Katrina Spade: When I die, recompose me
Katrina Spade: Kompostuokite mane po mirties
Katrina Spade created a system called "recomposition" that transforms human bodies into soil, so that we can return to the earth after we die. Full bio
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and I grew up in a medical family
užaugau medikų šeimoje,
about death and dying at the dinner table.
net prie vakarienės stalo.
like so many of my family members.
ir nestojau į mediciną.
to learn how to design.
ir mokiausi dizaino.
I began to be curious
to my physical body after I died.
and dearest do with me?
ir brangiausi žmonės?
and the fact of your own mortality
funerary practices will.
choose conventional burial.
renkasi tradicinį laidojimo būdą.
nuo balzamavimo,
designed to preserve the corpse
sulaikančiu palaikų irimą
bodies are buried in a casket
kūnas palaidojamas karste,
to build a Golden Gate Bridge,
pastatyti Aukso Vartų tiltą,
1,800 single family homes,
pastatyti namus 1 800 šeimoms,
embalming fluid
Olimpinio dydžio plaukimo baseinams.
all over the world are reaching capacity.
jau tuoj nebeliks vietos.
make good business sense
a piece of land for eternity.
no matter how much money you have.
nepaisant to, kiek daug pinigų turi.
have risen fast.
be incinerated after she died,
sudeginti močiutės palaikus,
from the family deathbed.
nuo velionės patalo.
of Americans choose cremation,
pasirenka kremaciją,
was a sustainable form of disposition,
nekenkia gamtos ištekliams,
after we've died.
to turn bodies into ash,
energijos kiekiai,
and contributing to climate change.
prie klimato atšilimo.
pounds of carbon dioxide
anglies dioksido –
that most of us will do on this earth
kurį dauguma padarysime šioje žemėje,
and death-denied our way into a status quo
tokią laidojimo sistemą,
between ourselves and nature
are designed to stave off
yra sukurta atitolinti
that happen to a body after death.
kurie įvyksta kūne po mirties.
to prevent us from decomposing.
really good at death.
break it down into nutrient-rich soil,
į derlingą dirvožemį,
I was thinking about all this,
to redesign death care.
kaip pakeisti laidojimo tvarką.
rather than something to be feared?
ir kurios nereikėtų bijoti?
supports our living bodies
have you heard about the farmers
in agricultural institutions
žemės ūkio institucijose
called livestock mortality composting
you take an animal high in nitrogen
that are high in carbon.
kuriose gausu anglies.
so it requires oxygen,
todėl tam reikia deguonies
plenty of moisture as well.
is covered with a few feet of wood chips,
keletu sluoksnių pjuvenų,
for breezes to provide oxygen
kur vėjas suteiks deguonį,
is a nutrient-rich compost.
prisotintas kompostas.
call myself a decomposition nerd,
irimo fanatike,
the process of composting "magic."
for nature to do its job.
of antibacterial soap.
in with open arms.
mikrobus ir bakterijas.
into smaller molecules and atoms,
molekules ir atomus,
into new molecules.
the light bulb that went off in my head
užsidegusią man virš galvos
of livestock mortality composting
and transform them into soil.
paverstų dirvožemiu.
I truly never could have imagined.
kaip negalėjau net įsivaizduoti.
replicable non-profit urban model
pelno nesiekiantį modelį,
of livestock mortality composting
with experts in soil science,
srities ekspertai,
from foundations and individuals
a prototype of this system,
of people all over the world
full-scale human composting facility
natūralaus dydžio įrenginį
with the cycles of nature
su gamtos ciklu
with gentleness and respect.
švelnumą ir pagarbą.
accelerated natural decomposition,
pagreitintą natūralų irimą,
is taken to a human composting facility.
į žmonių kompostavimo įstaigą.
in a simple shroud,
to the top of the core,
į įrenginio centrą,
decomposition system.
from human to soil.
the body decomposes naturally.
kūnas natūraliai suyra.
break down carbon, then protein,
anglį, po to baltymus,
to grow new life.
naujai gyvybei užmegzti.
lemon meringue pie right now?
to support the grieving
and end-of-life planning.
kitas laidojimo paslaugas.
can be converted into places
gali būti paversti į vietas,
ir pagerbiamas gyvenimas.
over the past hundred years
per pastaruosius šimtą metų,
as a model for these places
panašioms įstaigoms
in South Africa, Australia,
iš Pietų Afrikos, Australijos,
ir kitų šalių.
design and build facilities
ir pastatyti įrenginius,
in their own cities.
should look and feel completely different
būtų išskirtinė,
for the neighborhood in which they reside
konkrečios vietos poreikius
for supportive staff to be on hand
and preparation of loved ones' bodies.
mirusiųjų kūnais.
that bewilder and disempower
kuri klaidina ir sekina,
that is beautiful and meaningful
kuri būtų graži, prasminga
to ecological death care
laidojimo būdo pasirinkimas
you can compost a human?
gali kompostuoti ir žmogų?
running a pilot project
at Western Carolina University.
Teismo antropologijos skyriumi.
buvo uždengti pjuvenomis,
have been covered in wood chips,
to demonstrate that it's possible
kad įmanoma
of natural decomposition
natūralaus irimo galią
with other universities as well.
at Washington State University,
dirvožemio tyrinėtojai,
teeth with amalgam fillings
su metalinėmis plombomis,
what happens to the mercury therein.
jose esančiam gyvsidabriui.
to chemo drugs and pharmaceuticals
ir preparatams
remediation will be needed.
didelis kiekis šilumos,
type of composting.
composting our fifth donor body,
kompostavimo pradžios,
that mound of wood chips
pagal Celsijų.
to create energy
panaudotume gaminti energiją
Katrina Spade - Inventor, designer, death care advocateKatrina Spade created a system called "recomposition" that transforms human bodies into soil, so that we can return to the earth after we die.
Why you should listen
Katrina Spade is a designer and entrepreneur who focuses on transforming death care. As the founder and CEO of Recompose, she is developing a new model of caring for our dead which focuses on transparency, participation, and nature. She has a Masters in Architecture from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, a certificate in Sustainable Design and Building from Yestermorrow Design/Build School and a Bachelors in Cultural Anthropology from Haverford College.
Spade's work has been featured in The Atlantic, Wired, and the New York Times. She is an Echoing Green Climate Fellow.
Katrina Spade | Speaker | TED.com