Finn Lützow-Holm Myrstad: How tech companies deceive you into giving up your data and privacy
Finn Lützow-Holm Myrstad: Bagaimana perusahaan teknologi memperdaya Anda agar menyerahkan data dan privasi Anda
Finn Lützow-Holm Myrstad leads the development of better, more ethical digital policies and standards at the Norwegian Consumer Council. Full bio
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yang terus bersama Anda,
that was a constant companion,
punya Winnie the Pooh,
had Winnie the Pooh,
petualangan tiada akhir?
fueled endless adventures?
to my friend Cayla.
pada teman saya Cayla.
in countries around the world.
di banyak negara di dunia.
and uses speech recognition technology
teknologi pengenal suara
with your child's imagination.
imajinasi anak Anda.
harvesting masses of personal information
mengumpulkan segunung informasi pribadi
chatting away in the safety of their home,
dengan polosnya di dalam rumah yang aman,
consumers' rights in my country.
hak konsumen di negara saya.
seperti mobil,
expected to come online by 2020,
akan masuk daring di tahun 2020,
worth investigating further.
untuk ditelusuri lebih jauh,
yang dipelajarinya?
she was learning?
loyal to and shared her information with?
dan berbagi informasi dengannya?
untuk mengakses semua fitur.
to access all her features.
being changed without notice.
yang dapat diubah tanpa pemberitahuan.
her friends and family,
dan keluarganya,
with unnamed third parties.
ke pihak ketiga yang anonim.
can connect to Cayla
bisa terhubung dengan Cayla
that made and programmed Cayla,
yang membuat dan memrogram Cayla,
sistem sekuritinya, hanya seorang ahli IT.
in order to breach the security.
and live hack Cayla together?
dan meretas Cayla bersama-sama?
terpisah oleh tembok.
can connect to the doll
bisa terhubung ke bonekanya
where Cayla and her friends are.
tempat Cayla dan teman-temannya.
berdiri di luar dengan telepon pintarnya,
dari Cayla di dalam rumah yang aman.
in the safety of their room.
to come out and play with me?
type of security to do this.
untuk melakukan ini.
in 20 countries around the world,
di 20 negara di seluruh dunia,
yang signifikan ini
by Amazon and Wal-Mart,
in stores around the world
di berbagai belahan dunia
laporan kami diterbitkan.
after we published our report.
there are few rules to protect us
peraturan untuk melindungi kita
are not being properly enforced.
benar-benar ditegakkan.
and privacy of these devices right
dan privasi perangkat semacam ini
of locking a house with a key
through a connected device?
melalui perangkat yang terhubung?
"This will not happen to me.
"Ini takkan terjadi padaku.
from these flawed devices."
dari perangkat cacat seperti ini."
connecting to the internet,
take-it-or-leave-it position.
"mau tidak mau" yang mustahil.
I have dozens of apps on my phone,
ada puluhan aplikasi di telepon saya,
bisa membuat hidup lebih mudah,
they can make our lives easier,
into a false sense of security?
dalam rasa aman yang palsu?
mencentang sebuah kotak.
tidak terlalu panjang
they were impossible to understand,
syarat itu sulit dipahami,
imbalance is established,
ketidakseimbangan posisi,
to our personal information
informasi pribadi kita
on a scale we could never imagine.
pada skala yang tak terbayangkan.
decided to take a deeper look at this.
memutuskan untuk menelaah lebih jauh.
how unrealistic it is
betapa tidak realistisnya
to actually read the terms,
benar-benar membaca syaratnya,
and read them out loud ourselves,
dan membacanya keras-keras,
live on our websites.
percobaan ini di situs kami.
ini makan waktu cukup lama.
