Susan David: The gift and power of emotional courage
Susan David: Dar aj veľká sila: čo všetko ukrývajú ľudské emócie
Susan David, a Harvard Medical School psychologist, studies emotional agility: the psychology of how we can use emotion to bring forward our best selves in all aspects of how we love, live, parent and lead. Full bio
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intention behind the word
literally translated means,
potvrdzujem, že existuješ.“
I bring you into being."
being greeted like that.
in the way we see ourselves?
and fraught world?
at the center of my life's work.
mojej celoživotnej práce.
with our inner world drives everything.
ovplyvňuje všetko.
ako žijeme,
of emotions as good or bad,
na dobré a zlé;
of complexity is toxic.
je škodlivá.
of emotional agility
of a university,
každodennom živote.
of apartheid South Africa,
Južnej Afriky počas apartheidu.
committed to not seeing.
ktorá sa rozhodla zatvárať oči.
legislatíva prežila 50 rokov
of racist legislation possible
that they are doing nothing wrong.
že nerobia nič zlé.
of the destructive power of denial
najskôr objavila vo svojom živote.
to the country of my birth.
čo spôsobuje v mojej rodnej krajine.
and say goodbye to my father
and walked the passage that ran through
chodbou k srdcu nášho domu –
my father lay dying of cancer.
but he knew I was there.
že ma niekto vidí.
to mathematics to history to biology,
dejepisu a biológie,
z tohto sveta.
I would shrug and say, "OK."
pokrčila som plecami: „OK.“
to keep his small business going
udržať nad vodou
aby zvládla stratu životnej lásky,
was grieving the love of her life
and emotionally ravaged.
emocionálne aj finančne na dne.
isolated, fast.
po špirále nadol.
aby som prekryla bolesť.
the full weight of my grief.
môjho smútku.
that values relentless positivity,
ktorá si cení len pozitívny prístup.
my story of triumph over grief.
o tom, ako som vyhrala nad žiaľom.
fixed me with burning blue eyes
mi venovala prenikavý pohľad,
zoči-voči žiaľu a bolesti.
authentically to my grief and pain.
that started in this blank notebook
prázdnym zápisníkom
correspondence with myself.
samej so sebou.
the rigidity of denial
strnulé normy a popieranie,
from its fragility.
od jeho krehkosti.
that we are unseen.
že sme neviditeľní.
až kým raz nezbadáme,
where that child once was,
je dnes už len ticho,
brings us to our knees.
nepoloží diagnóza.
this frailty successfully or sustainably.
nevieme narábať.
tells us that depression
of disability globally --
a je na prvom mieste,
political and economic change,
politické a ekonomické zmeny,
into rigid responses to their emotions.
obsessively brood on our feelings.
našimi myšlienkami.
bottle our emotions,
zamkýname svoje emócie
deemed legitimate.
ktoré považujeme za opodstatnené.
with over 70,000 people,
s viac ako 70-tisíc účastníkmi.
so-called "bad emotions,"
za takzvané „zlé emócie“,
these feelings.
aktívne odsunúť nabok.
like our children --
našim deťom.
out of emotions seen as negative,
za emócie, ktoré vnímame ako nesprávne,
as inherently valuable.
are now seen as good or bad.
na dobré a zlé.
a new form of moral correctness.
to just stay positive.
„Zostaňte pozitívni!“
či falošná pozitivita
or false positivity, it's this:
lesson we can learn
z nevyhnutného pádu apartheidu
are pushed aside or ignored,
odkladajú nabok alebo ignorujú,
in the refrigerator --
výbornú čokoládovú tortu –
of unwanted emotions when you ignore them,
máte ich pod kontrolou,
to embrace false positivity,
a snažíme sa o falošnú pozitivitu,
to deal with the world as it is,
vďaka ktorým sa vyrovnáme
a nie, aký by sme ho chceli mať.
what they don't want to feel.
čo cítiť nechcú.
