Annette Heuser: The 3 agencies with the power to make or break economies
Annette Heuser: 3 axencias co poder de crear ou destruír economías
Annette Heuser proposes critical reforms to loosen the iron grip of rating agencies on national credit scores. Full bio
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cualificación desvaloriza un país,
pagadores de impostos
para que vos poidan prestar.
non se pode permitir
escolas ou seguridade social.
soberanas afectan a todos
de cualificación contrólano
is a market concentration,
unha concentración de mercado
agencies have contributed,
de cualificación contribuíron
de cualificación a diario.
non nos din realmente
crucial dá nosa economía,
axencias de cualificación
de lucro para riscos soberanos
entidade sen ánimo de lucro.
para marcar unha diferencia,
axencia internacional
as economías emerxentes
voice and representation.
e representación equitativos.
unha visualización
en que é importante saber
in renewable energy and education.
en enerxías renovables e educación.
capaz de implementar
desemprego de xente xóven:
por cento da poboación dun país
na economía
as súas avaliacións,
the big three rating agencies
e sen ánimo de lucro na ecuación,
aféctannos a todos
modelo agora mesmo
capaces e con ganas
oportunidade única
estivesen sóas.
Annette Heuser - Rating agency reformerAnnette Heuser proposes critical reforms to loosen the iron grip of rating agencies on national credit scores.
Why you should listen
Credit rating agencies, with their power to downgrade credit ratings for entire nations, have come under intense scrutiny and recent events have put their acceptance and transparency into question. What if there was an alternative, free from the limitations and weakened legitimacy that encumbers the big three agencies?
Annette Heuser, executive director of the Washington branch of the German Bertelsmann Foundation, has created a blueprint for a new, non-profit solution to loosen the agencies’ iron grip. The International Nonprofit Credit Rating Agency (INCRA) would conduct unsolicited foreign-risk assessments, redefining sovereign ratings as a public good, and could dramatically shift the financial futures of the world.
Annette Heuser | Speaker |