James B. Glattfelder: Who controls the world?
James B. Glattfelder: Tko kontrolira svijet?
James B. Glattfelder aims to give us a richer, data-driven understanding of the people and interactions that control our global economy. He does this not to push an ideology -- but with the hopes of making the world a better place. Full bio
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i presamouvjerena ekonomska znanost
Europske središnje banke.
djelotvorno gospodarstvo, ili mir.
od kojeg je sazdana naša zbilja,
svakoga dana budimo.
kojeg želite razumjeti
kao i njihovo testiranje.
zašto bi misli u našim glavama
djelovanjem svemira.
svojih ograničenja.
u posljednjem citatu,
zainteresirao za kompleksne sustave.
ili djelujućih dijelova:
kao kompleksno ponašanje
spontano pojavljivanje.
od zbroja vlastitih dijelova.
i njihovu kompleksnost.
o termitu, ili o ptici,
poveznice među njima.
u proučavanju kompleksnih sustava.
u fizici, biologiji,
pukotina u literaturi.
bile su vlasničke mreže.
u izravnoj vezi s kontrolom,
Jesu li izdvojeni?
Dobro. Učinimo to.
i zato što smo željeli otkriti
transnacionalne korporacije;
mrežu oko tih tvrtki,
ali dominantna jezgra
financijska četvrt,
glasačka prava.
omogućuju izračunati
u maloj tvrtki,
u većoj tvrtki.
izračunavanja sve te mrežne kontrole?
Krenuli smo od 600.000 čvorova,
financijske institucije.
za globalnu ekonomiju.
mrežu TNC-ova
autoritarnih utjecaja
iz naše studije
brojnim sličnim istraživanjima,
biti ucrtano u budućnosti.
usmjereni k razumijevanju
iz perspektive kompleksnosti.
do prvih rezultata.
ekonomiji, politici,
gledište o kompleksnosti
suprotstavljene zamisli,
globalizirani svijet.
se moramo osloboditi dogmi.
James B. Glattfelder - Complex systems theoristJames B. Glattfelder aims to give us a richer, data-driven understanding of the people and interactions that control our global economy. He does this not to push an ideology -- but with the hopes of making the world a better place.
Why you should listen
First a physicist and then a researcher at a Swiss hedge fund, James B. Glattfelder found himself amazed by the level of understanding we have in regards to the physical world and universe around us. He wondered: how can we move toward a similar understanding of human society?
This question led him to the study of complex systems, a subject he now holds a Ph.D in from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. Glattfelder is co-head of quantitative research at Olsen Ltd in Zurich, an FX investment manager focusing on market-stabilizing algorithms. In 2011, he co-authored the study “The Network of Global Corporate Control,” which went viral in the international media and sparked many controversial discussions. The study looked at the architecture of ownership across the globe, and computed a level of control exerted by each international player. The study revealed that less than 1% of all the players in the global economy are part of a highly interconnected and powerful core which, because of the high levels of overlap, leaves the economy vulnerable.
In his free time, Glattfelder enjoys snowboarding, rock climbing, surfing and listening to electronic music.
James B. Glattfelder | Speaker | TED.com