Allan Adams: What the discovery of gravitational waves means
Allan Adams: Mitä painovoima-aaltojen löytyminen tarkoittaa
Allan Adams is a theoretical physicist working at the intersection of fluid dynamics, quantum field theory and string theory. Full bio
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lukittautuivat pyörteeseen
sekunnin kymmenesosassa.
their energy in light.
energiaansa valona.
into the fabric of space and time itself,
aika-avaruuden kudokseen itseensä,
in gravitational waves.
of the timescale at work here.
aikahaarukan, josta nyt puhutaan.
multicellular life.
monisoluista elämää.
and even -- God save us -- the Internet.
dinosauruksia, ihmisen
auttakoon -- internetin.
and Ronald Drever at Caltech --
ja Ronald Drever Caltech:llä
for the gravitational waves
mustat aukot lähettävät.
piti heitä hulluina,
that they were brilliant nuts
että he olivat nerokkaita hulluja.
decided to fund their crazy idea.
kansallinen tiedesäätiö
tolkuttoman ideansa.
nimeltä LIGO.
Gravitational-Wave Observatory.
Gravitational-Wave Observatory.
a huge expansion in its accuracy,
in its detection ability.
saatu valtava parannus.
"Kehittynyt LIGO."
viimeiselle testikäytölle,
a few lingering details.
muutaman yksityiskohdan.
vuonna 2015,
had gone live,
oli saatettu käyntiin,
from those colliding black holes
niistä törmäävistä mustista aukoista,
"On kaksi tapahtumaa elämässäni,
There's two moments in my life
to my father when he was terminally ill.
kuolemansairas isäni.
of my career, basically.
korvaus koko urastani.
it's no longer science fiction! (Laughs)
ei ole enää tieteisfiktiota!"
and collaborator, Scott Hughes,
ja kollegani, Scott Hughes.
gravitational waves from black holes
mustista aukoista
on observatories like LIGO,
observatorioihin kuten LIGO,
what I mean by a gravitational wave.
tarkoitan painovoima-aalloilla.
ja kaikkea siinä olevaa
of general relativity
suhteellisuusteorian opettajiin
in their classes on general relativity.
yleistä suhteellisuusteoriaa.
it stretches and expands."
se venyy ja laajenee."
they're preposterously weak.
naurettavan heikkoja.
on September 14 --
syyskuun 14. päivänä --
stretched and compressed
venyi ja tiivistyi
the average person
ne venyttivät keskivertoihmistä
jonka jälkeen 20 nollaa,
the LIGO people were nuts.
LIGO-ihmiset olivat hulluja.
long -- and that's already crazy --
laser-ilmaisimella -- jo se on hullua --
the length of those detectors
noiden ilmaisimien pituus
of the radius of the nucleus
atomiytimen säteestä.
of his classic text on gravity,
perinteisessä tekstistään painovoimasta
for gravitational waves as follows:
metsästystä seuraavasti:
to be surmounted
jotka pitää ylittää
of a broad lay public,
varmasti voittamaan."
acts like an ear
LIGO toimii enemmän kuin korvana
than the things around you,
asiat ympärilläsi,
tai kartan asioista ympärilläsi
or a map of the things around you,
coming from different spots
eri paikoista
that can be up to 50 feet long.
joka voi olla jopa 15 metriä pitkä.
impossible -- to make an image
mahdottomaksi -- ottaa kuvan
to listen for features like pitch
kuunnellaksemme ominaisuuksia kuten
-rytmiä ja -voimakkuutta
of gravitational waves.
of things out in the Universe.
yksinkertaisia kuvia Universumista.
of those waves,
that those waves are telling.
jonka nuo aallot kertovat.
are in the audio band.
ovat kuuloalueellamme.
into pressure waves and air, into sound,
paineaalloiksi ja ilmaksi, ääneksi,
the Universe speaking to us.
