Marlene Zuk: What we learn from insects' sex lives
Marlene Zuk: Apa yang dapat dipelajari dari kehidupan seks serangga yang menyimpang
Marlene Zuk studies insect behavior -- and how humans use animal behavior to think about how we behave ourselves. Full bio
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daripada mati.
than they are of dying.
"Book of Lists" tahun 1973
"Book of Lists" survey
terburuk, terlucu masa kini.
worst, funniest lists that you see today.
dan berbicara di depan umum
sebagai faktor ketakutan.
as sources of fear.
spiders in there,
laba-laba dalam daftar itu,
akan berada di urutan teratas.
would have just topped the chart.
beberapa pemikir ilmiah terhebat,
of the greatest minds in science,
beberapa pikiran terkecil di Bumi.
some of the smallest minds on Earth.
kembali kepada serangga?
coming back to insects?
magnitude of almost everything about them.
akan hampir semua tentangnya.
daripada jenis binatang lainnya.
than any other kind of animal.
ada berapa jenis spesies serangga,
of insects there are,
yang ditemukan setiap saat.
are being discovered all the time.
maybe as many as 10 million.
bahkan, mungkin 10 juta.
an insect-of-the-month calendar
dengan "serangga di bulan ini"
selama lebih dari 80,000 tahun.
for over 80,000 years.
serangga itu sangat penting.
satu dari tiga gigitan makanan
that 1 out of every 3 bites of food
untuk membuat penemuan mendasar
dari struktur sistem syaraf
of our nervous systems
tentang serangga
about our own behavior.
tentang perilaku kita.
everything that people do.
segala yang manusia lakukan.
bertengkar, berpisah.
they fight, they break up.
like love or animosity.
seperti cinta atau kebencian.
different than what drives our own,
sangat berbeda dari apa menggerakkan kita,
menjadi sangat mencerahkan.
can be really illuminating.
yang paling menyita pikiran kita -- seks.
of our most consuming interests -- sex.
dan saya rasa saya bisa bela,
and I think I can defend,
pernyataan yang mengejutkan.
interesting than sex in people.
daripada seks manusia.
beberapa asumsi kita
some of our own assumptions
terhadap jantan dan betina.
berhubungan seks untuk berreproduksi.
to have sex at all to reproduce.
of themselves without ever mating.
dari diri sendiri tanpa harus kawin.
interesting than human sperm.
daripada sperma manusia.
than the male's own body.
daripada tubuh pejantannya.
use their sperm to compete.
spermanya untuk bersaing.
like the horns on these beetles.
senjata, seperti tanduk pada kepik ini.
after mating with their sperm.
dengan sperma setelah kawin.
that look kind of like Swiss Army knives
yang hampir mirip pisau Swiss Army
like scoops,
yang tangguh ini seperti sendok,
that the female has mated with.
yang kawin sebelumnya dengan si betina.
of us imitating them
bahwa kita akan meniru mereka
an example for us to follow.
contoh untuk kita ikuti.
is probably just as well.
is rampant among insects?
merajalela di dunia serangga?
that we humans have about the sex roles.
tentang peranan seks.
dictates kind of a 1950s sitcom version
seperti sitkom versi tahun 1950-an
selalu dominan dan agresif,
supposed to be dominant and aggressive,
dengan jangkrik dan belalang.
and grasshoppers.
siapa yang akan mereka kawini,
about who they mate with,
memberikan sperma saat kawin,
sperm during mating,
semacam hadiah seserahan.
something called a nuptial gift.
sedang kawin di foto ini.
mating in these photos.
pejantannya di sisi kanan,
the male's the one on the right,
is the female's egg-laying organ.
adalah organ peletak telur betina.
adalah hadiah seserahan,
dari tubuhnya sendiri
this from his own body
untuk membuatnya.
sepertiga bobot tubuhnya.
of his body mass.
and let you think about
dan membiarkan Anda berpikir
setiap kali mereka berhubungan seks,
every time they had sex,
yang beratnya 22, 27, 32 kg.
that weighed 50, 60, 70 pounds.
melakukannya sesering itu.
to do that very often.
hadiah seserahan ini.
these nuptial gifts to.
saat dan setelah kawin.
during and after mating.
semakin bagus pejantannya,
the better off the male is,
dan membuahi sel telurnya.
and fertilize her eggs.
are very passive about mating,
sangat pasif akan perkawinan,
sangat agresif dan kompetitif,
are extremely aggressive and competitive,
sebanyak mungkin hadiah seserahan.
nutritious nuptial gifts as they can.
