Topher White: What can save the rainforest? Your used cell phone
Topher White: Ce-ar putea salva pădurea tropicală? Vechiul tău celular
Through his startup Rainforest Connection, Topher White transforms used cell phones into guardians of the rainforest. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
as a tourist,
for the very first time,
pădurile tropicale din Borneo
am fost frapat de sunetele acesteia.
of the forest that struck me the most.
pasărea rinocer.
a rhinoceros hornbill.
care își cântă de la mare distanță.
over a great distance.
într-o rezervație de giboni,
was in fact a gibbon reserve,
was coming out of the forest that time
care venea atunci din pădure
de fapt, nimeni de acolo nu-l observase.
had actually noticed it.
se ocupau preponderent
rehabilitating gibbons,
dar alocau mult timp
to spend a lot of their time
that takes place on the side.
de tăierile ilegale de acolo.
scoatem gibonii, insectele şi restul,
the insects, and the rest,
in recordings you heard,
la mare distanţă, o drujbă.
at great distance.
postați la limita rezervației
who were posted around this sanctuary
to guard against illegal logging,
să o apere de tăierile ilegale.
ca turiştii prin pădure,
again as tourists, out into the forest,
am dat peste cineva care tăia un copac,
who was just sawing a tree down,
from the ranger station.
de postul de pază.
to hear the chainsaws,
e zgomotoasă, cum aţi auzit.
the forest is very, very loud.
that in this modern time,
ca în vremurile noastre moderne,
from a ranger station in a sanctuary,
într-o rezervație, nimeni nu aude drujba.
someone who has a chainsaw gets fired up.
but in fact, it was quite true.
always to come up with a high-tech,
o super-soluție high-tech năzdrăvană.
soluţia trebuia să fie simplă,
it has to be scalable,
while were there was that
tot ce ne trebuia.
that would allow us to stop this
prin care să oprim asta,
already in the forest?
Ce aveam deja în pădure?
dedicated, three full-time guards,
hotărâți să stopeze tăierea copacilor,
ce se întâmpla în pădure.
what was happening out in the forest.
că aveam conectivitate acolo, în pădure.
out in the forest.
în mijlocul junglei.
way out in the middle of nowhere.
from the nearest road,
de cel mai apropiat drum,
but they had very good cell phone service,
dar aveau semnal foarte bun,
were on Facebook all the time,
pe Facebook tot timpul,
that in fact it would be possible
de sunetele pădurii,
sunetele de drujbă
of chainsaws programmatically,
şi să trimit o alertă prin telefon.
to go up in the trees.
to listen to the sounds of the forest,
cu care să ascultăm sunetele pădurii,
network that's there,
de telefonie existentă
găsind astfel soluţia problemei lor.
to this issue for them.
to talk about saving the rainforest,
salvarea pădurilor tropicale
am tot auzit de când ne știm.
definitely all heard about forever.
have heard about saving the rainforest
de salvarea pădurilor tropicale
și se pare că mesajul e același:
has never changed:
salvate pădurile tropicale”,
it's super urgent,
de atâtea terenuri de fotbal”.
have been destroyed yesterday.
din pădurea tropicală
about half of the rainforest remains,
problems like climate change.
cum e schimbarea climatică.
that I didn't realize at the time:
de care nu eram conștient atunci,
for more greenhouse gas
mai multe gaze cu efect de seră
trains, cars, trucks and ships combined.
camioanele și vapoarele împreună.
schimbarea climatică.
to climate change.
that takes place in the rainforest
sunt ilegale,
like the illegal logging that we saw.
să aplice legea în pădure,
enforce the rules that are there,
into this 17 percent
într-un timp scurt.
in the short term.
fastest way to fight climate change.
cale de luptă cu schimbarea climatică.
Pare tehnologie super-înaltă.
is heard in the forest,
aparatul detectează sunetul,
of the chainsaw,
GSM network that's already there
pe paznicul din teren
and stop the logging.