49 minutes and 11 seconds
of the "Harry Potter" movies
nonton maraton film-film Harry Potter
much, much longer.
for 20 to 30 years
selama 20 sampai 30 tahun
yang lebih baik,
syarat dan ketentuannya.
to the terms and conditions.
pada percobaan ini,
is close to impossible.
yang diinformasikan hampir mustahil.
of responsibility on the consumer?
tanggung jawab pada konsumen?
less take-it-or-leave-it
dikuranginya posisi "mau tidak mau"
yang dapat dipahami sebelum kesepakatan.
before we agree to them.
a story about love.
kisah tentang cinta.
most popular apps are dating apps,
adalah aplikasi kencan,
or close to, three billion dollars a year.
atau hampir tiga miliar dolar per tahun.
sharing our intimate details
berbagi keakraban yang mendetil
untuk menyelidikinya.
the issue from all angles
kencan terpopuler di dunia.
most popular dating apps myself.
dan bilang pada istri saya ...
pada aplikasi kencan populer
on a very popular dating app
ada kotak yang sudah dicentang dahulu
was a preticked box
akses ke foto pribadi saya di Facebook,
to all my personal pictures on Facebook,
kacamata baca saya untuk ini.
my reading glasses for this one.
because this is complicated.
untuk Anda karena ini memusingkan.
pada layanan kencan --
in the dating service --
Anda tak bisa berubah pikiran --
you can't change your mind --
dapat di-sublisensikan, berbayar penuh,
sublicensable, fully paid-up,
memakai, menyalin, menyimpan, melakukan,
to use, copy, store, perform,
memodifikasi, dan menyebarkan konten,
and distribute the content,
into other works
dari hal-hal di atas pada media apapun
of the foregoing in any media
atau dibuat di sini."
that all your dating history
dipakai untuk tujuan apapun selamanya.
can be used for any purpose for all time.
seeing your sassy dating photos
foto-foto kencan Anda yang berani
20 tahun dari sekarang.
practices mean to you?
praktik periklanan ini bagi Anda?
whether you will get a mortgage or not.
akan dapat agunan atau tidak.
based on your photos and chats,
berdasarkan foto dan obrolan Anda,
when you are at your most vulnerable.
saat Anda paling lemah.
ke perusahaan asuransi kesehatan,
to a health insurance company,
coverage in the future.
pertanggungan di masa depan.
in the world today.
of data are malign.
penggunaan data merugikan.
atau harus diperbaiki,
changed their policies globally
kebijakan mereka secara global
tak mungkin ada di mana-mana.
can't be everywhere.
bisa mengatasinya sendiri,
hal polos yang kita katakan
that something innocent we said
kita diperhatikan dan diawasi,
watched and monitored,
yang punya data kita dan penggunaannya,
and how it is being used,
are not random examples.
bukan contoh acak.
bahwa perlu ada perubahan.
that things need to change.
mencapai perubahan itu?
that by prioritizing privacy and security,
memprioritaskan privasi dan keamanan,
kepercayaan dan loyalitas pengguna.
and loyalty to their users.
internet yang lebih aman
dan pembaharuan peraturan.
and up-to-date rules.
can only truly benefit society
hanya dapat bermanfaat bagi masyarakat
Finn Lützow-Holm Myrstad - Information security researcherFinn Lützow-Holm Myrstad leads the development of better, more ethical digital policies and standards at the Norwegian Consumer Council.
Why you should listen
Using targeted research and global coalition building, Finn Lützow-Holm Myrstad and his team convince governments and companies to improve their policies. Myrstad is the EU Chair of the Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue's INFOSOC Committee, which gathers 75 organizations from both sides of the Atlantic. Myrstad shapes opinion through addresses to audiences such as the G20, European Parliament, SXSW, Princeton University and TED.
Some of their projects so far include privacy and security challenges posed by: internet-connected devices, user terms in apps and tech companies use of dark patterns. Myrstad informs his digital work with his business and LSE degrees as well as his previous experience in politics, energy and the private sector. In 2018 he was named amongst Politico's top influencers in the "GDPR power matrix," and in 2017 he and his team won the European Excellence Awards for best Public Affairs campaign for the work on connected toys.
Finn Lützow-Holm Myrstad | Speaker |