Adam Grant: The surprising habits of original thinkers
Adam Grant: Presenetljive navade izvirnih mislecev
After years of studying the dynamics of success and productivity in the workplace, Adam Grant discovered a powerful and often overlooked motivator: helping others. Full bio
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and asked me to invest in his company.
če bi investiral v njegovo podjetje.
an industry by selling stuff online."
s prodajo stvari na spletu."
the whole summer on this, right?"
ste delali na tem, ne?"
just in case it doesn't work out."
če se slučajno ne bi izšlo."
go in full time once you graduate."
se boste temu popolnoma posvetili."
lined up backup jobs."
službe za vsak primer."
naj bi bilo podjetje lansirano,
not a functioning website.
podjetje spletna stran.
the entire company is a website.
naming the company Warby Parker.
kot najbolj inovativno podjetje na svetu
as the world's most innovative company
Moja žena upravlja najine investicije.
that I come to call "originals."
ki jim rečem "originali."
who stand out and speak up.
and change in the world.
in spreminjajo svet.
kot sem si predstavljal.
ki sem se jih naučil
three things I've learned
that I passed on Warby Parker
investiral v Warbyja Parkerja,
getting off the ground.
with the mind of a procrastinator.
I'm the opposite. I'm a precrastinator.
Sem ravno nasproten. Sem ne-odlašalec.
a few hours before a big deadline
ko nisi še ničesar naredil.
a few months ahead of time.
I took Nintendo games very seriously.
Nintendo igre sem jemal zelo resno.
until I had mastered them.
dokler jih nisem obvladal.
that a local newspaper came
da je prišel lokalni časopis
of Nintendo, starring me.
z mano v glavni vlogi.
four months before the deadline.
štiri mesece pred rokom.
until a few years ago.
who came to me and said,
ki je prišla k meni in rekla:
when I'm procrastinating."
ko odlašam."
where are the four papers you owe me?"
štirje članki, ki mi jih dolguješ?"
najkreativnejših študentk
of our most creative students,
this is the kind of idea that I test.
je to tiste vrste ideja, ki jo testiram.
about how often they procrastinate.
o tem, kako pogosto odlašajo.
how creative and innovative they are.
kako kreativni in inovativni so.
the precrastinators like me,
to the chronic procrastinators.
s kroničnimi odlašalci.
They didn't fill out my survey."
niso izpolnili moje ankete."
who wait until the last minute
ki odlašajo do zadnje minute,
that they don't have any new ideas.
tako da nimajo originalnih idej.
the people who race in
don't have original thoughts either.
oni nimajo originalnih idej.
where originals seem to live.
kjer živi originalnost.
just have bad work habits.
ljudje samo slabe delovne navade.
does not cause creativity.
ne povzroča ustvarjalnosti.
nekaj eksperimentov.
to generate new business ideas,
novih poslovnih idej,
and useful they are.
in uporabne so.
to do the task right away.
naj to naredijo takoj.
to procrastinate
določili odlašanje tako,
the moderate procrastinators
than the other two groups.
kot ostali dve skupini.
but it's not the driver of the effect,
ampak ni nosilec tega efekta,
before you learn about the task,
preden izveš za nalogo,
going to be working on this problem,
da boste delali na tem problemu,
in the back of your mind,
nekje zadaj v možganih,
to consider divergent ideas,
da pomisliš na drugačne ideje,
to make unexpected leaps.
da narediš nepričakovane preskoke.
these experiments,
s temi eksperimenti,
a book about originals,
to teach myself to procrastinate,
da se naučim odlašanja,
on procrastination."
with steps on how to procrastinate.
progress toward my goal.
the procrastination chapter,
I had all sorts of new ideas.
sem imel vse vrste novih idej.
I call it thinking."
jaz temu pravim razmišljanje."
in history were procrastinators.
skozi zgodovino odlašalcev.
he took in optics
the biggest speech of his life,
v svojem življenju,
in ga pisal na novo.
waiting for his turn to go onstage,
and crossing out lines.
that changed the course of history:
ki so spremenile tok zgodovine:
(I have a dream.)
the speech until the very last minute,
z dokončanjem govora,
to the widest range of possible ideas.
širok spekter idej.
when it comes to productivity,
pri produktivnosti,
pri mnogih originalih, je,
but they're slow to finish.
with Warby Parker.
their heels for six months,
are starting to sell glasses online."
na spletu prodaja očala."
they were spending all that time
da so porabljali ta čas,
advantage is mostly a myth.
prvega na trgu večinoma mit.
of over 50 product categories,
je za več kot 50 kategorij produktov
who created the market
prvih na trgu, ki so trg ustvarili,
something different and better.
in predstavili nekaj drugačnega in novega.
had a failure rate of 47 percent,
stopnjo neuspeha 47 odstotkov,
for the improvers.
ki so stvar izboljšali.
waiting to build a social network
z grajenjem socialnega omrežja
after Altavista and Yahoo.
po Altavisti in Yahooju.
on somebody else's idea
idejo nekoga drugega,
something new from scratch.
to be original you don't have to be first.
treba biti prvi, da bi bil originalen.