și poate opri delictul.
and finding a tree that's been cut.
a tree from a satellite
rămas după o defrişare.
and fastest way to do it,
rapidă și ieftină cale,
they weren't able to do it,
ei n-au reuşit s-o facă,
were actually cell phones,
ar fi celulare, ar putea fi foarte ieftin.
sute de milioane de celulare,
by the hundreds of millions every year,
which of course we should do,
cum ar trebui,
Pot asculta pădurea.
to the sounds of the forest.
ce se vede aici și alimentate.
that you see here,
engineering challenges
din marile provocări pe care le-am avut
under a tree canopy,
unui celular sub coronament,
under a tree canopy,
sub coronament e o problemă.
solar panel design that you see here,
construit tot din resturi,
byproducts of an industrial process.
în garajul părinților.
pentru că mi-au dat voie.
for allowing me to do that.
this is a device up in a tree.
is that they are pretty well obscured
de coronament şi de distanţa de la sol.
they are able to hear chainsaw noises
deși detectează sunetul drujbei
acoperind cam 3 km pătraţi,
about three square kilometers,
it would make the area unprotected.
suprafața rămâne descoperită.
we took it back to Indonesia,
în Indonezia, în alt loc,
periclitată zilnic de tăieri ilegale.
by illegal logging.
illegal chainsaw noises.
zgomot de drujbă, ilegal.
Am primit e-mail pe celular.
Everyone had just gotten back down.
Toţi restul coborâseră şi fumau.
and they all quiet down,
dar nimeni n-o auzise până atunci.
until that moment.
to actually stop these loggers.
Eram puțin nervos.
arrived close to where the loggers are.
unde erau tăietorii.
where I'm actually regretting
întreagul demers,
the other side of this hill.
Tipul e mult mai curajos decât mine.
a trebuit să urc dealul după el.
şi i-a întrerupt pe tăietori.
nimeni nu-i mai oprise până atunci.
been interrupted before --
– ne-au spus ai noştri –
event for them,
they have not been back since.
cum se desfăşoară tot procesul
the entire operation works,
on the spot was that
ajunge ca să nu se mai întoarcă.
in real time and stop people,
they won't come back.
because we told a lot of people,
pentru că spusesem multora.
amazing stuff started to happen.
să trimită e-mailuri, să dea telefoane.
started to send us emails, phone calls.
şi America de Sud,
throughout Asia,
people throughout South America,
au nevoie de aşa ceva.
crezusem că e excepţional
we thought might be exceptional,
Ni s-a spus că nu e excepțional
pretty good cell phone service.
of the forests that are most under threat.
care e cea mai periclitată.
really amazing happened,
their own old cell phones.
vechile telefoane mobile.
oamenii din teren, care deja sunt acolo,
people who are already there,
and use the existing connectivity,
that are being sent to us
trimise de oamenii din întreaga lume,
în „viața de apoi”, să zic așa.
something else in their afterlife,
poate fi reciclat în întregime,
can be completely recycled,
în întregime reciclabilă.
an entirely upcycled device.
vreo soluție high-tech.
because of any sort of high-tech solution.
what's already there,
a ceea ce exista deja
that if it's not phones,
dacă nu cu celulare,
going to be enough there
foarte eficiente în noul context.
in new contexts.
Topher White - Conservation technologistThrough his startup Rainforest Connection, Topher White transforms used cell phones into guardians of the rainforest.
Why you should listen
In 2012, Topher White founded Rainforest Connection, a startup which converts recycled cell-phones into solar-powered listening devices to monitor and protect remote areas of the rainforest. Now an established NGO, Rainforest Connection has helped stop illegal logging and poaching operations in Sumatra, and the system is being expanded to three more rainforest reserves in Indonesia, the Amazon and Africa.
With a background in physics and engineering, White worked as web chief of ITER and co-founded Enthuse, a sports engagement and mobile rewards platform. For Rainforest Connection, he’s fashioned a simple device made of discarded cell phones and solar panels that detects and sends alerts when it picks up the sound of chainsaws in protected rainforests, allowing for intervention in real time.
Topher White | Speaker |