Martine Rothblatt: My daughter, my wife, our robot, and the quest for immortality
Martine Rothblatt: Fiica mea, soția mea, robotul nostru și căutarea nemuririi
Whether she’s inventing satellite radio, developing life-saving drugs or digitizing the human mind, Martine Rothblatt has a knack for turning visionary ideas into commonplace technology. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
what we're going to do is
that you shared with me.
cu aceasta.
right here with this one.
with our oldest son Eli.
cu fiul meu cel mare, Eli.
the Washington, D.C. bar exam.
really look like a Martine.
the way I was brought up.
așa cum am fost crescut,
to female and Martin to Martine.
de la Martin la Martina.
MR: Corect.
te-ai căsătorit cu o femeie frumoasă.
you married a beautiful woman.
What happened there?
Cum a fost?
din Los Angeles,
in Los Angeles,
I saw just an aura of energy around her.
parcă avea o aură de energie.
of energy around me.
în jurul meu.
She was a single female parent.
eu bărbat, ea femeie.
our kids' pictures,
for a third of a century now.
deja de o treime de secol.
care lucra cu sateliţi.
kind of this hotshot entrepreneur,
addressing this problem
to revolutionize radio.
pentru a revoluţiona radioul.
loved space technology,
puse pe apă de strămoşii noştri.
like the canoes that our ancestors
şi eu pe oceanele cerului.
to be part of the navigation
of satellite communication systems,
de comunicare prin satelit,
bigger and more powerful satellites,
ce mai puternici,
was that the receiving antennas
că antenele receptoare
direct television broadcasting,
televizate în direct,
a more powerful satellite,
un satelit mai puternic,
of a parabolic dish,
into the roof of an automobile,
în acoperişul automobilelor –
nationwide satellite radio,
your monthly subscriptions.
all predictions at the time.
previziunilor de atunci.
and you became Martine.
și ai devenit Martina.
CA: Spune-mi cum s-a întâmplat?
CA: So tell me, how did that happen?
şi cei patru copii minunați ai noştri
and our four beautiful children,
m-am simţit mereu femeie,
and as a woman,
laugh at me if I expressed it,
m-ar batjocori dacă aş arăta asta
had a different take on this.
is Martin and Martine,
Martin sau Martina,
I love your soul."
eu îţi iubesc sufletul.”
will you still be my father?"
I'll always be your father,"
pentru un copil de cinci ani:
brilliant five-year-old thing.
şi ea mă iubeşte pe mine."
and she loves me."
amestecul genului.
with a gender blending whatsoever.
you published this book:
are seven billion people in the world,
to express one's gender.
de exprimare a genului.
the genitals of a male or a female,
feminine sau masculine
şi nici identitatea sexuală.
şi de organe de reproducere,
whatever gender they want
să fie ori una, ori alta,
into categories of either male or female
negrii erau separaţi de albi.
into categories of black or white.
that race is fiction,
că rasa e o ficţiune,
şi feminin e o ficţiune fabricată.
is a constructed fiction.
from male to female.
de la bărbat la femeie.
feel 100 percent female.
îmi schimb genul precum coafura.
as I change my hairstyle.
your gorgeous daughter, Jenesis.
when something pretty terrible happened.
i s-a întâmplat ceva îngrozitor.
unable to walk up the stairs
de consulturi la medici
almost invariably fatal disease
invariabil fatală,
să o ducem la cei mai buni doctori.
to the best doctors we could.
pentru Copii, din Washington, D.C.
Medical Center in Washington, D.C.
to get a lung transplant,
pentru transplant de plămâni,
very few lungs available,
mai ales pentru copii.
with this illness died,
the film "Lorenzo's Oil,"
şi plânge soarta fiului său.
crying and bemoaning the fate of his son,
how we felt about Jenesis.
as the limit of what you could do.
and see if you could find a cure somehow.
căutând un tratament.
la terapie intensivă săptămâni la rând
care ward for weeks at a time,
to stay at the hospital
celălalt cu ceilalţi copii.
the rest of the kids,
and she was sleeping,
mergeam la biblioteca spitalului.
despre hipertensiunea pulmonară.
on pulmonary hypertension.
even in college,
de gimnaziu, apoi cea de liceu,
to a college-level textbook
articole din jurnale şi înapoi,
and the journal articles, back and forth,
that it might be possible
că e posibil ca cineva să găsească leacul.
asking people to submit grants
doctors said to me, Martine,
pe care ni le-ai pus la dispoziţie,
you've provided us,
to find a cure in time
destul de repede cât să-ţi salvăm fiica.
