Tina Seelig: The little risks you can take to increase your luck
Tina Seelig: Majhna tveganja, ki lahko povečajo vašo srečo
Tina Seelig teaches innovation and entrepreneurship and is passionate about creative problem-solving. Full bio
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luckier than others
srečnejše kot druge,
increase their luck.
imeti več sreče.
that most new ventures fail,
novih naložb propade
need all the luck they can get.
in podjetniki res veliko sreče.
apparently caused by chance.
ki ju, kot kaže, sproži naključje.
that come into play to make people lucky.
svojo vlogo, da imajo ljudje srečo.
that you didn't even imagine.
ki si jo nisi predstavljal.
three things with you
ki jih lahko storite,
to capture the winds of luck.
s katerim boste ujeli veter sreče.
with yourself.
that get you out of your comfort zone.
s katerimi boste šli iz cone udobja.
we do this all the time.
to learn how to walk or talk
naučiti hoditi ali govoriti
who doesn't ride a bike
ki ta teden ne zna kolesariti,
out of our comfort zone
the sense of who we are
giving them encouragement
and take some risks.
in malo tvegajo.
fill out a risk-o-meter.
izpolniti merilec tveganja.
we developed in our class
ki smo jo razvili pri pouku,
they're willing to take.
na katera tveganja so pripravljeni.
and physical risks and financial risks
fizična in finančna tveganja,
and ethical risks and political risks.
in etična in politična tveganja.
their risk profiles with others,
profil tveganja z drugimi
that they're all really different.
da so si zelo različni.
naj se še malo potrudijo
out of their comfort zone.
premaknila iz cone udobja.
to do an intellectual risk
intelektualnega tveganja
they haven't tried before;
s problemom, s katerim se še niso,
sitting next to them on the train;
z nekom, ki sedi ob njih na vlaku,
they really care about how they feel.
da jim ni vseeno, kako čutijo.
I was on an airplane,
sem bila na letalu
on my way to Ecuador.
put on my headphones
with the man sitting next to me.
z moškim, ki je sedel poleg mene.
and I learned that he was a publisher.
in ugotovila, da je založnik.
a fascinating conversation.
of the publishing industry.
založniške industrije.
of the way through the flight,
and I shared with him a book proposal
in z njim delila predlog za knjigo,
I was doing in my class.
this isn't right for us,
to za nas ne pride v poštev,
we exchanged contact information.
kontaktne podatke.
I reached out to him,
ga kontaktirala
like to come to my class?
on reinventing the book,
o ponovnem odkritju knjige,
in bila je res lepa izkušnja.
We had a great experience.
a bunch of video clips
the students had done,
I was a little bit hurt.
malce prizadeta.
with my students and not with me,
z mojimi študenti, ne z menoj,
and he and his colleagues came to Stanford
in s kolegi je prišli v Stanford
and afterwards, we had lunch together.
in potem smo skupaj kosili.
considered writing a book?"
da bi napisala knjigo?"
pokazala njegovemu šefu.
over a million copies around the world.
kot milijon izvodov knjige po vsem svetu.
from a series of small risks I took,
serije majhnih tveganj,
you're the most unlucky person,
sreče na svetu.
that get you out of your comfort zone.
ki vas bodo potegnila iz cone udobja.
ujeli srečo.
with other people.
who helps you on your journey
pomaga na vaši poti,
in getting you to your goals.
v doseganju vaših ciljev.
on themselves or someone else,
zase ali za koga drugega,
what they're doing.
programs at Stanford,
da bi prišli zraven.
to those students who don't get in,
študentom, ki jim ni uspelo,
people who are disappointed.
send me notes, complaining.
pošljejo pismo in se pritožijo.
more successful next time around?
da bodo naslednjič bolj uspešni.
thanking me for the opportunity.
se mi zahvali za priložnost.
poslal prelepo pismo in rekel:
sent me a beautiful note saying,
from this program twice,
zavrnjen v tem programu,
for the opportunity.
through the process of applying."
zelo veliko naučil."
the graciousness of his message
me je tako prevzela,
and cooked up an idea
in skupaj napletla idejo
on looking at leadership in that context.
projekt o vidiku vodenja v tem kontekstu.
incredibly well through that quarter,
zelo dobro spoznala
that he started working on
na katerem je začel delati
into a company called Play for Tomorrow,
v podjetje z imenom Play for Tomorrow,
from disadvantaged backgrounds
craft the lives they dream to live.