I passed on Warby Parker.
da sem izpustil Warbyja Parkerja.
that they had the courage to be original,
da imajo pogum biti originalni,
would look something like this.
izgledajo nekako takole.
izgleda samozavestno,
in dvom kot ostali.
that the rest of us do.
works for most of us.
izgleda pri večini izmed nas.
da obstajata dve različni vrsti dvoma.
there are two different kinds of doubt.
to experiment, to refine,
eksperimentiraš, izboljšaš
od koraka tri na korak štiri.
from step three to step four.
are always crap,
je vedno zanič
ki ga uporabljate.
and your commitment
v službi in vašo predanost,
kateri brskalnik uporabljate.
going to like the results of this study --
te študije ne bodo všeč -
that Firefox and Chrome users
da uporabniki Firefoxa in Chromea
Internet Explorer and Safari users.
Internet Explorerja in Safarija.
15 percent longer, by the way.
15 odstotkov dlje, mimogrede.
on average have similar typing speed
podobno hitrost tipkanja
of computer knowledge.
računalniškega znanja.
Internet Explorer or Safari,
Internet Explorer ali Safari,
that was handed to you.
ste morali dvomiti v dano opcijo
you had to doubt the default
a different option out there,
and download a new browser.
in naložiti nov brskalnik.
and they're like,
I just need to upgrade my browser?"
moram samo zamenjati brskalnik?"
to doubt the default
to the opposite of déjà vu.
nekaj nasprotnega deja vuju.
It's called vuja de.
you've seen many times before
kar si videl že velikokrat,
see it with fresh eyes.
who looks at a movie script
for more than half a century.
več kot pol stoletja.
the main character has been an evil queen.
glavna junakinja zlobna kraljica.
whether that makes sense.
če ima to sploh smisel.
kot trpinčeno junakinjo,
the most successful animated movie ever.
uspešen animirani film.
from this story.
from the rest of us
afraid of failing to try.
da ne bi uspeli poskusiti.
by starting a business that goes bankrupt
s podjetjem, ki nato bankrotira,
our biggest regrets are not our actions
ne obžalujemo naših dejanj
if you look at the science,
pravi znanost,
he didn't expect Tesla to succeed.
da ni mislil, da bo Tesla uspela.
SpaceXovih poletov
let alone get back,
kaj šele prišli nazaj,
da ne bi poskusil.
when we have an important idea,
ko imamo pomembno idejo,
on your bad ideas.
their most important suggestion,
idejah, najpomembnejših predlogih,
instead of speaking up.
namesto, da bi spregovorili.
themselves, of looking stupid.
da bodo izpadli neumni.
have lots and lots of bad ideas,
Originali imajo veliko slabih idej,
with a talking doll so creepy
tako grozljivo lutko,
but adults, too?
ampak tudi odrasle?
for pioneering the light bulb.
ker je izumil žarnico.
are the ones who fail the most,
ki jim največkrat spodleti,
the best of the best.
najboljši izmed najboljših.
in encyclopedias than others
več strani kot drugi
rerecorded more times?
posnamejo njihove kompozicije?
of compositions that they generate.
ki jih proizvajajo.
the more variety you get
več raznolikosti dobiš
of stumbling on something truly original.
da naletiš na nekaj res originalnega.
Bach, Beethoven, Mozart --
Bach, Beethoven in Mozart,
and hundreds of compositions
number of masterpieces.
manjšega števila mojstrovin.
without doing a whole lot?
brez da bi toliko ustvaril?
if we want to be more original,
če želimo biti bolj izvirni,
were trying to name their company,
iskali ime za svoje podjetje,
unique, with no negative associations
unikatnega, brez negativnih asociacij,
in testirali so več kot 2000 možnosti,
what you see is that originals
from the rest of us.
They procrastinate.
of those qualities but because of them
ampak zaradi njih.
don't make the same mistake I did.
ne naredite enake napake kot jaz.
don't count yourself out either.
but slow to finish
a počasen zaključek
by doubting your ideas
ko dvomite v ideje,
in order to get a few good ones.
da dobite nekaj dobrih.
to improve the world around us.
kako izboljšati svet okoli nas.
Adam Grant - Organizational psychologistAfter years of studying the dynamics of success and productivity in the workplace, Adam Grant discovered a powerful and often overlooked motivator: helping others.
Why you should listen
In his groundbreaking book Give and Take, top-rated Wharton professor Adam Grant upended decades of conventional motivational thinking with the thesis that giving unselfishly to colleagues or clients can lead to one’s own long-term success. Grant’s research has led hundreds of advice seekers (and HR departments) to his doorstep, and it’s changing the way leaders view their workforces.
Grant's book Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World examines how unconventional thinkers overturn the status quo and champion game-changing ideas.
Grant is the host of the TED original podcast WorkLife, taking us inside unconventional workplaces to explore the ideas we can all use to make work more meaningful and creative.
Adam Grant | Speaker |