Burroughs Wellcome Company
of the disease,
been acquired by Glaxo Wellcome.
a fost preluat de Glaxo Wellcome.
în medicamente pentru boli rare,
and orphan diseases,
in satellite communications
din comunicaţii prin satelit
for pulmonary hypertension.
pentru hipertensiunea pulmonară.
access to this drug?
and having the door slammed in my face
cu uşa trântită-n nas,
to out-license the drug
să ofere patentul medicamentului
out to anybody at all,
I didn't have the expertise,
a small team of people to work with me
să lucreze cu mine
would even work, by the way,
că medicamentul e bun.
"You're just wasting your time.
că-mi irosesc timpul,
of any revenues we might ever get,
pe care le-am putea primi,
worldwide rights to this drug.
drepturile mondiale asupra medicamentului.
in a really brilliant way,
într-un mod genial,
to make the economics work.
pentru asta.
a drug that I ended up --
dar nu m-am ales cu un medicament.
the medicine for Jenesis?"
„Unde e medicamentul pentru Genesis?"
there's no medicine for Jenesis.
nu există acest medicament,
care am testat-o pe şoareci.”
a little plastic Ziploc bag
care conţinea nişte pudră.
which said it was a patent,
care atesta că e un brevet,
a way to make this medicine.
cum facem medicamentul.
at the top universities
de la universităţi de renume,
could never be turned into a medicine.
nu va putea deveni medicament.
it could never be delivered
n-ar fi putut fi pus în vânzare,
of only 45 minutes.
de doar 45 de minute.
you were there with a medicine
ai scos un medicament,
is that this absolutely worthless
of hope for Jenesis
pentru Genesis,
and other people alive today,
şi pe mulţi alţii,
and a half dollars a year in revenue.
de 1,5 miliarde de dolari anual.
by the way, after that 25,000?
pe lângă cei 25 000 de dolari?
10 percent of 1.5 billion,
last year 100 million dollars.
they ever received. (Laughter)
cred că este asta.
brilliant young lady.
putea face absolut orice în viaţă...
anything with her life,
your whole life with people
care-ţi spun că ai o boală fatală,
that you've got a fatal disease,
not want to run into anybody again.
să nu mai văd pe nimeni.
in United Therapeutics.
la United Therapeutics.
to help other people
cu boli rare să aibă medicamente.
pentru activităţile televizate
for all telepresence activities,
the entire company to work together
prin unificarea digitală a companiei,
pentru hipertensiune pulmonară.
has been so fortunate.
au fost destul de norocoşi.
and you are tackling that too. How?
şi te ocupi şi de asta. Cum?
doar în SUA
people a year in the United States alone,
progresul bolii, dar nu-l opresc.
slow down the progression
pulmonară, fibroză pulmonară,
pulmonary fibrosis,
available lungs for 2,000 people
doar pentru 2000 de oameni, în SUA, anual,
to get a lung transplant,
în stadiul final de colaps pulmonar.
million people a year
şi clădirile timp îndelungat,
în cantităţi nelimitate,
of building parts and machine parts,
de organe transplantabile,
of transplantable organs
of the human genome, Craig Venter,
– care a decodificat genomul uman –
împreună cu Peter Diamandis,
the founder of the X Prize,
be rejected by the human body
să nu fie respinse de corpul uman
de organe pentru transplant.
United Therapeutics.
United Therapeutics.
what, a decade,
va fi rezolvat?
maybe be cured, through these guys?
of the success that we've had
cu televiziunea live Sirius XM.
broadcasting, Sirius XM.
one gene after another.
una după alta.