I don't want to feel disappointed."
pretože nechcem cítiť sklamanie.“
aby tento pocit už odišiel.“
by their feelings.
that comes with failure.
ktoré prichádza s nezdarom.
of our contract with life.
našej zmluvy so životom.
to a meaningful life.
k zmysluplnému životu.
som využila tieto prázdne strany.
to what I did feel.
čo som naozaj cítila.
of all of our emotions --
to resilience, thriving,
všetky svoje emócie -
that just an acceptance of emotions.
než len prijatie emócií.
I found that words are essential.
že dôležité sú slová.
to describe our feelings.
rýchle a jednoduché nálepky.
common one I hear.
between stress and disappointment
medzi stresom a sklamaním.
of "I'm in the wrong career."
že „som v nesprávnej práci“.
the precise cause of our feelings.
ich presnú príčinu.
the readiness potential in our brain
to take concrete steps.
podniknúť konkrétne kroky.
the right steps for us.
ale tie správne kroky pre nás.
to things that we care about.
k veciam, na ktorých nám záleží.
anything in our worlds.
pre náš vlastný svet.
that you value equity and fairness --
rovnosť a férovosť –
to the difficult emotions,
that are values-aligned.
ktoré sa zhodujú s našimi hodnotami.
they are not directives.
our emotions for their values
a zistiť z nich naše hodnoty,
in his frustration with his baby sister --
keď ho frustruje jeho malá sestra,
that he gets to give her away
darovať ju prvému človeku,
he sees in a shopping mall.
between how I feel in all my wisdom
ako sa cítime,
smerom ku svojím hodnotám,
to the journal of your hearts.
do zápisníka vo svojom srdci.
as in, "I'm angry" or "I'm sad."
alebo „som smutná“.
as if you are the emotion.
and the emotion is a data source.
the feeling for what it is:
a opíšte ako pocit:
to bring the best of themselves to work,
dať zo seba v práci to najlepšie.
to feel their emotional truth,
svoje skutočné emócie,
flourish in the organization.
kreativita a inovácia.
individuals, teams,
jednotlivci, organizácie,
to the normal human emotions.
towards my values?"
k mojim hodnotám?“
to be with your emotions
vnímať svoje emócie
to take values-connected steps.
bližšie ku svojim hodnotám.
terrified by the idea of death.
with soft pats and kisses.
pohladeniami a bozkami.
a buffer between me and reality.
medzi mnou a realitou.
kým som si uvedomila silu,
through those nights.
is not an absence of fear;
absenciu strachu.
že o 10 krátkych rokov bude preč.
is all too precious
je príliš vzácny, príliš krátky.
vlastnej zraniteľnosti
jasné „áno“.
correspondence with your own heart.
s vaším vlastným srdcom.
Susan David - Psychologist, researcher, authorSusan David, a Harvard Medical School psychologist, studies emotional agility: the psychology of how we can use emotion to bring forward our best selves in all aspects of how we love, live, parent and lead.
Why you should listen
What does it take internally, in the way we deal with our thoughts, emotions and stories, for us to thrive in a complex and changing world? How we respond to these inner experiences drives our actions, careers, relationships, happiness, health -- everything that matters in our lives. Susan David became fascinated by this question through first-hand experience of loss and resilience, while growing up in a country in which hate was legislated: apartheid South Africa.
David holds a PhD in the psychology of emotions, is an award-winning Harvard Medical School psychologist, and is ranked as one of the world's leading management thinkers. Her #1 Wall Street Journal bestselling book, Emotional Agility, describes the psychological skills critical to thriving in times of complexity and change. David is CEO of Evidence Based Psychology, on Harvard Medical School faculty, and a co-founder of the Institute of Coaching. Described as "a powerful speaker, visionary thinker and inspirational personality," she is an unwavering believer in the power of people to bring the best of who they are to themselves, their children, their organizations and their communities.
Susan David | Speaker |