peraturan yang stereotipikal.
a stereotypical set of rules.
dalam kehidupan banyak serangga.
in the lives of a lot of insects.
lebah dan tawon dan semut --
the bees and wasps and ants --
to your sugar bowl,
from flower to flower --
their head around that idea for millennia.
tingkatan lebah, yaitu lebah pendengung,
a class of bees, the drones,
kemalasan lebah pendengung
of the drones' laziness
hanya berdiam di sekitar sarang
the drones just hang around the hive
mereka adalah pejantan.
mengumpulkan madu atau polen.
in gathering nectar or pollen.
jenis kelamin lebah pendengung,
the drones' sex,
menyadari kemampuan sengatan lebah
were aware of the stinging ability of bees
senjata semacam itu mungkin saja betina.
could possibly be a female.
individu penyengat itu pejantan ..."
individuals are going to be the males ..."
because that would have meant
of the young in a colony,
itu sama sekali tak mungkin.
that would be completely impossible.
lebah punya dua organ kelamin
bees had the organs of both sexes
beberapa binatang melakukannya,
some animals do that,
benar-benar mengungkapnya.
did get it figured out.
my students, for instance,
murid saya, contohnya,
termasuk serangga, sebagai pejantan.
including insects, a male.
that the ferocious army-ant soldiers
bahwa pasukan prajurit semut yang ganas
untuk mempertahankan koloni,
used to defend the colony,
tak terlalu percaya pada saya.
Antz, Bee Movie --
Antz, Bee Movie --
pada serangga sosial sebagai pejantan.
in the social insects as being male.
bicara seperti Jerry Seinfeld?
if they talk like Jerry Seinfeld?
dari masalah yang lebih penting
is part of a much deeper one
pengobatan dan kesehatan
for medicine and health
yang disebut sebagai sistem model,
use what we call model systems,
tikus putih atau lalat buah --
white rats or fruit flies --
termasuk manusia.
for all other animals, including people.
yang berlaku pada manusia
that what's true for a person
ternyata itu adalah masalahnya.
that turns out to be the case.
sistem model itu terlalu jauh.
of a model system too far.
telah kita lakukan adalah
seolah mereka sistem model.
as though they are the model system.
after you get the basics down.
setelah Anda menguasai dasarnya.
yang ada di depan mata mereka.
what was in front of them.
panggung dunia dikuasai pejantan
stage was largely occupied by male players
peran minor, asal lewat saja.
minor, walk-on roles.
on a lot of what nature is like.
banyak yang kita lewatkan tentang alam.
natural, living things, including people,
alam, makhluk hidup, termasuk manusia.
kita memakai pejantan
as models in a lot of medical research,
banyak penelitian medis,
bisa menjadi masalah
to both men and women.
baik bagi pria maupun wanita.
I really love about insects
tentang serangga
find unnerving about them.
cara berpikir kita pada umumnya.
the way we normally think of it.
but they lack complicated brains.
tapi dengan otak yang tidak rumit.
as though they're little people
seolah mereka itu manusia kecil
the way that we do.
untuk mengantropomorfisme serangga,
to anthropomorphize insects,
bahwa mereka manusia kecil
like they're little people
menerima mereka apa adanya mereka,
on their own terms,
apa yang normal dan apa yang alamiah.
what's normal and what's natural.
and talk about parallel universes.
dan berbicara tentang dunia paralel.
tentang dunia supernatural,
berjalan di sekitar kita.
walking among us.
sebagai sedikit alasan
why they want to dabble in the paranormal.
dengan dunia paranormal.
Marlene Zuk - Evolutionary biologistMarlene Zuk studies insect behavior -- and how humans use animal behavior to think about how we behave ourselves.
Why you should listen
Marlene Zuk is a biologist and writer who researches animal behavior and evolution, mostly using insects as subjects. Zuk is interested in the ways that people use animal behavior to think about human behavior, and vice versa, as well as in the public's understanding of evolution. She teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in the Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior at the University of Minnesota -- including a seminar called “What’s the Alternative to Alternative Medicine?”
In addition to publishing numerous scientific articles, Zuk has published four books for a general audience: Sexual Selections: What We Can and Can’t Learn About Sex from Animals; Riddled with Life: Friendly Worms, Ladybug Sex, and the Parasites That Make Us Who We Are; Sex on Six Legs: Lessons on Life, Love and Language from the Insect World; and most recently, Paleofantasy: What Evolution Really Tells Us About Sex, Diet and the Way We Live.
Marlene Zuk | Speaker |