Arthur Brooks: A conservative's plea: Let's work together
Artur Bruks (Arthur Brooks): Poziv konzervativca: hajde da sarađujemo
As president of the American Enterprise Institute, Arthur Brooks is changing the way conservatives think about poverty and opportunity. Full bio
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in the United States,
u Sjedinjenim Državama,
of great Seattlites.
sjajnih stanovnika Sijetla.
my father was a college professor,
moj otac je bio profesor na fakultetu,
comfortable designing my life
da osmišljavam svoj život
what my parents had in mind.
baš i nisu imali na umu.
as a professional French horn player,
kao profesionalni svirač horne,
all over the United States and Europe,
širom Sjedinjenih Država i Evrope.
named Charlie Bird.
po imenu Čarli Berd.
Symphony Orchestra in Spain.
Barselone u Španiji.
se nikad nisu žalili.
svojim susedima i prijateljima:
their neighbors and friends,
conversation about my lifestyle
do jednog nelagodnog razgovora
o kome želim da vam govorim.
i došao sam kući iz Barselone,
my parents for Christmas,
and we were alone in the kitchen.
i bili smo sami u kuhinji.
are really worried about you."
smo jako zabrinuti zbog tebe.“
Mislim, šta može da bude, u ovom trenutku?
I mean, what could it be, at this point?
completely honest with me:
potpuno iskren prema meni.
I was just a French horn player.
bio sam samo svirač horne.
and it was causing some confusion.
a to je stvorilo zabunu.
entuzijazam prema kapitalizmu,
an enthusiast for capitalism,
odrastajući u Sijetlu,
growing up in Seattle,
I saw real poverty.
video pravo siromaštvo.
but that's of course not real poverty.
ali to, naravno, nije pravo siromaštvo.
and poverty's face,
i lice siromaštva
or seven years old, early 1970s.
ili sedam godina, ranih 1970-ih.
kind of a prosaic example, kind of trite.
prozaičan primer, nekako otrcan.
Geographic Magazine
„Nacionalna geografija“
u istočnoj Africi.
and a distended belly.
i imao je naduven stomak.
and I knew that, and I was helpless.
i bio sam bespomoćan.
one just like it.
to grinding poverty around the world.
mučno siromaštvo širom sveta.
as I grew up and I went to school
dok sam odrastao i išao u školu,
sa tim detetom
all over the world?
mada nisam išao na fakultet,
even though I wasn't in college,
najsiromašnijim ljudima sveta.
poorest people?
Da li se poboljšalo? Šta?
Has it gotten better? What?
and it changed my life,
promenio mi je život,
that poverty has gotten worse
da se siromaštvo pogoršalo
since they saw that vision.
otkad su videli taj prizor.
gotten worse or better around the world?",
ili poboljšalo širom sveta?“,
has gotten worse since the early 1970s.
pogoršala od ranih 1970-ih godina.
that changed my thinking.
koje mi je promenilo razmišljanje.
očito, to je prilagođeno zbog inflacije -
obviously adjusted for inflation,
in the world's worst poverty
najgoreg siromaštva na svetu
in the history of mankind,
u borbi protiv siromaštva
what did that? What made it possible?
Šta je to omogućilo?“
you can't do it again.
ne možete to da ponovite.
people out of poverty,
naredne dve milijarde ljudi,
a otkad sam bio dete,
since I was a kid,
naše braće i sestara,
our brothers and sisters,
stoga moram da znam zašto.
so I've got to know why.
because I didn't care.
jer me nije bilo briga.
from mainstream economists
od vodećih ekonomista,
of our brothers and sisters
naše braće i sestara
since I was a kid.
spreading around the world
koji se širio po svetu
nije savršeno
isn't everything we need
nije sve što nam je potrebno
This is the epiphany.
samo na gomilanje.
odnosi se na stremljenje,
on this stage talk about,
na ovoj bini govori,
slobodnog preduzetništva.
in the free enterprise system.
with more people.
about a second epiphany
o drugom prosvetljenju
not just around the world,
ne samo širom sveta,
that I've just given you
koje sam vam upravo izneo
than any system in history.
više bogatstva
or Ronald Reagan.
koji smo održavali na ovu temu
that we were doing on the subject
u maju 2015. godine.
facing America today. What?
suočava danas. Šta?
kojima smo najviše potrebni.
in this room that we're in a crisis,
kažem da smo u krizi,
sa političkom polarizovanošću.
the world with political polarization.
u „Zborniku Nacionalne akademije nauka“,
of the National Academy of Sciences,
naučnih časopisa
prestigious scientific journals
call the phenomenon
nazivaju pojavom pretpostavke
is based in love
zasnovana na ljubavi,
is based in hate.
ima osnovu u mržnji.