Universumin puhuvan meille.
just in this way,
painovoimaa ihan vain näin
of two black holes,
mustan aukon törmäyksestä,
an awful lot of time thinking about.
on kuluttanut valtavan määrän aikaa.
mustaa aukkoa eivät pyöri,
are non-spinning,
sirityksen: whuup!
very rapidly, I have that same chirp,
kuulee saman sirityksen,
whir, whir, whible, whible!
imprinted on this waveform.
painautuneena tähän aaltomuotoon."
going to live in my memory,
muistamaan vielä kauan,
that is the sound of --
tuo on ääni siitä kun --
each of about 30 solar masses,
kumpikin noin 30 auringon massaa,
in your blender.
verrattavissa tehosekoittimeen."
to think about what that means.
miettimään, mitä tuo tarkoittaa.
in the Universe,
tihein asia Universumissa,
100 times per second
100 kertaa sekunnissa
to observe the Universe
havainnoida Universumia,
voimme kuulla Universumin
that we can't see --
mitä me emme voi nähdä --
stars explode in supernovae.
tähdet räjähtävät supernoviksi.
about the Universe from them.
Universumista niistä.
physics happens in the core,
fysiikka tapahtuu ytimessä,
thousands of kilometers
kilometrien paksuisen
se on läpinäkymätön valolle
it's opaque to light.
as if it were glass --
kuin se olisi lasia --
to be able to explore
haluaisin pystyä tutkimaan
is obscured by its own afterglow.
omaan jälkihehkuunsa.
all the way back to the beginning.
alkuun asti.
are things out there
jossain on asioita,
edes kuvitelleet --
discover by listening.
ainoastaan kuuntelemalla.
aivan ensimmäisessä tapahtumassa,
in that very first event,
members of the LIGO collaboration,
addressing exactly that:
puhuu juuri siitä:
which produce the black holes
tuottavat mustia aukkoja,
that are old, from prehistoric times,
esihistoriallisista ajoista asti,
the dinosaur bones
dinosaurusten luita,
a whole nother angle
kokonaan uuden perspektiivin
and in the end, of course,
ja lopulta, tietenkin,
tästä koko sotkusta."
miten rakentaa hienostuneita ilmaisimia,
to build exquisite detectors
new observatories --
rakentaa uusia observatorioita --
than listening to the Big Bang itself?
kuin kuunnella itse alkuräjähdystä?
Allan Adams - Theoretical physicistAllan Adams is a theoretical physicist working at the intersection of fluid dynamics, quantum field theory and string theory.
Why you should listen
Allan Adams is a theoretical physicist working at the intersection of fluid dynamics, quantum field theory and string theory. His research in theoretical physics focuses on string theory both as a model of quantum gravity and as a strong-coupling description of non-gravitational systems.
Like water, string theory enjoys many distinct phases in which the low-energy phenomena take qualitatively different forms. In its most familiar phases, string theory reduces to a perturbative theory of quantum gravity. These phases are useful for studying, for example, the resolution of singularities in classical gravity, or the set of possibilities for the geometry and fields of spacetime. Along these lines, Adams is particularly interested in microscopic quantization of flux vacua, and in the search for constraints on low-energy physics derived from consistency of the stringy UV completion.
In other phases, when the gravitational interactions become strong and a smooth spacetime geometry ceases to be a good approximation, a more convenient description of string theory may be given in terms of a weakly-coupled non-gravitational quantum field theory. Remarkably, these two descriptions—with and without gravity—appear to be completely equivalent, with one remaining weakly-coupled when its dual is strongly interacting. This equivalence, known as gauge-gravity duality, allows us to study strongly-coupled string and quantum field theories by studying perturbative features of their weakly-coupled duals. Gauge-gravity duals have already led to interesting predictions for the quark-gluon plasma studied at RHIC. A major focus of Adams's present research is to use such dualities to find weakly-coupled descriptions of strongly-interacting condensed matter systems which can be realized in the lab.Allan Adams | Speaker |