življenje, o katerem sanjajo.
the winds of luck
that we didn't expect in the first place.
začetku nisva pričakovala.
of the last couple of years,
some tactics for my own life
za svoje življenje,
spodbujati hvaležnost.
of every single day,
da na koncu vsakega dne
and I review all the people I met with,
na vse ljudi, ki sem jih srečala,
to every single person.
and appreciative,
it has increased my luck.
and get out of your comfort zone.
in se premakniti iz cone udobja.
your relationship with ideas.
svoj odnos do idej.
that come there way and they judge them.
ki jim pridejo naproti, in jih presoja.
or "That's a terrible idea."
"To je grozna ideja."
are often something truly remarkable.
pogosto nekaj izjemnega.
in my classes on creativity
pri pouku kreativnosti
of looking at terrible ideas
pogled na strašne ideje
for a brand new restaurant.
restavracijo neke blagovne znamke.
with the best ideas for a new restaurant
idej za novo restavracijo
a restaurant on a mountaintop
restavracija na vrhu gore
with a gorgeous view.
s prelepim razgledom.
a restaurant in a garbage dump,
restavracija na smetišču
that's really dirty,
postrežbo, ki je resnično umazana,
cockroach sushi.
suši iz ščurkov.
and throw them away.
and redistribute them.
in jih ponovno razdelim.
that another team thought was horrible,
je drugi tim mislil, da je grozna.
into something brilliant.
to idejo v nekaj brilijantnega.
"This is a fabulous idea."
"To je krasna ideja."
before they pitch the idea to the class.
preden idejo predstavijo razredu.
What does that turn into?
V kaj se to spremeni?
from Michelin star restaurants
iz restavracij z Michelinovimi zvezdicami,
at a much lower price,
z mnogo nižjimi cenami
with terrible service?
strašno slabo postrežbo?
that's a training ground
ki je vadbišče
how to avoid all the pitfalls.
da ugotovijo, kako se izogniti pastem.
and exotic ingredients.
in eksotičnih sestavin.
really innovative around you,
resnično zanimivi,
that have changed our life,
pa so spremenili naše življenje,
that when they pitched to other people,
za katere je večina, ki so jim
it will never work."
"To je noro, to ne bo nikoli delovalo."
were born into terrible circumstances,
rodijo v težke razmere
or something terrible.
and show appreciation
izpostaviti in pokazati hvaležnosti,
even if they're crazy,
tudi če so nore,
to catch the winds of luck.
večje jadro, da ujamete veter sreče.
Tina Seelig - EducatorTina Seelig teaches innovation and entrepreneurship and is passionate about creative problem-solving.
Why you should listen
Tina Seelig is Professor of the Practice in the Department of Management Science and Engineering at Stanford University. She is also a faculty director of the Stanford Technology Ventures Program, the entrepreneurship center at Stanford School of Engineering. Trained as a neuroscientist, with a PhD from Stanford School of Medicine, Seelig has always been interested in how we think, especially how we come up with bold new ideas.
Seelig runs several fellowship programs that focus on entrepreneurial leadership and teaches classes in the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design, also know as the d.school. Her highly-experiential classes are crafted to explore factors that contribute to creativity and innovation in individuals and groups within organizations, with an emphasis on how to frame and reframe problems, challenge assumptions, and generate innovative ideas.
After earning her PhD, Seelig was a management consultant and entrepreneur. She is the author of 17 books, including What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20, inGenius and Creativity Rules. She is the recipient of the Gordon Prize from the National Academy of Engineering, recognizing her as a national leader in engineering education, as well as the Olympus Innovation Award and the Silicon Valley Visionary Award.
Tina Seelig | Speaker | TED.com