Palestinians and Israelis, for example.
između Palestinaca i Izraelaca, na primer.
a majority of Republicans and Democrats
većina republikanaca i demokrata
who are politically active believe
u našoj zemlji danas veruje
but the other side is motivated by hate.
dok drugu stranu motiviše mržnja.
is based on basic benevolence,
zasniva se na osnovnoj dobronamernosti,
they're evil and out to get me."
i nameračili su se protiv mene.“
when you have this kind of asymmetry.
ako imate takvu asimetriju.
razlike postoje.
there are differences.
That would be really naïve.
To bi zaista bilo naivno.
dosta dobrih istraživanja.
is my friend Jonathan Haidt.
je moj prijatelj Džonatan Hajt.
at New York University.
na Univerzitetu u Njujorku.
and values and morals of different people
vrednostima i moralu različitih ljudi
that conservatives and liberals
da se konzervativci i liberali
on what they think is important.
po onome što ističu da je važno.
about economic liberty.
do ekonomske slobode,
care about economic liberty
do ekonomske slobode
than they care about poverty.
in which lies our strength.
u kojoj leži naša snaga.
of economic freedom
two billion people out of poverty.
iz siromaštva.
Yeah. Absolutely. Phenomenal.
Da, apsolutno. Fenomenalno.
ethical and moral way. Yes. Yes.
etički i moralan način. Da. Da.
fleksibilne ideologije.
manje predvidljivi.
is starting to get predictable?
da vaša ideologija postaje predvidljiva,
listening to people who agree with you?
ljude koji se slažu sa vama?
in this country about economics,
govorimo o ekonomiji,
and regulations and big government.
regulativama i velikoj vladi.
kada vi govorite o ekonomiji,
you're talking about economics,
really important to you.
those are distractions.
to odvraća pažnju.
around the best ways
oko najboljih načina
using the best tools at our disposal,
kojima raspolažemo,
recognize that they need liberals
priznaju da su im potrebni liberali
and their obsession with free markets.
i njihova opsesija slobodnim tržištima.
the future strength of this country,
buduća snaga ove zemlje,
How are we going to do it together?
Kako ćemo to uraditi zajedno?
ne samo za vas, već i za mene.
not just for you but for me.
just to tolerate people who disagree.
ljude koji se ne slažu sa nama.
people who disagree with us,
ljudi koji se ne slažu sa nama,
who need all of us
How are you going to express that?
Kako ćete to da izrazite?
in this room, we're blessed.
mi imamo sreće.
who listen to us.
ljude koji nas slušaju.
We're blessed with leadership.
with the kind of unpredictable ideology,
nepredvidljive ideologije,
and I'm asking me
who blurs the lines,
koje je teško svrstati.
who is always going on about poverty
koji uvek priča o siromaštvu
to be a warrior for the poor.
da budemo borci za siromašne.
be a liberal who is always talking
budite liberal koji uvek govori
to solve our problems
u rešavanju naših problema
to work on the next two billion
na sledeće dve milijarde
that we've seen so much of in the past
koje smo toliko viđali u prošlosti
to je ono što dobijamo.
That's what we get.
that we might just be able
that we're suffering under in this country
koji trpimo u ovoj zemlji
i zajedničkom poštovanju,
Arthur Brooks - Social scientist, authorAs president of the American Enterprise Institute, Arthur Brooks is changing the way conservatives think about poverty and opportunity.
Why you should listen
When classical French horn player Arthur Brooks returned to the United States from Spain with no money and few academic credentials, he felt he was immigrating to his own country. Now, as president of the conservative think tank American Enterprise Institute (and an author of many columns and books, including his latest, The Conservative Heart), he's injecting a much-needed dose of compassion into contemporary conservative discourse.
A tireless advocate of free enterprise, Brooks argues that "a conservatism that fights poverty, promotes equal opportunity and extols spiritual enlightenment" is what the United States needs to restore prosperity and happiness.
Arthur Brooks | Speaker |