawndale;
ako odstrašujúcu pevnosť
is perceived as a scary fortress
people are afraid of police
či dokonca nahlásiť zločin.
near the police station,
kde participovali obe strany.
new idea for the police station.
a place with a sense of community.
je to miesto s komunitným významom.
že stanica poskytne priestor
for positive social interactions
medzi políciou a členmi komunity,
a zároveň prebudí susedstvo.
at the same time.
as a scary fortress,
vo verejnej časti stanice.
on the public side of the station --
že majú radi športy.
a samotných policajtov.
from the community members
a navrhnúť prvý krok k zmene.
was just to connect the dots
of the city and the parks,
a navrhnúť a vyhradiť polovičné ihrisko
and design and build a half-court,
že deti ihriská využívajú každý deň
the kids are using the courts every day
like this one shown here,
basketbalové koše a loptu.
inside the station
to expand the courts
a o vytvorenie parku pri stanici.
anywhere the station, and now they say
sa im zdá byť bezpečnejšie ako iné
than other courts nearby,
vo verejnej časti policajnej stanice,
for a haircut at the barbershop
na narodeninovú oslavu,
for a birthday party
a zoznámenia sa s policajtmi a naopak.
to meet each other
the officers, and vice versa.
to rebuild trust,
a dôveryhodných vzťahov.
a iné verejné budovy
libraries, schools
to be reimagined as social connectors.
si však vyžaduje vloženie sa miestnych.
for the future is going to require
a sama som to pocítila.
and I've felt that, too.
že štúdium nás nenaučilo,
in architecture school,
the public in the act of design.
pred paľbou kritiky.
our design against criticism.
reinforcing relationships
posilňujúcich vzťahov v architektúre
than create individual buildings.
ako len postaviť samostatné budovy.
rozptýliť stres a polarizáciu.
and the polarization
o ktorú sa všetci delíme.
this planet we all share.
relationship builders.
Jeanne Gang - ArchitectWith an eye for nature’s forms and lessons learned from its materials, Jeanne Gang creates iconic environments that stand in curvy relief to blocky urban cityscapes.
Why you should listen
American architect and MacArthur Fellow Jeanne Gang is the founding principal of Studio Gang, an architecture and urban design practice based in Chicago and New York. Gang is recognized internationally for her socially engaged design process that foregrounds the relationships between individuals, communities, and environments. Drawing insight from ecological systems, her analytical and creative approach has produced some of today's most compelling architecture, including the Aqua Tower and Nature Boardwalk at Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago, and the Arcus Center for Social Justice Leadership at Kalamazoo College in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Her current major projects include an expansion of the American Museum of Natural History in New York City and the next United States Embassy in Brasília, Brazil.
Committed to working on global and local issues, Gang brings design to a wide range of projects beyond architecture's conventional boundaries. She collaborates and innovates with experts across fields on pursuits ranging from the development of stronger materials to fostering stronger communities. Through teaching, speaking, writing, advocacy and advising, she engages with others to make a positive impact at multiple scales.
Jeanne Gang | Speaker |