în care secvenţierea genomială e rutină,
that sequencing genomes
at Synthetic Genomics
şi să le repare.
that are problematic, and fix them.
though that is amazing.
that are of interest to you now.
ci şi mintea.
înseamnă ceva profund pentru tine.
says something quite profound.
and it comes from Ray Kurzweil,
in computer processing
a calculatoarelor,
in earlier presentations today,
în prezentările anterioare,
and the world around us
şi lumea din jur
getting ready for this world
cu credinţa că în curând
be able to, what,
and somehow preserve them forever?
is creating a situation
să facem posibile condițiile
un fişier al minţii
of their mannerisms, personality,
personalităţii, amintiri, sentimente,
into Google, into Amazon, into Facebook,
pe Google, Amazon, Facebook.
will be able, in the next couple decades,
peste câteva zeci de ani,
to recapitulate consciousness,
să recapituleze conştiinţa,
which is imminent in our mind file.
din fişiere minţilor noastre.
messing around with this.
Vorbeşti serios.
a scumpei mele soții, Bina.
my beloved spouse, Bina.
de Hanson Robotics din Texas.
by Hanson Robotics out of Texas.
from National Geographic magazine
National Geographic
of Bina's mannerisms, personalities.
şi personalitate ale Binei.
that blow people away,
o jurnalistă de la New York Times,
journalist Amy Harmon
pe nume Amy Harmon,
are often frustrating,
sunt deseori frustrante
of any flesh person she's interviewed.
ca ale unui om în carne și oase.
part of your hope here, is that
live on forever, or some future upgrade
va trăi cumva mereu?
vor trăi mereu?
mentale pe Facebook, Instagram etc.
to store our mind files
e o invenţie extraordinară.
extraordinary inventions of our time,
that will allow us
pentru conştiinţă,
operating systems,
billions of people,
mind clones of themselves
că într-o conversaţie normală
this would sound stark-staring mad,
what you've done,
după realizările tale,
săptămâna asta,
furnizată de minţile noastre,
that our minds give,
coming from me.
of a communicator of activities
by the greatest companies
working on writing code
care scriu cod
of our human consciousness,
ale conştiinţei umane
to see that all these threads
să vezi că toate aceste fire
and ultimately create human consciousness,
conştiinţa umană.
to do in this life,
un doppelgänger digital al nostru,
a digital doppelgänger of ourselves
să facem cumpărături,
ne vor fi cei mai buni prieteni.
these digital versions of ourselves,
than 30 years ago.
decât acum 30 de ani.”
şi regenerarea corpului
va dura veşnic.
can go on forever.
I'm sure we never will.
şi sigur nici nu se va întâmpla.
MR: She is, yeah.
MR: Da.
do we have a handheld mic?
I just have to ask you one question.
Vreau să te întreb ceva.
in a few years time,
că peste câţiva ani
would become a woman,
tu vei deveni robot...
you would become a robot --
an exciting journey,
thought that at the time,
and setting those goals
we just keep going up and up
continuăm tot mai sus.
aşa că e minunat.
so it's great.
really beautiful,
to live for hundreds of years
we want to do it together.
and we want to wake up together.
vrem să ne trezim împreună.
from my point of view,
uimitoare vieţi din câte cunosc,
astonishing lives I have heard,
love stories I've ever heard.
both here at TED.
MR: Mulţumesc.
Martine Rothblatt - TranshumanistWhether she’s inventing satellite radio, developing life-saving drugs or digitizing the human mind, Martine Rothblatt has a knack for turning visionary ideas into commonplace technology.
Why you should listen
After creating satellite radio with a startup that went on to become Sirius XM, Martine Rothblatt was on the verge of retirement. But her daughter’s rare lung disease inspired her to start United Therapeutics and develop an oral medication that changed the lives of thousands of patients. Now with the Terasem Foundation, she’s researching the digital preservation of personality as a means to enable the contents of our minds to outlast our bodies.
Rothblatt’s books include The Apartheid of Sex, which (inspired by her experiences as a transgendered woman) takes on conventional wisdom surrounding gender. Her latest book, Virtually Human, explores human rights for the digital lifeforms just over the horizon.
Martine Rothblatt | Speaker |